The Best/Worst CBM's Of The Decade Part 1

The Best/Worst CBM's Of The Decade Part 1

According to me that is:) As the noughties come to an end, I'v picked what I consider to be 5 of the best and 5 of the worst comic book movies we have seen in this decade...

By MarkCassidy - Dec 31, 2009 08:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

To narrow this down a bit I decided to go with only true CBM's. That is, a movie that was born and bred first in the pages of the funny books. I have also chosen to focus on superhero/fantasy driven stories. So basically, although the likes of Road To Perdition and A History Of Violence are technically CBM's, they fall more into the realm of drama, so although it may seem that I am leaving out some great movies( Ghost World does deserve a place!), for the purposes of this particular article, its going to mainly be the capes.

Lets start with the best.

5) Sin City

The true definition of the words faithful adaptation. Robert Rodriguez may as well have plastered Frank Miller's graphic novels right up on the screen. Of course, that is not always a good thing, but in the case of Sin City it was only ever going to be the right way to go. Miller's sparse color pallet and very definite framing of set pieces leaves very little to interpretation, and both he and Rodriguez really come up trumps with the movie. It helps when you have a cast that includes Bruce Willis, Benicio Del Toro and Clive Owen, not forgetting of course Mickey Rourke stealing the show as Marv, and a whole host of lovely ladies. The sleazy noir of the books are up there on screen in all their glory. Bring on the sequel.

4) Spider-Man 2

The first Spider_Man was a good..maybe even a great movie, but it did have its share of problems. The CGI was a bit off at times, and although Willem Dafoe was excellent as Norman Osborne, there was no getting away from that Power Ranger effort of a Green Goblin costume. The sequel is damn near a perfect movie. Everyone is on top of their game in this one..and yes that includes Kirsten Dunst as MJ, seriously, get over the fact that she's not as hot as her comic-book counterpart. Toby Maguire excels as Parker/Spider-Man, progressing from the nerdy kid of the first movie, to a slightly less nerdy, but genuinely heroic and likable young man. The movies ace though comes in the form of its villain, Doctor Octopus, played by Alfred Molina. He plays Ock as a tragic character, but he still gets to put those tentacles to very bad use! The action scenes are amazing, highlight being the rooftop train scrap. I did only say near perfect though. There are niggles. Things do perhaps get a tad too mushy at times, but its forgivable when you are dealing with such likable characters. Anyway, if the fourth movie takes a page from this second ones book, we will be in for a treat.

3) Iron Man

Ah yes, the mighty Iron Man, the invincible John Favreau! The savior of real comic book fans everywhere. Thing is, he just may be. Iron Man is frequently credited as how to do this thing right..and for Iron Man, it is. But Favreux's approach may not work for other characters. Anyway, that remains to be seen. Iron Man is a damn fantastic movie. The story is almost ridiculously simple(again, works for Fav). Tony Stark is a bastard, he gets caught up in war, realizes his errors in judgment, becomes Iron Man, fights the bad guys. It doesn't get a whole lot deeper than that but it doesn't have to. Robert Downey Jr could pick his nose as this character and you would happily sit and watch him do it. He was born to play Stark. Add to that the amazing special effects, a solid supporting cast in Terence Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow and some great moments of well as nods to S.H.I.E.L.D, Nic Fury and the promise of a sequel(which also looks great) and you really do have an exercise in how to make a good CBM.

2) Watchmen

This is going to be a disputed one I know it! I can't remember a movie..let alone a CBM, that split an audience so much. The fact remains, that even if you can't get over the changes Zack Snyder made(and there were not even many), to not recognize the accomplishment that this movie is is nothing but sheer stubbornness and short sightedness imo. People are so quick to point out what was done wrong, that they refuse to acknowledge what was done right. For me, the only bad points are a couple of slightly off performances(Akerman and Goode), and a bit of cringey sex scene. Everything else blew my mind. Im not going to get into how great the performances, set pieces, direction were because I could honestly be up all night. Lets just say Watchmen is an arty, trippy, exiting, thought provoking experience unlike any I have ever seen. Woah, I got through that whole thing without mentioning the squid!

1) And the best CBM of the decade is..drum roll...X Men Origins: Wolverine!!:)

No, its The Dark Knight of course.

