Well, we all know that there is going to be a Spider-man reboot, (entitled The Amazing Spider-man, obviously). But the question is will web shooters work in the movie?
First of all, the reason it is mechanical is because in nature spiders do not shoot webs. Instead they spin them, similar to the way your grandmother knits a Christmas sweater. Before Steve Ditko came along and made the Spiderman we all know and love today, Jack Kirby made Spider-man have a web gun and a web shield. If it weren't for Steve Ditko then we would be arguing if he should have a web gun or organic webs.
In the first "Spider-Man" movie back in 2002, Sam Raimi thought that the web shooters were too advanced for a high school teenager to make. The way I see it if he could walk on walls because a radioactive spider bit him then he can make his own web shooters. Besides, even if it was organic then it would come out of his...well...his ass. Like I said with a teenager having spider powers, having web shooters doesn't seem so impossible. That's just my opinion