Noahthegrand presents, a DC editorial, "what I didn't like about Suicide Squad and how I'd do it myself"

Noahthegrand presents, a DC editorial, "what I didn't like about Suicide Squad and how I'd do it myself"

I give my views on the movie suicide squad, what I liked, what I didn't like, and how I would do it, with a full plot summery and sequel plans.

Editorial Opinion
By noahthegrand - Sep 29, 2017 01:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Suicide Squad
When I first want he'd suicide squad, it was one of the worst theater experiences I had ever had. It wasn't just the movie. The seats were cramped and in the far corner, the popcorn was stale, but that movie…
It's not horrible, but it wasn't at all what I wanted. I wanted Joker as a major character, I wanted to learn to like these characters over the course of the film, I wanted a villain it was actually possible to care about. I got 10 minutes of joker, being presented a very well edited but pointless lesson on the origins of various DC villain, and a villain that's motives don't make sense and even when they do aren't in any way compelling! Also, June Moon was not interesting. Those first fifteen minutes took every dramatic twist and turn in the movie regarding each character's story, and spoiled them far too early!  Worst of all, some of the most important things about Suicide Squad were left in the dust. This is a team of villains, and by the end they're saving the world of their own accord. This could be really cool, but it doesn't make sense in what was set up. It isn't earned. The other issue. We expect the people who die are going to die from the first minute. Slipknot was telegraphed  from his first scene. In Suicide Squad the tension should come from not knowing who's going or die! Eventually, I learned to appreciate the movie as its own thing on repeat viewings, but it could have been much better. Anyway, this is what I would have done. 
In order to get a good movie, I feel the team should be this:
Rick Flagg
El Diablo
Harley Quinn
King Shark
Captain Boomerang
This is all we need. We don't need Katana, she can show up in a sequel. Also King Shark is better than killer croc. 
Basically though, Rick Flagg will be one of the best soldiers on the planet, who’s girlfriend has been possessed by a demon witch that only Amanda Waller can control because she has the heart, just like the movie. Unlike the movie, we’ll do interesting stuff with this. First, recast Rick Flag. 2nd, we never see June Moon except in flashbacks. She's possessed all the time. Flagg hates the idea of a team of villains, but is forced into it by Waller. Also, Enchantress is a manipulator. She’s evil, so she tries to bring out people's dark sides. She’ll try to trick Flagg into cheating on Moon by taking her form at various times as a sick prank. Enchantress isn't just “evil” like in Suicide Squad. She's gleefully evil. She enjoys destruction and chaos. Also, Enchantress will be less powerful here. She doesn't have her heart, so she's at low power. She can teleport and summon swords and such, but it requires lots of spells and hours of preparation. It would be easy with her heart, but she doesn't have her heart. Let's make her constantly talk in rhyme too, for no reason just because. Enchantress will be like if someone was getting possessed by a demon and instead of an exorcism they decided to use the demon to combat terrorism(can someone get me the president’s  phone number, I want to see if he’d go for this) Rick Flagg sees the suicide squad as evil villains, just like Enchantress. 
El Diablo will be pretty much the same as in the movie. He's been recently moved to Belle Reve and we’ll see thi. He’ll be our window into this world, his backstory slowly revealed along with all the other characters instead of in the first 15 minutes like all the others in the actual movie. 
Deadshot and Captain Boomerang are both veteran members of the suicide squad. They've survived numerous long dead teams.  They're rivals as they both are great with aiming and projectiles. They hate each other.  We need to see them do some tricks too. Don't just have them be shooting and throwing. Have them shoot and throw then FOCUS ON IT. Give me some slowmo explosions and boomerang tracking shots! Entertain the people with cool imagery! Have Deadshot bounce a bullet off a boomerang! Other than this, keep the same casting and characterization. These guys worked, only problem was they didn't have any arcs(mostly boomerang, I suppose you could call Deadshot's story an arc)
I liked Harley in Suicide Squad, so no changes except we reveal her character and backstory overtime through dialogue and flashbacks and don't even explain her at all in the beginning. She's there, she's crazy, that's it. 
King Shark is just innately better than killer croc. He's a land shark. Land shark trumps crocodile man every time. We don't get his backstory, because all you need to know is “ a shark man from Hawaii.” Anyway, King Shark in this version has to eat often or he goes nuts and gets blood lust. He’s big, dumb, and loves meat.  Aas tattoos are a bit of a motif and it fits the character , let's give him polynesian tribal tats. Also, he's the hammer head design to differentiate from other tv and movie shark men. 