Now, let me first say that Im not one of these people that thinks this movie is the holy grail. Nolan is not a prophet come to save us all from not having out beloved CBM's taken seriously. But the fact remains, TDK is simply a really great movie. And it is an achievement in gaining critical, as well as commercial acclaim like no other comic book property has before. Those are facts, not propaganda. What can you say about Heath Leger as The Joker that hasn't already been said? Some idiots claim that his tragic death was the only reason his performance is praised so much. To that I say, 1) have you watched it? and 2)Can you judge a good/bad performance? Christian Bale is not the warmest of actors(but then, Batman isn't the warmest of characters) but he does make an imposing and unwavering caped crusader. The heart and soul of the movie is Aron Ekhart as Harvey Dent, the man who will be Two Face. His fall from grace is heart breaking, and he represents the white knight that Batman can never be, and The Joker can never allow to be. This is an intelligent, iconic, masterpiece of modern cinema..and that remains the case whether you think Burton's or Schumaker's way was the "right" way to do Batman.

Honorable mention: X Men 2, Batman Begins, V For Vendetta, The Incredible Hulk.

So there you have it. I will do the 5 worst tomorrow when the hangovers have kicked in, and we all look forward to a good moan:)

Happy New Year to all at CBM, have a great one:)
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Gigacrusher45 - 12/31/2009, 8:35 AM
Very good choices and I totally agree with Watchmen. Even if you didn't like it people should still appreciate the fact that these people were able to adapt the non adaptable comic book in the first place. The first time I went to see the movie that's exactly what I looked for, how the heck are they going to fit everything in and they did a good job of it.
DDD - 12/31/2009, 8:38 AM
Ror I agree with you completely!
I don't think Dark Knight can ever be bested!

But I am torn between Knight and Watchmen as
my favorite! But Heath gets the vote as the most
memorable for his roll! Not that he had his demise
after it but that he created such an amazing
and intricate and believably frightening disturbed
character! No way will anyone ever top it in a
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 12/31/2009, 8:39 AM
Awesome article dude! Your reasoning for each title is spot on! I kind of hate how much I agree with you on all this.
ThisFan - 12/31/2009, 8:40 AM
Dark Knight and Watchmen are the two best and i think it will be a while till they are beat
DDD - 12/31/2009, 8:41 AM
Giga@ exactly they said it couldn't be done with
WATCHMEN! You can't make it into a movie but Zach
proved them wrong!

It wasn't perfect but it was quite accurate in
getting the feeling of the graphic novel onto the
droopy1317 - 12/31/2009, 8:41 AM
am i first? :)
BloodredNemesis - 12/31/2009, 8:43 AM
spot on :-)
Hawksblueyes - 12/31/2009, 8:43 AM
Nice list Ror, these are definately the top 5. I would even go so far as to say those are without a doubt THE top 3, simply due to the fact that given peoples individual preferences, their places are interchangable.

If I had to make this list it would have taken me forever deciding to leave V for Vendetta off of it.
droopy1317 - 12/31/2009, 8:43 AM
Dam it :( awesome article by the way, good way to end the decade. i agree with your picks too
DDD - 12/31/2009, 8:51 AM
Ror@ I think the reason Snyder put that cringy sex
scene in is because the whole period of the Watchmen
is the eighties and those kind of scenes were put in
movies in those days! He was trying to create an atmosphere
of the 80's and Nixon in the what if
scenario Alan Moore created!
MarkCassidy - 12/31/2009, 8:57 AM
Thnaks guys.

DDD, yeah I got that, and it wasn't that bad really, I just thought the choice of song and slo mo really was a bit much. It would have worked just a swell trimmed down..or at least less glossy. If you wanna show superheros screwing, then show em really going for it!

I actually had those top 3 in mind all the time Hawks, but i struggled a bit with 5 and 4. I was gonna replace Spidey 2 with X2...
Superheromoviefan - 12/31/2009, 9:02 AM
I disagree with watchmen.
I don't like the movie, but the comic book is my favorite.
DDD - 12/31/2009, 9:02 AM
I think The 300 should get an honorable mention here!!!

I don't know how he did it but Zach Snyder managed to
do two CB/Graphic Novel adaptations back-to-back that
stand up as masterpieces of cinema! At least I think
Superheromoviefan - 12/31/2009, 9:03 AM
Hawksblueyes - 12/31/2009, 9:04 AM
Ror: Yes sir, thats another hard decision. How lucky are we to have 5, 6, or even 7 great comic movies in that span of years?

Good ones that aren't on the list:
Spider Man
V for Vendetta-- And thats right off the top of my head, I know I'm missing some.

