MADAME WEB Star Emma Roberts Reflects On Playing Peter Parker's Mom; Shares Hopes To Play Other Characters

MADAME WEB Star Emma Roberts Reflects On Playing Peter Parker's Mom; Shares Hopes To Play Other Characters

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KennKathleen - 11/15/2023, 1:24 PM
KennKathleen - 11/15/2023, 1:34 PM
@KennKathleen -

HistoryofMatt - 11/15/2023, 1:27 PM
I love how Josh and his laters are trying to s--t all over this movie, but to me, it looks more interesting than almost everything Disney / Marvel has s--t out since Endgame.

You mean we have a film led by four women, and it isn't full of Woke Grrrrrl Power Mary Sue I'm better than every man I see garbage? Color me intrigued!

Given that, of course Josh and his alters hate it.
bobevanz - 11/15/2023, 1:32 PM
@HistoryofMatt - everything mid seems interesting to you, and that's totally fine lol
Origame - 11/15/2023, 1:34 PM
@HistoryofMatt - ...and then b!tch to us for not being "more positive" as a Fandom only when it involves the mcu.

I've been saying, this movie and the hate surrounding it proves so much of the bs they've been spewing. Especially when it comes to female led superhero movies.
HistoryofMatt - 11/15/2023, 1:42 PM
@bobevanz - It could be bad. I'm not saying it won't be. What I'm saying is, I'm willing to give any movie a chance if it's not Woke garbage.

Birds of Prey was Woke garbage. The Marvels is Woke garbage.

This movie looks like it's trying to tell a story without Woke nonsense in it, and that intrigues me. All you NPCs default to, "yOu JuSt DoN't LiKe WoMeN oR mInOrItIeS!" strawmen arguments when those of us who hate Disney's Woke garbage just say we want to see interesting films regardless of who acts or directs them. Try for quality first. Try for interesting first. Disney-Marve-Lucasfilm put Woke first and all they make, other than an Andor or a a Guardians 3, is garbage now.

What I am is consistent. I don't care if a genre movie is led by a black woman or a gay man. I don't. It's the least consideration to me, as it should be to anyone, because immutable characteristics DON'T MATTER. All I care about is quality. And if the filmmakers and actors and production company is making a movie with that first in mind, I'll give them a chance.

Because I'm dying for non-Woke movies and television right now. Begging for it. Praying for it.
UniqNo - 11/15/2023, 1:27 PM
I just dont get it. Surely Sony is allowed to do their own spiderman along side then loaning it to the MCU.

It just seems so weird that arad is pushing all these spider verse characters without the glue that brings them all together...
Origame - 11/15/2023, 1:36 PM
@UniqNo - do we have the full detail on the deal?

It's also possible they're trying to figure out a way to get Holland Peter into the venomverse for crossovers.
UniqNo - 11/15/2023, 1:49 PM
@Origame - It surely can't be a 1 way street though?.. having Sony's established Spiderverse characters showing up in an MCU movie but only a brief tag of Holland's Spider-Man show up in Venom 2 for a second?

It's probably on a picture to picture deal after Far From Home, but with all the multiverse shit going on now would be a perfect time to bring spidey in, or even reintroduce Garfield's version in that world instead of a whole new one and actually developed that properly rather than throwing together quick cash grabs like this, Morbius and Kraven They just seem to be tarnishing their own brand.
Origame - 11/15/2023, 1:54 PM
@UniqNo - it's hard to say. I know at first the idea was venom was in the mcu but it was purely for spiderman crossovers. Somehow that didn't pan out, so then venom 2 and morbius made it clear this is a different universe and the crossovers were being done via multiverse shenanigans.

I think it's less of them having a deal and more just two companies trying to figure out the logistics of it.
UniqNo - 11/15/2023, 1:58 PM
@Origame - Maybe that's right for Marvel studio's side...but it doesn't look like sony/arad cares too much. As long as it's not spiderman himself they seem to do what they want with the other characters, going for big names to sell the movie and consider the story second.
HammerLegFoot - 11/15/2023, 1:29 PM
It isn't clear to everyone that they are setting up Ben Riley?
CorndogBurglar - 11/15/2023, 2:14 PM
@HammerLegFoot - What makes you think that? That could be cool of they do.
Gabimaru - 11/15/2023, 1:29 PM
The only redeemable thing about this trailer was Sydney Sweeney's spidey suit and it's a shame, she could be a great black cat to be honest.
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