Slipknot a here to die, but it's less telegraphed.
Amanda Waller, the creator of the suicide squad,  remains the same, as movie Waller is basically comics Waller. We will however see more of her and who she is. In this version, task force x has been going on led by her for years. 
Also, one important thing, no one thinks of themselves as the villains. These characters are people. They do their stuff for personal reasons, not because they’re comic book villains. Deadshot does it to provide for his daughter. Captain Boomerang likes money and hates people. He also wants his freedom. That's what he really cares about, his freedom to rob banks. Harley wants the love of someone she sees as her soulmate(Joker) and is trying to get free and escape. El Diablo just wants peace. King Shark is hungry. Enchantress loves pain and chaos. She’s a demon. She enjoys it. 
For this movie, we aren't doing a story where a team created to be down and dirty black ops sent to do illegal things for the government that’ll probably kill them so that it can be blamed on super villains if they're seen or caught fight a gyrating witch(she’ll still dance, I’ll make it fit in the movie though) with an entire squad of soldiers helping them in an American city. We’re sending them to assassinate the Queen of Bialya! See, we still get our female villain in the form of Queen Bee, a metahuman with mind control powers that's that's the ruler of a middle eastern bee themed country! And, when Enchantress is the villain in the sequel, it works because we’ve gotten a movie to build her character! 
Queen Bee is also a pretty cool villain as she is the metahuman ruler of a country she took over using mind control. She's the literal Queen Bee. She's merciless and will kill anyone in her way. She eventually plans to take over the world. She has nuclear weapons and the national colors are black and yellow! Her country is a state sponsor of terrorism as part of a plan to destabilize the rest of the world. My idea is she used to be a super villain with mind control powers then decided to use those powers to take over a country.
Also, there’s Joker. DC comics greatest villain. He’ll be buying some bombs in Bialya from their government. Joker manipulates Harley in this movie. He's… The Joker. Also, I'm thinking of keeping the tattoos and grills. It's visually different, tells the story of him killing Robin and getting his teeth knocked out. Maybe a few less HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA’s. No “Damaged” everything is under the shirt and on his hands. The more important thing is his characterization. He’ll be played a bit more subdued, different laugh, more of a foreboding creeping terror. 
Suicide squad as a movie was sorta weird tonally. You had dark stuff, then comedy, and it seemed like it might have been making a few half hearted attempts at being edgy. It didn't really work. Also, there were the neon rainbow trading cards scenes, which I would get rid of. Don't forget David Ayers Iphone playlist, which actually, I like. I’d keep that, that's how I discovered Sympathy for the devil. First time hearing that song. Maybe I’d space it out a bit more and make the movie longer. Also, I’d make it an surreal action movie with dark comedy all over the place. Shark people and killer clown woman are, you must remember, dark comedy gold. Heads will explode like neon fireworks in slow motion! Joker shows up! JOKER! King Shark will become separated and wander the countryside devouring livestock! Enchantress is walking like an Egyptian! Baseball bats and bullets! Complete insanity! Utter chaos! Suicide Squad really is dc’s opportunity to cut loose and they should have gone crazier( well, they went crazy but the wrong kind of crazy. Those execs were taking LSD when they should have been taking cocaine)
Firstly, no explaining the characters in the beginning, I can't stress this enough. 
We begin with El Diablo in a prison truck, in a fireproof coffin sized cylinder. There’s a window around his face.  He’ll be brought to Belle Reve, and we’ll see each character as he's wheeled past them. King Shark in an aquarium being fed chum, Harley doing her acrobat stuff, Deadshot working out in his cell. Boomerang screaming in solitary. Flagg runs through the hall past Diablo’s containment cylinder. El Diablo is brought out into the prison yard, where we see multiple walls and fences, guards in fire retardant uniforms with sniper rifles on every rooftop watching him, he's taken out of the coffin by guards in flame resistant suits. He's injected in the neck, then put in the tube which connects to a large tank of water.  Amanda Waller is walking the halls and passes HArley's cage, who asks if she's the devil. She says maybe.  Meanwhile, Flagg is visiting Enchantress. Enchantress’s cell is warded with various magical symbols. Carved into walls or painted. We get a lot of guards, she's in a solitary dark room. Flagg asks for June. Enchantress crawls out on all fours and mockingly repeats him, then tells him June is trapped in her mind, from her nightmares she cannot hide. Flagg leaves. Waller approaches him, telling him she’s putting together the next Task Force X and wants him to lead it. He says he won't, these people are immoral, can't take orders, and are too busy trying to kill each other to kill anyone else. Waller says that's why they need his moral center. They need him to keep this team from failing like the previous teams did. He refuses. She says Enchantress will be part of the line up. Flagg says they can't let that thing loose, it’ll kill everyone. Waller says it's his job to keep that from happening. (To the writer of suicide squad, this is called setting up at a while building conflict.)
