“The Latest Model…” The new ‘Doctor Who’ review

“The Latest Model…” The new ‘Doctor Who’ review

With the upcoming US broadcast of the new ‘Doctor Who’ Series 1 (…Series 6? …Series 31.5?) on BBC America, it’s time to meet the new and improved Doctor…

Review Opinion
By loganoneil - Apr 06, 2010 09:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi

Before I begin, let me say there are NO SPOILERS to the first episode, ‘The Eleventh Hour’! Yeah, yeah, I know… I’m no fun – get over it. This is more a review of what to expect, so all you purists out there don’t loose your [EXPLITIVE]-ing minds! Don’t worry, the Doctor is still the Doctor. He’s still a Timelord (two hearts, regenerations, the lot…). He still travels around time and space in the TARDIS. There’s still a sonic screwdriver. The plucky young assistant is still young… and quite plucky. “So what’s changed,” you ask? Well… ‘Everything’ and ‘Nothing’. Not much of an answer, I know, but let me try and explain…

For those of you ‘in the know’, what comes next is old news. Please bear with me while I bring the uninformed up to speed. At the end of the 2009 Specials, anyone who’s followed the new series saw the good Doctor regenerate when actor David Tennant decided to retire from the part, but what some of you might not realize is that the series did more than just bring in another actor and the end of Tennant’s run. Executive Producer (and one of the primary reasons for the success of the new series) Russell T. Davies decided to leave the show as well. “Oh my giddy aunt!” some would cry (and cry they did!)! Steven Moffat (writer of such classic episodes as ‘The Empty Child’, ‘Blink’, ‘Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead’, and ‘Time Crash’) was brought in to fill RTD”s shoes. He cast actor Matt Smith as the eleventh incarnation of everyone’s favourite Timelord

…and set out to redesign the entire look and feel of ‘Doctor Who’, right down to a new logo…

...main theme-song (looks like I'm buying ANOTHER soundtrack!) and opening sequence.

Did he succeed? I (for one) was worried about ‘the latest model’. I really hadn’t seen anything Matt Smith was in. Actually I was a bit biased because I was pulling for actor James Nesbitt (of ‘Jekyll’ fame – another writing credit to Moffat’s name and all-round BRILLIANT mini-series!) to land the part. Smith is also the youngest actor to land the part (Smith is 27 - the next youngest actor to play the part was Doctor #5 Peter Davison, who was 29 at the time). After seeing the first episode, I can honestly say that the role is in safe hands.

Smith (who grew up in the ‘Doctor Who’ dark ages between 1989 and 2005) channels the Doctor brilliantly! His portrayal is an amalgam of those who came before him – a hint of Troughton, a dash of Baker(s) plural, a splash of Davison, a pinch of Hartnell, etc., plus a little something else for good measure. He’s almost… creepy at times. Now when I say ‘Creepy’, I don’t mean it in a John Wayne Gacy ‘Come here little boy, I have candy’ kind of way. I mean there’s something slightly… dark and spooky about him. Yes, his Doctor still has charm to spare, but there are moments when he appears truly ‘other-worldly’.

The new assistant is named Amy (Amanda) Pond. You’ll see exactly how she and the Doctor meet (another ‘Wibbley-wobbly, timey-wimey’ thing) and why she changed her name. She’s played by Karen Gillan (you might recognize her as one of the soothsayers in ‘The Fires of Pompeii’). She’s got pluck to spare (just watch her during Smith's ‘unveiling’ of his costume) and sex appeal to keep the dads interested in the series (guys are going to LOVE her character’s chosen profession – get your minds out of the gutter, this is still a FAMILY show!).

Other things that have changed – the TARDIS. Yes, it’s still a police box and it’s still dimensionally transcendental, but the look has changed. The exterior is more to the stylings of the Hartnell days, and the interior is… well, it’s… (without giving too much away) multi-levelled and rather steampunk-ish, Yes the desktop font is still ‘Coral’ (nod to ‘Time Crash’), but the typewriter on the console and the ‘blown-glass’ time column are a bit much (NO, I’m not kidding). This is going to have to grow on me…

The sonic screwdriver has also received a face-lift. Gone is the slick grey model of the Eccleson/Tennant years

…and in it’s place is one that is similar to River Song’s in ‘Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead’. Oh, and if you didn’t already know, guess who’s making a guest appearance later this season? Guess… Oh, go on… guess! Here's a hint - “Paging Doctor Corday… Doctor Corday to ER stat…”

The tone of the show is a lot darker too. Yes, it’s still fun – the Doctor still gets silly (almost bi-polar at times), but there seems to be more ‘hiding behind the sofa’ moments in store for younger viewers. Gone are the ‘science FANTASY’ days of RTD, and in it’s place there seems to be more ‘science FICTION’. Don’t worry, you don’t’ have to have a PhD in temporal physics in order to follow along. It’s still ‘family-friendly’, but the ‘WTF?!’ moments of the old regime seem to be gone.

