POLL: Which Character Would You Most Like To See Back With Marvel Studios?

POLL: Which Character Would You Most Like To See Back With Marvel Studios? POLL: Which Character Would You Most Like To See Back With Marvel Studios?

We all complain about studios like Fox ruining our favourite characters, but which of them would you most like to see back in the hands of Marvel Studios? Hit the jump to vote...

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Dec 25, 2010 06:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

Not an article seems to go by about a movie like Spider-Man, Ghost Rider or X-Men without one of us wishing the rights were back with Marvel Studios. And it's not hard to understand why. With the fantastic looking Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger both leading in the epic 2012 team-up The Avengers, I for one can't help but wish that any of the above characters were part of that shared universe. Fox (perhaps the most hated studio among comic book fans) is also a perfect example of why the likes of Daredevil and Fantastic Four would be better off at home, because as a studio they have failed again and again to live up to the greatness of what Marvel Studios have produced. So, I thought it was about time that we learn which specific character/s you would most like to see back with Marvel if you could choose only one.



Fantastic Four

Ghost Rider


Deadpool, Wolverine & The X-Men

These are the main characters that I could think of who are not owned by Marvel Studios, but if I've forgotten anyone feel free to mention them below and I'll add them to the poll. Thanks for voting, and check back in a few days time for the results!

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manymade1 - 12/25/2010, 6:43 AM
Fantastic Four, marvels first team and most colorful superheroes and what do they get? Crappy movies and animated series that never made it past two seasons. I think it deserves another shot. Which is the main reason im excited for a reboot.
gost - 12/25/2010, 6:49 AM
I thought Blade was already back at Marvel. But yes X-Men should be back, Fox doesn't know how to do the X-Men correctly.
BruceWayneNewton - 12/25/2010, 6:58 AM
X-Men! Fantastic 4 is gay, nobody cares about Daredevil or Ghost Rider, and the Spidey and Blade movies weren't bad except for the threequels of each.
Luigi - 12/25/2010, 7:14 AM
BrandonLi - 12/25/2010, 7:15 AM
I definitely want the Fantastic Four to be with Marvel again. Fox screwed them up soo badly... seriously ?! The smoke monster as Galactus just doesn't work.
Loganace - 12/25/2010, 7:15 AM
I want all of them back with marvel :(
goneforever - 12/25/2010, 7:25 AM
@ Loganace I agree with you. Marvel Studios definitely needs them all back if we want an uber Marvel Cinematic Universe. If they can get back all of their heroes, we could see adaptations of our favorite comic book lines. I mean, think big. We can see a Secret Wars or Civil War popping up someday!
SmokinIndo - 12/25/2010, 7:35 AM
This is one of the HARDEST polls I've had to vote on here at CBM! Spider-Man is my ALL-TIME favorite superhero. He brought me into comics. I would LOVE to see to see him back at the house. If done under the wing of Marvel, Spidey could be restored to his former glory.(pre-Spider-Man 3) Spidey would kick Batman's ass once more!!

However, I realize that as far as impacting the MCU, Spider-Man would have a minimal effect. Spidey's always been a solo player and only within the past 5 years has he started feeling more like part of the Marvel Universe. And do we REALLY want Spider-Man back in the hands of Joe Quesada?

The X-Men and Fantastic Four on the other hand... That would make for some badass changes indeed. With the X-Men, you've got SO many characters that can be done better by Marvel. With the FF, you've got the big three: Dr. Doom, Galactus, and Silver Surfer. Those three arguably trump the entire X-Men IMO. Not to mention that if you bring back the Fantastic Four, you open up the MCU to other planets in other galaxies.

It's gotta be the Fantastic Four for me. The sheer size and scope that the FF would bring to the MCU would be tremendous. And those massive turds that Fox produced were the SHITTIEST Fox turds to date.
havoc9987 - 12/25/2010, 7:40 AM
I'm pretty sure Blade is already back at Marvel so no real problem there. I voted Spider-Man because he is Marvel's most popular character but in a perfect world all of them would be back. Kevin Feige did say that all of them would be back sometime down the line. To be honest I'm not too worried about Spider-Man I have pretty strong feeling that the reboot will end up being good, can't say the same for anything coming from FOX but the Wolverine might just end up being good. I hope that Disney and their Super Lawyers can find some sort of loop hole to take them away from the other studios especially FOX those guys don't even care if the movies they make are any good aslong as they make money that is all that matters to them.
Xandera - 12/25/2010, 7:52 AM
Spiderman and the X-men!

@Intruder - I didn't think of all the characters that would come with Fantastic Four... that would be awesome!

Guys, check out the NEXT Sub-chapter of WHITE FIRE!

"White Fire"
JoshWilding - 12/25/2010, 7:53 AM
Yeah, this poll is definitely a tough one. Spider-Man and Daredevil are two characters that I'd love to see done really well by Marvel Studios, but if I had to pick one of these, the fact is that neither of them would really make a huge difference in terms of what Marvel Studios are doing by creating a shared movie universe. The X-Men have been treated appallingly by Fox (an Avengers/X-Men crossover would also be beyond epic) but the FF had an even worse time of it, and the thought of seeing the likes of Galactus and Doctor Doom adapted properly means that I had to vote for them simply because a decent FF movie by Marvel Studios would be amazing.
JoshWilding - 12/25/2010, 7:54 AM
In an ideal world, they'd get the rights back to ALL of them though. :)
thunderforce - 12/25/2010, 7:56 AM
I don't think blade is back at marvel if he was we would have heard about it by now . While there hasen't been any movies in a while they did have that tv series so that may have counted instead of a movie . I voted x men but want to change it to ff because i just realized it would open up more of the cosmic superhero sector which would be a huge plus .
Xandera - 12/25/2010, 7:56 AM
@Josh - They probably will get all the rights back EVENTUALLY... but unfortunately I think it is definitely gonna take a long time to do that...