Anyway, Waller goes to El Diablo, who sits in his tube trying to meditate. Waller says she wants to use him to help people, we get the scene where he says he doesn't do that. She shows the video of him burning up a prison yard, he says that not him , not anymore. Same as in the movie but with no Flagg. In the prison we see Deadshot no longer boxing, instead standing in his dark cell looking out at the world from a high window that sunlight shines in from. Harley gets taken from her cell and  “fed”. By fed I mean, fed through a tube into the nose by psycho guards. We see our cast through security cams. Boomerang is screaming into the camera in the solitary cell. Waller tells Flagg they only need one more guy for the mission. Cut to Slipknot climbing a skyscraper towards a bank on the 60th floor or so at night, He's using ropes, grappling hooks, and suction cups. We get a scene of him jumping in midair between two ropes, he pulls himself onto a ledge and gets a window open with a glass cutter. He climbs inside to dozens of police waiting in swat uniforms. Cut to him being thrown in a cell in Belle Reve. 
Diablo is in his tube when the door opens.. He stays inside. It floods with water and shoots him out. Guards start beating him and kicking him to the ground. They call him a murderer and a few racially insensitive names. He curls into a ball. Waller watches from a rooftop. She's orchestrated this. 
Meanwhile in a back room of some club in Gotham, Joker lays, dress shirt open to reveal his tattooed chest. He's surrounded in a circle by hundreds of weapons. There are two hyenas sleeping in a corner with purple collars chained to a wall. Jonny Frost comes in, bringing him some papers. He looks them over. Quick cuts of the papers. Stuff about nuclear weapons. He falls back over and starts laughing as we get the pan out Birdseye stuff. Cut to Joker in full tuxedo and cane walking through his neon juggalo/jokerz nightclub. An obese man in just pants and a ski mask with no mouth is guarding the door. “Purple Lamborghini” plays. The DCEU supervillain version of Skrillex is on stage.  Joker inspects his establishment. People gasp and whisper that Joker hasn't been seen in months. Joker pulls out his gun and conversationally asks one of his patrons what they're whispering about. They say they were just saying he hasn't been seen in months. Joker says that's okay, he thought he was saying something bad. Still, he already pulled out the gun it would be a shame not to use it…
Back in Belle Reve. We see the squad get breakfast in their cells. Slipknot is gracious for his food and thanks the guard, calling him sir. He then looks at the food and chucks it out the window.   Each Suicide Squad member is pulled out of their cell by guards, most of them beaten. Diablo is once again flushed out of his tube and beaten by guards. Though for King shark they just shoot him with tranks. A guard is killed. Waller goes to Enchantress and tells her she needs her. Obey, or she stabs the heart. Enchantress agrees. Slipknot is behaving as a model prisoner, saying yes sir and walking with arms on his head. Each prisoner is brought to Waller and Flagg. Everyone is surrounded by guards. King Shark is chained and in a muzzle. A lot of the squad is shocked by King Shark. We get some jokes. We see Boomerang and Deadshot hate each other, Slipknot punches a guy out and cuts and runs. Waller hits a button and his head blows up. King Shark asks if he can eat him, Harley laughs at this. 
Waller explains they all had bombs out in their neck when they were brought to this prison. If they do anything she doesn't like they die. She's going to drop them in Bialya and their going to kill the Queen. Colonel Rick Flagg will lead them. If they don't complete the task by 48 hours from when they're dropped in, she sets off their bombs. Deadshot asks if there's an extraction plan, Waller says Enchantress is their extraction plan. While they kill the queen, she’ll be setting up a teleportation spell. Deadshot questions the spell. Waller says enchantress is a witch. Deadshot gravitates away from her, Harley, who’s been occupied with King Shark, moves on to her. Waller says if they cooperate, after enough missions, they’ll be released. We get that suit up scene. That was fun in the movie. 