All in all, this first episode has quashed my fears for the new season and left me (as always) wanting more. What can I say but, “BRILLIANT!” Er… no. How about “Allons-y!!” Um…. Wait, I’ve got it!

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thwhtGuardian - 4/6/2010, 10:22 PM
I'm pretty excited about Moffat's tonal change. I really like how he says that he sees Doctor Who as a fairy tale, only it's the original Brothers Grimm version and not the Disney stuff.
The old series was full of stuff that made you want to hide. granted there were a few episodes like that in the last five years...but surprise they were written by Moffat. Not to knock RTD, but I'm pumped that we have Moffat now.
loganoneil - 4/6/2010, 10:32 PM
Amen to that! I'm looking forward to seeing how River Song and the Doctor first meet! ...and the Weeping Angels! ...and the Silurians! Word on the street is that Moffat plans to re-intoduce proper MONDAS Cybermen (no more of this 'alternate-reality' stuff). I haven't been this excited since... since... since the start of the new series!
thwhtGuardian - 4/6/2010, 10:51 PM
yeah, the cyberman in the trailer at the end of the episode definitely looked like an old school cyberman so I'm looking forward to seeing how that works into the continuity of the show and what the relation to the alternate reality ones is.
loganoneil - 4/6/2010, 10:58 PM
I'd be willing to bet that Moffat has a showdown planned for the future. Can you say, "Battle for the crown..."?
thwhtGuardian - 4/6/2010, 11:01 PM
That'd be epic.

I'm also intrigued by the new Dalek episode. Moffat has stated that it's different because unlike ever before, the Daleks win.
loganoneil - 4/6/2010, 11:10 PM
A precursor to 'The Dalek Invasion of 2150' maybe? Moffat has always had an eternal hard-on for the classic series.
answer - 4/7/2010, 7:26 AM
Good review! I loved this episode and Matt Smith Nailed the Doctor!

I'm also really wanting Mondas Cybermen to make an appearance! My mate and I have been wanting it since they introduced the alternate universe ones!

@Logan, isn't 'The Dalek Invasion of 2150' non-canon. It's not the actual Doctor but a human inventor.
answer - 4/7/2010, 7:29 AM
Oh and did anyone else think they heard teh Cloister Bell in the first 10 mins of the episode?!!?
Shaman - 4/7/2010, 12:19 PM
Good [frick]in' lord... wow. I have rarely experienced this level of "i don't know what the [frick] you guys are talking about" before. You know, when you stumble upon a conversation and you kinda laugh at the same time as anyone else but you know [frick] all about what you're laughing at? Well... this is different. I can't shake away the facial expression of someone smelling a fart that smells interesting enough to continue on smelling. I'm like... awe struck... by the surprising smell of the fart that i have never ever smelled before... yet... i'm unable to pull myself away from it. This is all so weird yet interesting all while being completely incomprhensible. All i can say is bravo, great review, you guys are actually making me want to go back and watch all the 11 different takes of this concept to learn more about it even though it's completely impossible. I remember watching this as a child cause i didn't have cable but i couldn't understand what the [frick] i was watching.
thwhtGuardian - 4/7/2010, 1:10 PM
lol I'm glad we've inspired you to take another look at Doctor who Shaman.

And theanswer I think the cloister bell was the warning the the TARDIS was overheating or whatever which caused the Doctor to have to leave the young Amy Pond behind.
Shaman - 4/7/2010, 1:51 PM
I'm glad too it's just that there's too much of it for me to do so. It's quite perplexing.
answer - 4/7/2010, 2:45 PM
@Guardian, Yeah it think you're right. I just couldn't remember where i'd heard is just that i had! Glad it's back!

@Shaman, WATCH IT!!!

That is all :D
thwhtGuardian - 4/7/2010, 2:59 PM
Honestly, I think this new season is a good jumping off point for new viewers Shaman. Moffat is pretty good at writing stories where you don't need to have any previous who knowledge to enjoy them. It's just really good, somewhat creepy, science fiction. All you really need to know is that the Doctor a near immortal time traveler who runs around an awful lot...and that he always seems to show up just when he's needed.
LEEE777 - 4/7/2010, 5:07 PM
Very cool too! : D
Shaman - 4/8/2010, 6:34 AM
thwhtGuardian- Cool, so the show's concept is kinda like what Quantum Leap was. But freakier, science-fictionier and well... better? LOL Sounds cool, but by watching the new series, how the hell will i ever get to know what the hell you fellahs just talked about, with the "River Song" and the "Weeping Angels" and the "Silurians" and the "MONDAS Cybermen" and the "Battle for the crown" and the "The non-canon Dalek Invasion of 2150" and the "Cloister Bell" and the "Tardis" and the "sonic screwdriver"????
thwhtGuardian - 4/8/2010, 11:25 AM
Most of those will undoubtedly be introduced as if they were brand new, it's sort of like a live action comic book that way. I mean, every time the catwoman shows up in batman you really don't need to know about the previous times she's appeared, it's the same thing here they'll most likely be little easter egg like references to make the older fans happy but otherwise it'll be a brand new story. Moffat(the writer) has said he really wants to keep the show continuity light so newer viewers can enjoy it as much as the older ones.
Shaman - 4/8/2010, 12:19 PM
thwhtGuardian- Cool, that actually sounds pretty comforting to new and old viewers :)

