SPOILERS: STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Concept Art Features Alternate Takes On Kylo Ren, Phasma, Snoke, And More

SPOILERS: STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Concept Art Features Alternate Takes On Kylo Ren, Phasma, Snoke, And More SPOILERS: STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Concept Art Features Alternate Takes On Kylo Ren, Phasma, Snoke, And More

The latest batch of concept art for Star Wars: The Last Jedi revolves around the movie's villains, showcasing alternate designs for all of them and focusing on key moments and possible deleted scenes...

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Dec 20, 2017 11:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Star Wars: The Last Jedi has proved to be a very divisive movie among fans and regardless of whether you loved or loathed it, it's easy enough to see why. After all, writer and director Rian Johnson has taken the franchise in a very unexpected direction, revealing answers for questions we didn't ask and not providing closure for those we've debated since The Force Awakens was released.

One of the main characters all those fan theories have revolved around is Supreme Leader Snoke and while we never get to learn about his past in the movie, this artwork may provide some clues. 

Also below are some great shots of Kylo Ren both before and after he became a villain (yes, we get to see him as a child) and Captain Phasma in action as she does battle with Finn and we get a glimpse beneath her mask. Major spoilers follow but to see the artwork, simply click the buttons below.  

A great shot of Luke Skywalker standing over his nephew, those of you who have seen the movie will know this is the moment the Jedi Master's actions cause Ben Solo to fall to the Dark Side. 

We never get to see the whole of Captain Phasma's face in The Last Jedi but her battle with Finn does reveal at least part of it. In true Star Wars fashion, though, her true identity remains a secret. 

A great shot of Supreme Leader Snoke, the villain's appearance was settled on for The Force Awakens but we get to see him rocking a very different sort of look in Rian Johnson's sequel.

A member of Supreme Leader Snoke's Praetorian Guard, it's no wonder that action poses like this had to be worked on based on the way they go to war with Kylo Ren and Rey in the movie. 

Here, we see the ramifications of Kylo Ren's actions as a devastated Luke Skywalker watches his new Jedi Temple burn to the ground. Unfortunately, there's still no sign of the Knights of Ren. 

An early take on one of The First Order's medical droids stitching up Kylo Ren after he was injured during his battle with Rey in The Force Awakens. The location of the scar was moved, however. 

Here, Kylo Ren watches on as the Battle of Crait unfolds before him. Moments later, he comes face to face with his uncle Luke Skywalker but it's interesting that there's no sign of General Hux here. 

Kylo Ren kneels before Supreme Leader Snoke in this shot as Rey watches on. Of course, he wouldn't remain on his knees for long as the villain teases a turn to the Light by murdering his master. 

A great shot of the battle between Captain Phasma and Finn, some fans have complained about this not lasting longer but it was an awesome fight sequence which culminated in a satisfying way. 

Concept art of Kylo Ren as a youngster, Rian Johnson has confirmed that The Last Jedi's flashbacks were a last-minute addition but plans were clearly in place from a start to explore Ben Solo's childhood.

Another awesome shot of Supreme Leader Snoke, this concept art gives us a much better idea of just how withered the villain's body is (it's possible it's been twisted by his use of the Force). 

Supreme Leader Snoke is cloaked in shadow here, a cool visual which would have only made sense in The Last Jedi if we hadn't already gotten a good look at the villain in The Force Awakens!

Another shot of Kylo Ren's face being repaired, it appears as if Supreme Leader Snoke's ship was originally a lot darker and ominous than the version we ended up getting in the movie. 

A detailed look at Supreme Leader Snoke's ring, it was recently revealed that it was forged from obsidian mined from beneath Darth Vader's ominous castle on Mustafar we visited in Rogue One

Captain Phasma may only have a relatively minor role in The Last Jedi but she does at least get a cool staff which the villain uses to do battle with Finn. Here, we get a much closer look at that! 

The various designs used to bring Supreme Leader Snoke's Praetorian Guard to the big screen, these guys looked seriously cool; it's just a shame we won't get to see them in Episode IX

Supreme Leader Snoke can be seen rocking a very expensive looking gold robe in The Last Jedi, a sign he comes from a wealthy background. Here, we see some alternate designs for that. 