The previous 2 decades had 2 good Batman and 2 good Superman movies( IN 20 FLIPPIN YEARS).
DDD - 12/31/2009, 9:06 AM
Wow, when you put it that way Hawks@, we are indeed extremely blessed or lucky or all of the above!!!!
CorndogBurglar - 12/31/2009, 9:07 AM
@ ror-machine

i can't stand when people complain about the squid missing in watchmen. it made more sense to do it the way they chose to in the movie.

it would be different if they actually fought the squid or something in the GN, but they didn't. in the GN, the squid appears, then promptly explodes. what is the big deal with changing the squid to energy collected from dr manhattan?? i'll NEVER understand that argument.

but good list! and thank you for not being negative about spiderman, i thought the first 2 were great!
Boogie138 - 12/31/2009, 9:15 AM
As for cape flicks i'd say this is pretty accurate though i'd switch sin city and iron man. i know iron man fans may scream murder but id say as a complete film sin city beats iron man. iron man/iron monger fight was such a let down after waiting the whole movie for the face off and jeff bridges chucks our boy around then gets blown up? wtf! if he at least killed himself instead of what happened the hardcore tone of the film wouldn't have washed away.

what version of watchmen is on the list. im assuming the ultimate cut as watchmen ultimate cut was everything i wanted it to be.
DDD - 12/31/2009, 9:16 AM

Stumblin - 12/31/2009, 9:17 AM
I still say "Iron Man" was better comic book movie than "The Dark Knight."
Boogie138 - 12/31/2009, 9:17 AM
oh yeah HAPPY NEW YEAR as well, man where has my head been lol
DogsOfWar - 12/31/2009, 9:20 AM
Good list Ror! I say good because you should've gone to 10 (or in the case of Spinal Tap - 11. That is where debate is.
10. Blade 2
9. V for Vendetta
8. Sin City
7. 300
6. Spider-Man
5. Batman Begins
4. X-Men 2
Your same top 3
ScottScottScott - 12/31/2009, 9:20 AM
I don't agree with Spider-Man 2 or TDK. I personally feel Batman begins had a stronger cast and stronger acting, not to mention Bale didn't go Nathan Explosion from Deathklock in Begins. I think TDK does belong on the List but I would place it at 5.

I'm sorry if you believe Aaron Ekhart is the heart and soul of the movie you clearly don't read Batman comics. Ekhart never transforms into Two Face and stays Harvey Dent the entire movie. His dent was decent and until his transformation into Two Face (where he doesn't Transform, he's still Harvey Dent, just Harvey Dent Upset!!!!) He was decent. Two Face is supposed to be an entirely different person. Not only in the Eyes of Two Face Himself, but the Eyes of the rest of the Batverse.

Let's move on to Ledger, I thought he was alright. Yes just alright again any real fan of the comic wouldn't Glorify Ledger's Performance they'd be like he was okay and call it a day. Ledger's Joker was just over hyped by his death. Much like Brandon Lee in the Crow. (yeah the Crow kinda sucks, go back and watch it.) I do feel Ledger was the closest Live action performance of the Joker we have seen yet in a Big budget movie, but there have been better in some of the Indie works.

But this is just both of our opinions and opinions vary. ;)

Personal List

5.) TDK
4.) Sin City
3.) Batman Begins
2.) Watchmen
1.) Iron Man
Hawksblueyes - 12/31/2009, 9:26 AM
Skot: Thanks for reminding me. You should go back and watch it.

We had 5 good movies in the previous 20 years not 4.

THE CROW was awsome for its time!!
HannibalSmith - 12/31/2009, 9:27 AM
The list was good until Watchman. I do agree that they did some good stuff I just wish they left things that didn't need to be changed: them having super powers, no squid, no electric cars, Ozy Niteowl fist fight. The movie also had a horrid sex scene.

BTW where's Hellboy 2
DDD - 12/31/2009, 9:28 AM
Yep, there were so many CBM'S this decade there definitely needs to be a top ten!

I won't even go there!!!!
:D :D :D
DogsOfWar - 12/31/2009, 9:29 AM
Man, I had a brain fart and totally forgot about Hellboy. Edited list

Good list Ror! I say good because you should've gone to 10 (or in the case of Spinal Tap - 11. That is where debate is.
10. V for Vendetta
9. Sin City
8. 300
7. Spider-Man
6. Hellboy
5. Batman Begins
4. X-Men 2
Your same top 3
GUNSMITH - 12/31/2009, 9:33 AM
Hawksblueyes - 12/31/2009, 9:35 AM
Movies that wouldn't fit on the list, of noteworthy quallity. In no particiler order.

