Last we heard, Marvel and Sony's fourth solo Spider-Man movie was scheduled to begin shooting in late 2025, and we now appear to have confirmation (though filming could commence a little earlier than expected).
The organization founded by Tom Holland's parents, The Brothers Trust, has launched an online competition/giveaway, and the details reveal that cameras will roll on Spider-Man 4 in London this summer. This could still mean from September through to the autumn months, but there's a chance production might get underway sooner.
We know that Avengers: Doomsday is set to film in London next month, but, depending on the size of Holland's role (we've heard Spider-Man has much more to do in Secret Wars), the actor could conceivably shoot both projects back-to-back.
By entering the giveaway (more here), you have the chance to win:
An all expenses paid trip for 2 to London, United Kingdom, summer/autumn 2025
Visit the movie set of Spider-Man 4 for a meet & greet with Tom Holland, plus lunch with Tom and a tour of the studio
A picture/selfie with Tom Holland
A picture on the set of Spider-Man 4 (which you will receive once the film is released)
Lunch with Tom Holland
Airfares from anywhere in the world
3 nights hotel accommodation
£1000 spending money
2 tickets to any West End show of your choice
The script for Spider-Man 4 is believed to have undergone a major overhaul, possibly due to differences of opinion between Holland and Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige,
After reported disagreements about the best way to proceed, we've heard that Feige and Sony Pictures' Tom Rothman had settled on a mostly grounded story with some Multiversal elements, though the movie was still being described as an "Avengers-level event" up until very recently.
Here's what Holland had to say about the fourth solo Spidey movie in a recent interview.
"We have the best in the business working toward whatever the story might be. But until we’ve cracked it, we have a legacy to protect. The third movie was so special in so many ways that we need to make sure we do the right thing."
It seems they are still trying to figure out what "the right thing" is, but it certainly sounds like a lot of different ideas have been considered. If every rumor was to be believed, Spider-Man 4 will see Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's wall-crawlers join forces with Venom, Ghost Rider, Black Cat, Daredevil and The Punisher to face off against Mephisto, Vulture, Knull, and an army of Symbiotes.
The fact that the project is now on track to begin filming suggests that any issues have been ironed out.