It would seem that actor and director Sylvester Stallone is adamant to film a fourth Expendables film. Rumors and speculation have already started to hit the Internet about who will join the new cast, with several sources claiming Justin Bieber may be slated for a role in the upcoming film. Jackie Chan has been talking about appearing as well, after having been asked to join the cast for three films now.
While Justin Bieber may seem like an extremely odd choice to join the cast of muscle-bound action stars, Sylvester Stallone did not deny the possibility. He told ET Online, “
Anything is possible. . . . [Bieber] might put a beating on all of us. We don’t know.” Other cast members had their doubts, however, and cracked jokes at the suggestion of the pop singer being involved.
In response to being questioned about a fourth film, Jackie Chan said,
“I don’t want to come out for five minutes, one fighting scene and gone.” Chan then joked,
“They’re all good fighters, but I believe I can run faster than [all of them].”
At the premiere of The Expendables 3 in Macau, Stallone announced his interest in filming the fourth film at locations throughout Asia.
“As we go on, we will continue to add more stars, more personalities, more athletes, more individuals around the world, not just Americans,” he told interviewers.
“They’ll be from all parts of the world. Hopefully, we’ll be able to film in Asia very soon.”
The Expendables franchise features an ensemble of famous action stars such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, and Sylvester Stallone himself, who wrote the films. Other legendary actors such as Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes, and Jean-Claude Van Damme have joined the cast in subsequent movies. The story features a team of hardened mercenaries as they travel the world fighting baddies, engaging in gun battles, and causing untold amounts of property damage.