This series of advertisements, created, in a fun video format, were developed to promote the popular, all-ages Marvel Adventures line of comic books. In this action-packed thrill-ride Marvel brings some of it’s mightiest heroes together to battle enemies too powerful for any one hero to defeat! Click on to begin the adventure that’ll leave your jaws on the floor!
With the first advervideo released at, fans everywhere are already clamoring for the next one. On January 10th, 2008, check out for the second advervideo and then, no Marvel fan can afford to be away from their computer on January 17th, 2008, when the third and final one arrives online! All three advervideos feature special cameos and bonus Easter Eggs for Marvel fans new and old—can you spot them all?
Also don’t miss Marvel Adventures Iron Man #1 Special, a new digital comic book that stars Iron Man, Hulk and Spider-Man; the exciting prequel to The Marvel Adventures Animated Advervideos! It’s a brand-new story featuring your favorite heroes…and it’s free at!
It’s super heroics, repulsor rays and smashing like no Marvel fan has ever seen before, exclusively from your friendly neighborhood pals at MarvelKids.Com. So what’re you waiting for? It’s your universe, your favorite heroes and groundbreaking animated fun rolled into the can’t-miss Marvel Adventures Animated Advervideos! Don’t forget, you can pick up Marvel Adventures comics and digests every month wherever comics are sold—ask for Marvel Adventures Iron Man, Marvel Adventures Hulk, Marvel Adventures Spider-Man and more by name!
Visit to experience it now!