Guys, check out the NEXT Sub-chapter of WHITE FIRE!

"White Fire"
KiddSoul - 12/25/2010, 8:28 AM
@ Superguy1591: I agree Cyclops is the leader...but we
all know Wolverine never really played second fiddle
to anyone its in his nature not to. He's more of a
badass lone wolf type and that stands out more as far as an interesting character on film. Because he always
got crazy,wacky interesting characters showing up with connection to his past. Cyclops has an interesting past
also with Havok his brother and his father Corsair. So
yeah definitely ALL of the X-men characters.
Doctorwho22 - 12/25/2010, 8:36 AM
I just want all of them back in the hands of marvel! its best that way
Paulley - 12/25/2010, 8:41 AM
I dont want X-men in the MCU... the whole concept mutants was just a lazy writing excuse for random powered people... and if its discovered that there have been hundreds of powered people running around for the last 100 years then it kind of takes away from these new powered people that are just starting to exist.

Fantastic Four would fit in nicely

Ghost Rider and Blade.. maybe over time (would love to see a Union Jack film introduce vampires and Baron Blood then have Blade come out of that.. i can dream)

Daredevil should merge with Spider-Man.. share Kingpin, Ben Urich, Daily Bugle etc
SpideyQuad - 12/25/2010, 8:45 AM
Everything epic Marvel revolved(s) around the FF, they should be first back. This was a hard choice because I love Daredevil, but the best decision for Marvel Movies would be the Fantastic Four.


Merry Christmas Everyone!
havoc9987 - 12/25/2010, 8:48 AM
@Paulie Even tho I voted Spider-Man I do agree that the X-Men need to be fixed the most and only Marvel Studios can fix it.
KiddSoul - 12/25/2010, 8:54 AM
Now if Marvel had Spider-man...Venom(and the symbiotes) would be well thought out...the Green Goblin's costume would have been portrayed correctly. I liked Sandman and the re-write was okay with connection to Uncle ben's death and Dr. Octopus was done right.

IMO In Spider-Man 3 just have the Sandman and Harry Osborn as Hobgoblin as the villains. Spider-man keeps the black costume throughout the movie and have Eddie brock possesed by the symbiote at the end credits...That sets up Venom nicely. Marvel needs Spider-man back!
LP4 - 12/25/2010, 8:58 AM
I am no marvel fan. But I WAS always a Spidey-fan and I can def say I have a staunch bias to see Spidey become part of the MCU.

Thank god Hulk is part of the MCU.

Aside from those 2 I do not care to be honest.
Wiredwizard - 12/25/2010, 9:13 AM
Howard the Duck...
SmokinIndo - 12/25/2010, 9:15 AM
"the whole concept mutants was just a lazy writing excuse for random powered people..."


The concept of mutants representing the next stage in human evolution and how society fears and hates them is genius writing. Without mutants the whole basis of the X-Men would be obsolete. None of the mythos would make sense. There would be no real-life metaphor towards racism, bigotry, and prejudice. Magneto would not be the single greatest villain in the history of comic books. He would just be a tool with the powers of magnetism. The fact that a new species of hominid exists, is superior to humans in every, can multiply exponentially, AND is perfectly hidden among society is a far greater threat to humanity than somebody with an armored suit, or gamma exposure, or somebody that is peak human.

Would you rather just see another hero born through radiation exposure?
BrotherQStark - 12/25/2010, 9:18 AM
X-Men, so Wolverine can be an Avenger
Freshkicks1212 - 12/25/2010, 9:23 AM
on an unrelated notice marvel bring back WOLVERINE AND THE XMEN!!! canceling the good shows YOU BASTARDS!!!
ScootyPuffJr - 12/25/2010, 9:30 AM
X-MEN or Spidey...can't I vote for both? It is X-mas after all...
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 12/25/2010, 9:32 AM
The way you've grouped them it has to be X-Men. There are too many characters and possibilities with that universe to ignore! If you had broken them down into their factions it might be different, but that in itself is impossible with all the cross over group members!

X-Men = the biggest and worst handled property on the list. Simples!
LinkHall - 12/25/2010, 9:32 AM
I love Blade, but I hadn't heard anything about him being back. But in this poll I would have to vote for X-Men, Wolverine, and Deadpool. I just want to steal stuff from fox. They suck. Also I think Blade needs more recognition as a film series. Batman and Robin almost killed cbm's Blade helped resurrect the genre.
IronicMan - 12/25/2010, 9:35 AM
LinkHall - 12/25/2010, 9:39 AM
I love Blade, but I hadn't heard anything about him being back. But in this poll I would have to vote for X-Men, Wolverine, and Deadpool. I just want to steal stuff from fox. They suck. Also I think Blade needs more recognition as a film series. Batman and Robin almost killed cbm's Blade helped resurrect the genre.
Fabs - 12/25/2010, 10:01 AM
all of them...
jbak368 - 12/25/2010, 10:08 AM
Actually, the concept of mutants representing the next stage of human evolution IS lazy writing, because it doesn't make any sense scientifically that each mutant would have completely different powers. If people were being born with the same mutations, that would be evolution. With the X-Men, if it's evolution, than each Mutant pretty much represents a whole new species.

That doesn't change the fact that Magneto is one of the all time greats, or that the stories work brilliantly as a metaphor for other social issues, but it IS most definitely bad, lazy science.
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