Anyway, they're put on a jumbo jet and away they go. Deadshot says he thinks he knows Diablo from somewhere, Diablo says he doesn't. Deadshot says Diablo is that fire guy. Diablo says that's not him. Cut to later, Deadshot is telling Diablo not to trust Waller. He and Boomerang have been on every suicide squad she's ever set up. Only survivors. No one ever gets to go home. Harley is telling a now maskless King Shark his smile reminds her of her pudding. Deadshot wonders how she got that crazy.
Cut to Arkham, we get some stuff, Harleen Quinzel is lonely, meets a nice patient in a straitjacket and chains who’s sweet and kind to her, it's revealed as the Joker, she gets caught up, laughing at his jokes. Joker mentions the Harleen Quinzel sounds like Harley Quinn stuff, they talk to each other, him talking about a tragic backstory, her about her parents forcing her to train as a gymnast. At some point they share a kiss, it's just the usual Harley origin stuff with Joker slowly getting to the point where Harley trusts him completely. He's no longer in any confinement at all, just a normal Arkham uniform. He asks if she’d do anything for her, she says yes, he says he needs a machine gun. 
 Enchantress is sitting on the floor muttering something. Flagg looks at her, she stares back and changes her face to June Moon face for a moment and smiles creepily. We get banter, banter I can't write, some of the good jokes from the movie, fun stuff.  King Shark is still demanding food. He starts staring at Boomerang. Boomerang insults King Shark and mentions popular animated kids show Street Sharks. Flagg tells Shark there's some emergency rations in a crate. King Shark eats them face first. Flagg has the He announces their entering Bialya airspace, they’ll be going in very low to avoid radar, the pilot won't be landing, so they have to parachute in. Banter banter banter, wordplay, everyone's ready, plane gets shot by anti aircraft guns, King Shark flies out of the hole. Everyone else parachutes out. In the chaos Boomerang tries and fails to kill Deadshot, saying there can only be one great shot on the team. 
(This, writers of Suicide Squad, is called a first act, most movies have them)
They land in some forest as the sun sets. Soldiers of Bialya attack. The squad fights them and escape. Diablo does nothing. After this Deadshot gets mad at him. Diablo asks what the point is, they've been sent here to die. Deadshot says he’s still trying to survive. He wants to get out. He has a daughter waiting for him on the other side. Flagg listens to this and tells everyone to set up camp for the night. He contacts King Shark, who landed in a desert area and is still alive, and tells him to continue west and meet up with them. Flagg says if anyone tries to attack him he’ll set off the bombs with his phone. If he's unable to, Enchantress will kill them first because she likes torturing him too much to see him dead. For the rest of the second act it’ll be them traveling through Bialya trying to get to the capital because they're plane crashed and they should have landed closer. They’ll discover an old bombed out base with a firing range and Boomerang and Deadshot will compete against each other. Deadshot will call Boomerang stereotype man. We’ll meet the Queen of Bialya, formerly a mind control powered supervillain named Queen Bee, who is shown to  now rule the country by controlling the government with her mind. The squad will get to a town, where we see everyone in the country is actually really wealthy. Flagg will reveal this is because the country's economy is entirely based on building weapons to sell to rogue nations, terrorists, and super villains like them. King shark will travel alone, killing and eating livestock and any farmer who finds him. He at one point raids a chicken coop. Played for laughs. 
We’ll get Harley remembering some of her origin after seeing something that reminds her. It's the scene on the freeway from the deleted scenes basically but with things play out a little differently. We’ll see Joker having abandoned Harley in the asylum after the break out and having escaped. She follows him on a motorcycle and forces him to stop.  She's mad he left her, and she trusted him. She threatens him with a gun, He disarms her and gets back in the car, tells her it was all a joke and he never cared. She chases the car. He stops and makes something up about it being a test. They go to Ace Chemicals. He says his dumb “live for me” speech from the movie but in this context it's more like he's making stuff up as he goes to manipulate her. She says she can't swim and he says he’ll get her then throws her in a chemical vat. Joker turns to leave and starts walking until an idea pops into his head. She’ll kill for him, she has training, he’d like to have someone as crazy as him around, so why not? He turns around and jumps in, we get that cool shot that looked really nice in the movie, there's music, he's laughing. 