Is this new series something worth buying by the box set? I really don't watch any tv. I just buy the boxes if they're worthy (i.e. Babylon5, Supernatural, Lois & Clark, Spectacular Spider-Man, Wolverine and the X-Men).
thwhtGuardian - 4/8/2010, 1:12 PM
Oh yeah, the box sets are pretty awesome, and well worth shelling out for. I think they have the first four seasons(since the reboot) already out.
loganoneil - 4/8/2010, 7:18 PM
Shaman - if you're going to watch the 'classic' series (1963-1989), a word of caution - the BBC back then didn't have/spend a lot of money, so if you're expecting to see the special effects level of today's series you're gonna' be VERY disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the quality of storytelling is still top-notch (with the exception of a very FEW of the Sylvester McCoy episodes which did get a bit silly), but they had to make due with what they had. The stories and the acting/actors were some of the primary reasons fans like myself (and probably Guardian too) fondly remember the classic series with such nostagia.
Shaman - 4/9/2010, 9:29 AM
Cool, but i might not be buying the classic series. I think that there's just too much of it. If i can start somewhere relatively young without missing on anything, i'd prefer that. So the Tennant series is what i should start with? Is that when the "reboot" occured?
loganoneil - 4/9/2010, 10:39 AM
Shaman - With over 40 years of history, I can understand your apprehension about diving into the universe of 'Doctor Who'. Technically, the 'reboot' started in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston. Both BBC America and PBS costantly re-broadcast them (oh, wait a sec - you live in Canada. Do you get BBC America or PBS up there?). If you can't find them, you can always YouTube it (if you don't mind watching the episodes in 10 minute blocks).

A word of caution - the RTD regime was a bit 'science FANTASY' as opposed to 'science FICTION'. There are a few minor plot-holes (or 'WTF?!' moments as I like to call them) that might bug older viewers but are usually overlooked by younger viewers (remember, technically this is a 'family/kids' show). Hopefully, Moffat will ground the show more in 'reality' (it looks good so far...).

You might recognize Eccleston as Claude (the invisible man) from the series 'Heroes'. He was also Major Henry West in '28 Days Later', Raymond Calitri in 'Gone in 60 Seconds', ...and Destro in that 'GI Joe: Rise of Cobra' POS (don't hold that particular movie against him - hey, they all can't be gems...).
Shaman - 4/9/2010, 10:45 AM
Oh COOL!!! I actually LOVE that actor!!! He was AWESOME in Gone in 60 seconds!!! So for me it technically starts with him then? Cool :)) I'll have to check out HMV cause i don't get those chanels you're talking about. I could but i don't watch tv in general so i won't pay for cable LOL
loganoneil - 4/9/2010, 10:48 AM
Then you're going to LOVE the new series! The first episode of the new series ('Rose') starts off fresh - there's really no need for any backstory (as most of the target audience at the time never grew up with any real knowledge of the classic series). The Doctor is presented as an enigma, and any necessary information tying the new to the old gets presented as the series progresses.
thwhtGuardian - 4/9/2010, 10:52 AM
Rose is a great place to start, hope you enjoy it shaman
loganoneil - 4/9/2010, 10:53 AM
Guardian - I think we might have another convert to add to the fold.... :)
loganoneil - 4/9/2010, 11:12 AM
Shaman - I beleive you also should be able to rent it. I do know that companies like Netflix have all of the new series available. Start off with Eccleston and the new series. Like I said before, it's pretty much self-expanitory. If you're interested in the backstory, you can then watch the classic episodes. For example, if you're interested in one of the charaters (say Davros and the Daleks), you could then YouTube 'Genesis of the Daleks' to fill in the 'nitty-gritty' blanks.
loganoneil - 4/9/2010, 11:32 AM
Answer - TECHNICALLY you're right (and wrong). The Peter Cushing movie was called 'Dalek Invasion Earth 2150AD' and it was non-canon (the Doctor was human, etc), but it WAS based on a CANON story back in the Hartnell days called 'The Dalek Invasion of Earth'.

An interesting sidenote - footage from that particular story was used as the intro to the 1983 special 'The Five Doctors' ("One day I shall come back. Yes... I shall come back. Until then, there must be no tears, no regrets, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine..."). It's also the story where the Doctor and his granddaughter Susan part ways.
thwhtGuardian - 4/11/2010, 6:46 PM
Last night's episode was amazing
Ryden - 5/23/2010, 7:25 PM
I've been realy enjoying the new seroes of Doctor Who...before I only watched it now and again..however I've been completley drawn to it. And I am loving the darker tone of the series.
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