STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All
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STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

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dracula - 1/15/2020, 12:54 AM
Looks like we are stuck with Crap Wars, well at least we have the Disney+ shows and the animated stuff.
Reeds2Much - 1/15/2020, 9:31 AM
@dracula - Looks like we are stuck with Crap Wars,

Thirty plus years and counting.
Nebula - 1/15/2020, 12:55 AM
Comicbookart - 1/15/2020, 12:58 AM
Terrible. It seems that all these major franchises have to do now is show up and then they can make billions of dollars.

Rise of Skywalker is one of the worst films I've seen. It's so bad it almost makes crap like Last Jedi seem attractive. smh.

Deodorant - 1/15/2020, 1:06 AM
Rogue One deserved to earn more than TLJ and TROS
kylo0607 - 1/15/2020, 1:36 AM
@Deodorant - RO was definitely the best Star Wars film from the Disney era. Good characters, interesting story that enriches ANH, amazing (almost photorealistic) visuals and Vader.

MarvelousMarty - 1/15/2020, 1:09 AM
Feralwookiee - 1/15/2020, 10:30 AM
@MarvelousMarty - Episode IX: Palpatine Victorious! 🤣
TheUnworthyThor - 1/15/2020, 1:21 AM
And that’s why we have all these fresh rumors of new movies and stepping beyond trilogies. A movie comes out to middling reviews and still makes a billion dollars. Imagine what a new set of movies without the Skywalker baggage and great reviews could do said every executive at Disney.
MUTO123 - 1/15/2020, 1:22 AM
The Trevorrow version would’ve been better.

You will never see or hear me use those words again.
FinnishDude - 1/15/2020, 2:12 AM
@MUTO123 - ROSW was bad, but it's still better than Jurassic World and Book of Henry
MUTO123 - 1/15/2020, 2:22 AM
@FinnishDude - I disagree. Jurassic World is stupid but fun. And Book of Henry’s at least fascinatingly bad. Rise of Skywalker is bad in the way that just makes you wanna throw your drink at the screen.
ThorArms - 1/15/2020, 9:50 AM
@MUTO123 - really?? Rey and Poe together?
MUTO123 - 1/15/2020, 10:21 AM
@ThorArms - I'll take that over a half-assed attempt to copy the dynamic of the original trio.
ThorArms - 1/15/2020, 10:24 AM
@MUTO123 - I hate 80% of what I read thru. I few interesting ideas. Either way I think it would've been just as divisive
MosquitoFarmer - 1/15/2020, 1:39 AM
smallvile559 - 1/15/2020, 2:10 AM
I Didn’t contribute dollar $1 to this abomination (IMO)
So I sleep easier at night.
But that’s just me lol
Moriakum - 1/15/2020, 2:14 AM
RoS reaching a billion after a month:

Never thought the big 9 movie conclusion of the Skywalker Saga would take so much time to reach a billion.
bkmeijer2 - 1/15/2020, 2:51 AM
I enjoyed, but not once did I actually thought this was a movie worth to make a billion. The more I think about, Birds of Prey might do even more
OmegaDaGrodd - 1/15/2020, 2:54 AM
Did I just read an article laying ROS's financial performance at the feet of.....ROS?

It's obvious that the SW brand is strong, but it's also been true since it reemerged that you have to make actual good films or else you don't maximize the potential. We knew that with SOLO and we're seeing it here to. I said it a little over a month ago that the floor for these mainline SW movies is 1 billion assuming they don't fully crap the bed (and as bad as ROS is in many places, it's not quite "time to sleep in diapers" levels of shitty) and the ceiling for a really crowd pleasing film is in the 1.3-1.5 billion range assuming there's no significant competition, and the idea of making 2 billion again on any of these is incredibly unlikely, as it should be. You're never getting the old cast back aside from maybe Hamill, and you're never going to cash in on decades of audience longing for the OG cast again. We now have enough of a sample size to know all of this is likely the case. Where they go from here dictates a lot but they have to get good people involved (and they have Johnson, Waititi, Favs, Chow, Fukuyama, etc) and as long as they let them be creative they will be able to keep the audience engaged.

Also, all this talk of it being the "end of a 9 film saga" has never held weight with me, just like ROTJ wasn't REALLY the end of a 3 film saga and ROTS wasn't the end of a 6 film one. There's no way they aren't revisiting this in the next decade in some capacity
OmegaDaGrodd - 1/15/2020, 3:21 AM
@TheBlueMorpho - Did everyone who despises Kathleen Kennedy forget to hate-watch the Jumanji sequel? Interesting if true.
TheBlueMorpho - 1/15/2020, 3:52 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd -

I think they did.
OmegaDaGrodd - 1/15/2020, 3:25 AM
Also, yeah, there's a lesson here regarding cashing in on nostalgia. The Force Awakens, Jurassic World, Jumanji Welcome to The Jungle and a few others of these "old franchise returns to glory" films (namely The Hobbit) have all had immediate sequels that dipped in box office despite not being received significantly worse by critics. Nostalgia can only really get cashed in once, and often times the biggest nostalgia is just having the franchise back. I'm sure the next Jurassic World will make less than the second even if it's better, and the next Jumanji will probably tread in the same lower numbers as the sequel is currently. This is because normally most franchises make less and less as they go on. Exceptions are of course the MCU, Harry Potter, Fast/Furious, John Wick and a select few others, but the norm is that you see dips as things go on. That sort of thing will always be the case
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