MADAME WEB Star Emma Roberts Reflects On Playing Peter Parker's Mom; Shares Hopes To Play Other Characters

MADAME WEB Star Emma Roberts Reflects On Playing Peter Parker's Mom; Shares Hopes To Play Other Characters

MADAME WEB Promo Photos Reveal Our Best And Most Detailed Look At Dakota Johnson's Superhero Costume
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MADAME WEB Promo Photos Reveal Our Best And Most Detailed Look At Dakota Johnson's Superhero Costume

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lazlodaytona - 2/14/2024, 5:41 AM
Poor stupid, clueless, rich celebrities.
bobevanz - 2/14/2024, 8:10 AM
@lazlodaytona - she is a nepo baby lol
clintthahamster - 2/14/2024, 10:15 AM
@bobevanz - So weird to me that people are so concerned about kids going into the same business as their parents. We used to call them "Second generation actors" or "Part of a grand acting legacy." Now it's just people screeching "NEPO BABY" like that means something.
EgoEgor - 2/15/2024, 6:43 AM
@ClintThaHamster - ... but it does though. It's not Dakota here or even Denzel Washington's kid made it to being superstars because of their acting prowess. Don't get me wrong I'm not mad at her for using it and I'd do the same, but let's just call it like it is too.
clintthahamster - 2/15/2024, 8:14 AM
@EgoEgor - It would be meaningful to me if every child of a celebrity was successful, but they're not. Sure, Dakota Johnson's been successful, but what about Jesse, Grace, and Deacon Johnson. Same parents, same aspirations, but none of the success. Wyatt Russell is verging on a household name, but what about his brother Deacon, who is also an actor? Colin Hanks has clawed his way to regular work, but Truman and Chet Hanks have had no such luck. Connections will get them in the door, sure, but if they don't have the talent to back it up, they won't be around for long.
EgoEgor - 2/15/2024, 10:40 AM
@ClintThaHamster - getting your foot in the door is 90% of the battle. Some average joe/jane aspiring actor will never have the ability to open the same doors. Not every "nepo baby" is going to succeed, but the ones that do succeed owe that opportunity to their family/friend connections. Personally, I don't think Dakota is at all talented. She's a below average, one note, monotone actor. I'm sure there are a lot of actors who get auditions or roles simply because they're related to someone. There's nothing wrong with that imo, people will take advantage of their connections, especially if they're family, but it's silly to think it doesn't have a meaningful impact, it does. There are many actors who are talented but don't make it because they can't get in the door.
clintthahamster - 2/15/2024, 11:13 AM
@EgoEgor - @EgoEgor - "getting your foot in the door is 90% of the battle."

Absolutely. But I'd argue that that's where the advantage begins and ends. You think Hollywood casting directors are trying to curry favor with Don Johnson or Melanie Griffith? What, they're hoping they can work on the next Nash Bridges TV movie?
clintthahamster - 2/15/2024, 11:14 AM
@EgoEgor - As for Johnson being a bad actor, I disagree. She's a gifted comedic actor who keeps getting cast in serious roles. I don't blame her for reaching for that Julia Roberts money, but she's just got bad taste in roles.
TheLobster - 2/14/2024, 5:41 AM
These interviews are just painful to watch at this point
lazlodaytona - 2/14/2024, 5:47 AM
@TheLobster - agreed. I actually felt sorry for Johnson until it became evident that she didn't do her homework or research that universe. Just spitting in the fans from all involved top-down.

Side note, I hope everyone has a nice Valentine's Day. I hav...uh, get to have lunch with my mommy.
"My life is good. Reeeaaaaly good."

Origame - 2/14/2024, 5:42 AM
Yes, but you'll defend disney producers openly admitting they don't hire people who know and love the comics because it's a "red flag".

It's so funny how madame web of all things is causing you to show more and more of your hypocrisy.
ProfessorWhy - 2/14/2024, 5:46 AM
Sony should trade the Spiderman rights back to Disney in exchange for exclusive Playstation rights to Marvel properties

lazlodaytona - 2/14/2024, 5:48 AM
@ProfessorWhy - That's actually a really good idea!
ObserverIO - 2/14/2024, 6:36 AM
@ProfessorWhy - and Hulu. And some money. And full legal rights to do any Steamboat Willie products for the rest of time.
NickScryer - 2/14/2024, 5:53 AM
Can't wait for an article focusing on a silver lining, similar to "The Marvels is the highest grossing movie ever for a black woman director".
vectorsigma - 2/14/2024, 6:03 AM
@NickScryer - im there on the first minute 😂
clintthahamster - 2/14/2024, 10:16 AM
@NickScryer - 'similar to "The Marvels is the highest grossing movie ever for a black woman director".'

That was historically significant, though.
Fogs - 2/14/2024, 5:54 AM
LOL Josh beating this dead horse.
lazlodaytona - 2/14/2024, 5:56 AM
@Fogs -

Bill Burr joining in!
vectorsigma - 2/14/2024, 6:02 AM
Good analogy for the General Audience. They are as clueless as Dakota.

"Hey, let's watch that new MCU movie with the lady spider-man"

After 2 hours

"Im done with these movies, i wasted my time and money"

5 months later, DP3 releases.

"When will this stream?"
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