1. Hellboy
2. Hellboy 2
3. Blade
4. Blade 2
5. Spiderman
6. The Incredible Hulk
7. V for Vendetta
8. X-Men
9. Batman Begins

I know I am still missing some.
Boogie138 - 12/31/2009, 9:39 AM
@ Skot888: id agree with you somewhat except it would be unfair to hold the nolanverse batfilms to the comics batverse. the films are a out of contitnuty take on the characters. I love'd nolans version of two face and makes sense within the context of the film. if you dont dig the performance then alright but i thought it spot on and anyone who knows some who or that has been through a tramatic exprenece and has a mental breakdown would probably relate to the performance a little more. but dude all star superman is my favoirte take on supes but is nothing really like the dc mainstay. the films are like the all star books or the ultimate books. they are not carbon copys nor should they be. the filmmakers ideas are like glorious elseworld tales, ones i get to watch instead of read
foxfan - 12/31/2009, 9:45 AM
i still think batman begins was a top 5 CBM, it's just a few years removed now and we've forgotten it's awesomeness a little. but it had EvErYtHiNg! good list - mine would be:
5. Watchmen
4. Iron Man
3. Batman Begins
2. X-2
1. TDK
Simonsonrules - 12/31/2009, 9:45 AM
Usually agree with you @Ror, but I was bored to tears by Watchmen. This article from In Media Res (Szczepaniak Gillece) pretty much sums up my perspective: it's about medium, and although Snyder gets points for persistence, the experiment ultimately failed:

"It’s a good month for bad film, which doesn’t get much more overwrought and overblown than Watchmen’s bloated animated corpse. As bad movie, Watchmen is no laughable musical extravaganza a la Xanadu, nor ridiculous Vincent Price b-movie, but something portrayed in a more sinister light. Much of the negative critical discourse surrounding the long-awaited adaptation points toward a high-budget soullessness staining the frame like so much blood spattering from a repeatedly cleavered head—yes, that happens. What Watchmen throws into relief are two categories of bad filmmaking: the film with too much heart and often too little money, and the film with too much money and a gaping lack of compassion. While Watchmen’s stylized and relentless brutality coupled with major financial investment are, I think, part of what makes for such an unlovable experience— it’s worse when people are paid a lot of money to make something rotten—, there is something else at work as well when a movie is called soulless, “artificial” (Los Angeles Times), “fascistic” (New Yorker), “embalmed” (Nesw York Magazine), or an “artifact… brought to zombie half-life” (New York Times) more than merely bad. What does it mean to call a film “soulless”? Watchmen, of course, is hardly much more soulless than other blockbusters of the past several years, but something about its pretensions toward edgy nihilism and detachment make it a particularly salient critical target. In Watchmen’s case, I suspect this is linked to a medium specificity argument, wherein graphic novel simply doesn’t translate to screen despite (because of?) a slavish attention to the original comic book’s detail. The movie lacks a soul of its own, and is instead possessed by the string-pulling spirit of another medium jerking the textual body into a danse macabre. Perhaps there is something about bringing still image and unspoken word from one medium to “life” in another which results in an impression of a body rising from the grave. Rather than a life-giving event springing from a formerly motionless text, Watchmen looks more like a corpse shocked into freakish puppetry, lumbering onto the screen monstrous and electrified. Theorists of paracinema might suggest that bad film of the loveable sort can sometimes provide a glimpse of the excitement of unbounded possibility: in the realm of the amateur, rules are broken and anything can happen. Bad film of the soulless kind, however, shows the grim, bored stasis of circumscribed potential. Maybe this is part of why bad cinema-philes tend to ironically but affectionately celebrate the absurd and the overly sincere while deriding the hubristic world weariness of Watchmen’s ilk. But I wonder if a refusal of or turning away from the soulless speaks to a kind of textual apprehension born of recognition. Calling a film such as Watchmen “soulless” suggests an almost religious revulsion, as though this particular brand of half-dead cinematic awfulness hits a little too close to the heart of some uncomfortable honesty."

luffycapri - 12/31/2009, 9:46 AM
1 Spider - Man 2
2 X - Men United
3 Iron man
4 Batman Begins
5 The Incredible Hulk
6 V for Vendetta
7 Blade
8 Hell Boy
9 Sin City
10 300
GuyFawkes - 12/31/2009, 9:53 AM
All good choices, though the Watchmen was a great disappointment compared to the graphic novel.
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