STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All
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STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

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dracula - 7/14/2020, 3:01 AM
Fleet of Star destroyers is cool I guess, but they could have done more. Like seriously that movie had a sith holocrom and malachor, they just didn't call them that for some reason.
Why not use the sith superweapon
bkmeijer2 - 7/14/2020, 3:41 AM
@dracula - My thoughts exactly. I get that Holocrons and planets like Malachor or Moraband aren't common knowledge amongst the movie audience, but it would've been a point of familiarity to some of the more invested fans if they did end up using them.
dracula - 7/14/2020, 3:06 AM
No need to explain things just recast Han, Luke and Leia and pick up a few years after Return Of The Jedi and pretend this trilogy never happened
Kyos - 7/14/2020, 3:12 AM
@dracula - just recast Han, Luke and Leia and pick up a few years after Return Of The Jedi


pretend this trilogy never happened

Kinda yes.
dracula - 7/14/2020, 3:19 AM
@Kyos - so you would rather the half assed goodbyes we got in the sequels be the last we see of the characters?

Not like some of them havent been played by others before and plenty of big characters are recast.
Spock0Clock - 7/14/2020, 3:49 AM
@dracula - Star Wars isn't adapted from something else like James Bond or Batman, so recasting is far gnarlier than those other repeatedly recast roles. This would be more like recasting John McClane or Neo, which were roles not only defined by their actors, but in many ways the actors were defined by the roles.

I can imagine doing it if they find the perfect replacement (like Sebastian Stan seems to be for Luke). But as Ehrenreich showed, casually recasting these roles won't fly. And it also proved that I don't trust the current Lucasfilm regime to do it right.
Knightrider - 7/14/2020, 3:17 AM
How about adding a deleted scene where Luke wakes up after the party on Endor and goes what a dream
FrankieDedo - 7/14/2020, 3:43 AM
that is similar to the First Order Star Destroyer, just slightly changed between the decks, so not that "entirely new take" but whatever.

The "basic" FO destroyers we see in all three films are double decked.

It is a different thing than the Final Order destroyers, that are just upscaled Imperial-I class destroyers. (i mean, you can clearly see them in the concept lol)

This was probably a concept for the main/admiral ship Steadfast, the one that redirects the signal from the infamous tower.

This would have been cool, so it would have made the main ship more "special" instead of a simple FO destroyer. It would have made a bit more sense, but i suspect this is another lack originated from the messy production that led to the wreck we saw in cinemas.
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