We’ll learn that there's going to be a nuclear missile auction and many terrorists, governments and super criminals will be present along with Queen Bee. None of the squad know Joker will be there. Also, fun fact, Queen Bee and Joker both know each other from back when she was just a Supervillain. The squad will be infiltrating this event to kill Queen Bee. Enchantress will disguise herself as June Moon and fake having beaten Enchantress to mess with Flagg. Enchantress will also, once they've arrived on the outskirts of the Capitol, hide out in a closed down bar(a sign says it's shut down for the rest of the month in Bialyan )preparing the spell to teleport them out. They now have 24 hours until the bombs go off in their heads and must kill Queen Bee. They meet back up with Killer Shark. Captain Boomerang tries to broker a truce with Deadshot to help him kill Flag and escape, saying Slipknot doesn't make sense, he showed up out of nowhere, none of them had seen him in prison before, and he just died! He was probably a dummy or a trick. They don't have bombs in their heads, it's all mind games. The only bomb in their head is their fear. Deadshot realizes Boomerang is trying to get him killed. 
They decide to formulate a battle plan to attack the Queen’s palace the next day. They're going to sneak in, kill her, and get back to the bar during the auction, when she's most venerable. They rest for the night in the bar, getting drinks and telling each other their stories. Deadshot was a hit man, one of the best in the business, until Batman took him down. We get the him doing a job(emphasize that thing he sets up for the bullet to bounce off of more). Then we get him and his daughter flashback with Batman showing up. Harley says the same thing happened to her. We cut back to her back in the day as Harley Quinn. We get the full Monster T scene. Originally that scene was way better. The initial script, before stuff was cut, had Monster T realize if he doesn't accept the offer Harley will kill him, and if he does Joker will kill him, so he just shoots himself. That just seems like a better scene to show the kind of fear the Joker brings to the table. 
Then we get the Jokermobile/ Batmobile chase, Harley says she can't swim calling back to the earlier scene. We actually see Joker escape the car and swim away and Batman saves her instead of grabbing Joker. Now, Harley tells everyone she’s Joker’s girlfriend. Someday he's going to break her out. Flagg says he read her file, she used to be Joker’s psychiatrist and she went nuts. How many people did the Joker kill after she let him out? Harley says she did it for love. Boomerang says when he was outside, he robbed every bank in Australia. Rick Flagg says that's a lie. Boomerang says it's all true. He robbed every bank in Australia, so he decided to come to America. He used to fight the Flash, that fast guy from central city? He was kinda his arch enemy. Cut to the exact Boomerang flashback we got with boomerang being beaten really easy. Harley asks about King Shark, eating some food he found in a freezer in the back. King Shark says he's a ******* shark. They look to Flagg. He shrugs. 
Enchantress finishes painting on the floor and lighting candles and starts dancing. They all look at her. Flagg says it's part of the spell. Deadshot asks him about him and enchantress. Flagg says they don't get to know that information unless it becomes valuable to the mission. They asks him about who Enchantress is. He says all they need to know is she used to be an archeologist, she found something she shouldn't have in a jungle, now she's possessed by a witch. El Diablo watches.  They ask about his story, he begins it and we get the flashback from the movie with the same sort of stuff around it in the present with dialogue. That's why he never uses his powers. 
The next morning, early, about 3:00 am, the traverse the city on the rooftops in secret towards the palace, which we see has a giant tower. There’s an accident, they're caught in the center of a large crowd, but everyone treats them like heroes as super villains are the backbone of this countries economy. They're paraded to the palace, where the squad meets Queen bee, who forces them to give up their weapons with her powers before entering the building. They're brought up to the tower where the auction takes place. Queen Bee says that she doesn't recognize Flagg, and Deadshot tells her he's his sidekick. They wait as more people arrive over the morning. 