Supreme Leader Snoke's guards originally had a much more ceremonial appearance as you can see here as they hover in the background during the villain's confrontation with Rey. 

We never get to learn about Snoke's past in The Last Jedi but fan theories about him having ties to the Emperor certainly appear to be supported here with this shot of him looking a lot like that villain. 

When Rey arrives on Snoke's Star Destroyer, she thinks she'll find an ally in Kylo Ren but is shocked to be led straight to the villain by her supposed new ally. Little did she know what would come next! 

A refined version of the previous shot, Kylo Ren and Rey stand side by side here seconds before they come face to face with Supreme Leader Snoke and the former Ben Solo decided to kill his master. 

Talking of Rey, she's suffering at the hands of Snoke here as the leader of The First Order uses his considerable powers to learn where Luke Skywalker is hiding and what she knows about him.

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ElCidJedi - 12/20/2017, 11:05 AM
ElCidJedi - 12/20/2017, 11:06 AM
I wonder why Luke didn't confront Kylo over coffee, rather than sneaking into his bedroom...?
ELAYEM - 12/20/2017, 11:09 AM
I have mixed opinions on both TFA and TLJ but both of those movies made me desperate for stories between Ep 6 and 7 about Luke's Jedi Academy and a young Ben Solo.

obarium - 12/20/2017, 11:12 AM
@ELAYEM - Luke's Jedi Academy could be the film Sebastian Stan would work best in. Just gotta find a Leia, and an Han that's older than Alden Ehrenreich...
ELAYEM - 12/20/2017, 11:19 AM
@obarium - That's exactly what I was thinking. Casting Leia and Han would be very hard though.

Another idea would be to do an animated series but catered to older audiences than Rebels or Clone Wars. Ideally looking like The Old Republic Cinematics, but that would probably be too expensive for an entire show.
ELAYEM - 12/20/2017, 11:11 AM
The entire scene in Snoke's throne room and Kylo & Rey fighting against the Red Guard was one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars
Nightwing1015 - 12/20/2017, 11:12 AM
In an alternate timeline somewhere, Lucas is making a much better sequel trilogy staring Kira and Sam.
ELAYEM - 12/20/2017, 11:17 AM
@Nightwing1015 - If he was overseeing the story and producing, it would probably be better.
If he was writing and directing, it would probably be worse.
Nightwing1015 - 12/20/2017, 11:19 AM
@ELAYEM - Yeah I think that's fair. If Spielberg had directed it under George's management it would have been great.
ElCidJedi - 12/20/2017, 11:19 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Disney, read this. Cash Grab. Pay Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill right now for future likeness rights... wait 20 years, and when CGI is good enough, created "Episodes 7-9, The Lucas Vision".

We will want it.
sKeemAn - 12/20/2017, 11:21 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Maybe Ben and Rey are the new versions of these characters....
aflynn - 12/20/2017, 11:25 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Fans would hate these characters too.
Nightwing1015 - 12/20/2017, 11:26 AM
@sKeemAn - Sam doesn't really look like Kylo here. He wields a blaster for one thing and doesn't seem like he's force sensitive. But Kira probably evolved into Rey.
aflynn - 12/20/2017, 11:29 AM
@Nightwing1015 - He is a finn and han solo rip off not Kylo
sKeemAn - 12/20/2017, 12:01 PM
@Nightwing1015 - thats why these are the Movie versions of those characters. they are different, but representation of the same characters. i think that will be a big reveal in the next one.
Nightwing1015 - 12/20/2017, 12:33 PM
@sKeemAn - Kira is probably close to Rey but who is close to Sam in the sequel trilogy? Sam looks like a Han solo type.
theFUZZ008 - 12/20/2017, 11:14 AM
When will the barrage of Star Wars articles end already?

theredmeadow - 12/20/2017, 11:18 AM
this was a terrible movie. i actually wake up days later thinking i've been ripped off. To wait a whole movie just find out we're watching ppl who are nobodies? watched a whole rescue mission just to find out it wasn't necessary?

GeneralZod - 12/20/2017, 11:27 AM
@theredmeadow - Why would you feel ripped off?

sKeemAn - 12/20/2017, 11:26 AM
Ben was already turning to the dark side. this pushed him over the edge. the arrogance of the Jedi is what continues to create the sith. I think this movie did well at pointing that out.
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