I was working, third shift, bored out of my mind, so I decided to think about some of my most anticipated CBMs coming soon. I got to thinking about Harry Osborn's Green Goblin/Hobgoblin/Proto Goblin and an idea came to me, linking Dr. Morbius to him.
Okay, to those who do not know who Morbius is, he was scientist with a rare blood disease in which he researched into vampire bats, to try and find a cure. During an experiment an accident occurred which turn him into what resembles and behaves like vampires of lore.

As said in the teaser, Dr. Morbius was teased in TASM2 trailer, and it was made out as if he works for Oscorp. Now this idea came to mind when I was thinking about Dr. Connors; The Lizard, he was evil, but not Dr. Connors, but it was made clear that he knew what Norman's true objective was(he knew what happened to Peter's parents). Well if he wasn't a bad man, why would he work for Norman? Common goals! We all know that something is physically wrong with Norman, and Dr. Connors wanted to find a way to grow his arm back, and guess who has the resources for him to do so? Oscorp! So Dr. Connors made a deal with the devil; he would find a way to cure Norman while at the same time regenerate back his arm. As you know Dr. Connors' and Peter's formula backfired on them, transforming Connors into a giant Lizard, in which I'm sure Norman did not want the same fate, so he found common ground with another scientist, Dr. Morbius.
Norman has a problem, the formula he has to cure him, comes at the price of transforming into a giant lizard, but say his team is able to figure out that a particular bat's genes could make the transformation dormant. Say Norman and his team finds out that the rare blood disease Dr. Morbius has can also become dormant by this particular bat's genes. Since the problem with the serum and this rare blood disease goes hand and hand, Norman looks to Dr. Morbius, because if anyone would know how to fix the problem with the bat's genes, it would be Morbius.
A while back, storyboards pages from TASM2 were leaked, some of which shows Harry transforming into a goblin. In the trailer, it looks as though Harry is on his dad's side, meaning I'm guessing he consented to taking the formula; if I'm right, it turned out the bat's genes didn't make the transformation dormant but just changed transformation itself. Dr. Morbius in one of the sequels could take the serum, thinking it would still work on him, but instead it fails, in which it could be how he becomes the Living Vampire.
Whenever I think about what a goblin resembles, I think of something reptilian, like a lizard, and rodent, like a bat. When I look at Dane Dehaan as Green Goblin, I can see both reptilian and bat features in him.
His skin is greenish, his ears are bat-like, and his teeth looks like the might be fanged. We know this version of Green Goblin also has a glider like in the comics, and when I think of Green Goblin's glider, it reminds me of a bat. They could make his decision to use a glider, be his bat-like nature coming through.
"I’m in a couple of scenes. Yeah, I was never told whether or not I could say. I can say that I work at Oscorp. And I am someone from the comic books, someone from the original. So, yeah, I’m somebody. I wouldn’t say I’m pivotal, but I’m not an extra, either." - B.J Novak
Could B.J Novak be playing Dr. Morbius in TASM2? It's quite possible, from the vague description of his character.
We know Sony is, or at least was planning spin-off series from The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, and this could be a good way to start a spin-off for Morbius.
I highly doubt I'm right, but what do you think? Do you believe it could be a possibility or do you believe I'm thinking too outside the box? Let me know below!