We see a guy who resembles Vandal Savage, Ra's Al Ghul, members of Intergang, members of the Church of Blood, the Cult of Kobra, and various foreign leaders and terrorist organizations. The squad bicker amongst each other as they have no weapons to kill Queen Bee. Harley thinks she can steal a gun off one of the guards, but if she fails the whole plan fails and they all die. Queen Bee is meeting with Joker, who claims he is not interested in buying the nuke at the auction, but becoming the UN ambassador to Bialya(Bialya is part of the UN, which makes the idea of the us government assassinating Queen Bee worse, so that's why we need a suicide squad) . He mentions the death of the previous ambassador. Cut to an elderly middle eastern man in a secluded mansion at night having his home invaded by a gang of men dressed as pandas in a surreal yet horrifying experience. The ringleader is revealed to be Joker, who kills him. This scene is meant to show Joker’s extravagant tendencies and the way he creates increasingly elaborate planned situations. Those tattoos, he had to make sketches, explain his concepts to a tattoo artist, and have multiple visits to get each new tattoo. He created an image. The Joker is an artist, an actor. This is a grand performance, nothing matters to him except Batman, so he just goes for having fun with everything else.  He takes a theme and runs with it. Actually, let's let him have the damaged tattoo, but only in flashbacks. Now, he has a tattoo of the word damaged crossed out with an X. It's as if Joker did the damaged tattoo, realized it was stupid, was gonna get it removed, but thought just crossing it out would be funnier. Anyway, back to the movie, Queen Bee is politely against that idea but says she’ll think about it.
Meanwhile in the bar some construction workers come in and find enchantress, who panics and  transforms them into her many eyed monster henchmen. 
Anyway, Harley will see Joker while trying to steal a gun, run up to him, he’ll laugh, they'll kiss and embrace, he’ll have a rapid mood swing and say he thought she was in prison and ask what she's doing with all the second stringers that make up the suicide squad, she’ll try to tell him what's going on despite Flagg’s protests, (he threatens to hit her switch on the phone he has to set off the bomb, she says Joker will kill him if he does then tells everyone it's okay and they can trust her pudding, Boomerang is trying to incite violence so he can grab the phone and use it to shut everyone's bombs off) Harley tell Joker everything, and they wait for everything to be ruined and them to die. Deadshot tells Diablo the only way out is for him to use his powers. Surprisingly Joker agrees to help them as he's mad because he knows Queen Bee won't let him be the new ambassador. He has his henchmen in the lower floors(who are disguised as Bialyan guards) shut down the security for a moment so the squad can steal back their weapons from the storage area and return to the auction right before bidding. Joker tells Harley his true plan to cause this big fight and steal the bomb in the chaos.
Meanwhile more construction workers come and Enchantress changes them too. A passing cop witnesses this and calls in backup in Bialyan then goes in to check on it. 
 They get to the auction where they open fire and attack Queen Bee and her guards. Various terrorist groups join in on the fight against the suicide squad, Queen Bee turns a rampaging and feasting King shark against the squad with her mind control powers. Deadshot says he can't get a good angle to shoot Queen Bee as she leaves. He tells Boomerang to throw his boomerang at a certain angle and bounces his bullet off it into Queen Bee. Queen Bee dies, King shark is freed.  Harley is supposed to shoot Rick Flagg but can't so Joker does it. Rick is shot in the gut. Harley apologizes for Joker and defends him to a bleeding out Flagg before stealing the phone and disabling everyone's bombs. Of course, they're still being fired on by enemies all around them so it doesn't matter.
Joker and Harley wheel out the bomb. Bialyan soldiers rush them and they're backed into a corner next to a window where they realize why they would have needed Slipknot. Joker and Harley get to a helicopter on a garden area a few floors down. She asks if they're going to go back for her friends. Joker says no. She says that they could bring the helicopter right over the window and load them in, Joker says that then everyone would come after them instead of her friends. 
The Squad is trapped behind tables at the window and El Diablo decides that he's not going to let them die, telling Deadshot he's going to see his daughter again before setting the room ablaze. We get a POV shot of the fire as it spreads from his hands around everything. He burns up the room, destroying everything in a complete blaze. Soldiers shoot at him, he continues walking towards them, he's shot again, he burns them all, the he dies. 
Harley reluctantly decides to turn against Mr J, saying she's really really sorry. She kicks him back onto the window then knocks out the pilot before realizing she can't fly a helicopter and we get a scene where she repeatedly hits the side of the tower and lands again as Joker tries to get on before lifting off again as she scrapes the helicopter up the wall. 
Bialyan soldiers prepare to blow up the tower from the ground with missile launchers. Harley arrives in the helicopter and everyone gets on. Deadshot carries Flagg on the plane. Flagg watches slipping in and out of consciousness. Boomerang balks at this. Amanda Waller says over the secret devices she implanted in their ears that they've made a good choice, she was almost about to set off the bombs. Flagg questions this, and she tells him all his phone did was send a suggestion to her on who to kill. 
