In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Gwen Stacy died at the hands of the Green Goblin. However, based on various reports, she would have been brought back to life for the third instalment (and possible turned into Carnage according to the Sony Hack emails), but that thankfully never came to pass. Like Andrew Garfield, Stone has done just fine without the comic book franchise, something which is evident from the overwhelmingly positive reviews and serious Oscar buzz that new musical La La Land is receiving.
To promote the release of that movie, Stone has taken part in a revealing photoshoot for Rolling Stone (via Movie Hotties), but rather than just pictures, this time we have a video for you to take a look at!
Does this make you which that the actress had been able to return in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise? Would you like to see Stone in a Spider-Gwen spinoff? The chances of that happening are now slim, but it would be set in an alternate universe! Anyway, let us know your thoughts below.