The missile launcher hits the helicopter and it goes spiraling down. They realize there is a nuclear bomb on this thing and have King Shark jump out carrying it and them. They all barely survive and make their way to the bar, leaving the bomb despite some people(Harley) wanting to keep it. They make it to the bar area, where we see Enchantress hench people have taken over the entire block and there's police surrounding everything. They bust through and get to the bar where Enchantress informs them the spell is not yet prepared, if only Waller had not dared, to steal her heart, then they could depart. 
Bialyan soldiers attack, fight the Enchantress henchmen, make there way to the squad, They surround the building. Harley asks what will happen to Bialya without Queen Bee. Deadshot says this is a bad time for questions as he shoots through the window. Harley insists, he says it could go a couple ways, but probably anarchy, a civil war, and a new dictatorship. Enchantress has her monsters begin transforming them, an airstrike is called. Enchantress grabs Flagg, Boomerang, King Shark, Harley, and Deadshot, and they teleport away as the bomb hits the block and it explodes. They reappear at Belle Reve. Guards grab the survivors and manhandle them away, dragging them to their cells. Waller comes out to congratulate them and tell them they'll be treated for any injuries and she’ll call them for the next mission when they're needed. Rick Flagg is being put on a stretcher and taken away, but tells Waller they did good work, they should get something. She says she won't give them their freedom, but they can each get something. Boomerang says it's his freedom or nothing. We see like we did in the movie, Harley with her book, slippers, and coffee machine, Deadshot visiting his daughter as Flagg watches, Boomerang in solitary screaming,  Enchantress gets some eye of newt or something like that I don't know, and King Shark gets Shark Week and extra food. 
Harley thinks about how much she misses Mr. J, and he breaks her out of jail. It's weird and doesn't line up with anything up to this point but we’ll explain it in the next movie they show up in.
The End
So, sequels. What's some good ideas for this. Obviously, we’ll delve more into Enchantress in the sequel, in fact, she’ll be a main villain in the sequel after she reveals she's been hiding things and setting up spells that build her power so she can steal back her heart. Also, next movie we’ll recruit Killer Frost and Katana. Katana will be relevant to the secondary plot going on before we get to the Enchantress stuff as a vigilante that gets arrested for murdering a bunch of Yakuza guys and is forced to join the Suicide Squad as Waller wants them to kill the head of the American Yakuza, the man who murdered Katana’s husband. 
Third movie, let's have some heroes like Batman and maybe frosh discover the Suicide Squad and try to shut it down. I want to bring in Bane to the squad. Also Black Manta and maybe Cheetah.Waller will be the villain along with Batman.  
After that, we could transition into a secret six type story with some people who have escaped Waller and some new faces. Scandal Savage? Let's do it. We can do anything really with a team of villains. It can lead to endless possible stories. 


I did not hate Suicide Squad, it got a lot right. This is just an alternate version for part of my movie universe using the basics of the one we got to create something new. 
Anyway, that's all I've got. 
SHOGUN Star Anna Sawai Was Forced To Pass On Audition To Play Katana In SUICIDE SQUAD

SHOGUN Star Anna Sawai Was Forced To Pass On Audition To Play Katana In SUICIDE SQUAD

Warner Bros. Discovery Admits SUICIDE SQUAD: KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE Sales Fell Short Of Expectations
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Warner Bros. Discovery Admits SUICIDE SQUAD: KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE Sales Fell Short Of Expectations

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TheDayman - 9/29/2017, 4:24 PM
Interesting ideas. I hated Suicide Squad, but the general idea is great. It's too bad they messed it up so badly.
noahthegrand - 9/29/2017, 11:25 PM
@Starman - @JaredRWebb12 - @Forager - @ChrisRed - @GliderMan - @aresww3 - @ALostCause - @SimplyAz - @TheRealTomServo - @DaLaBrAcK - @CultofKekistan - @TheRose - @dethpillow - @ThouBear8 - @CicadasAmongMen - @metropolisman2 -
@BlackSpiderman - @Staysick1 - @ILoveStargirl -
noahthegrand - 9/30/2017, 2:15 AM

@Spock0Clock -
JaredRWebb12 - 9/30/2017, 7:09 PM
I'd rather watch this than what Warner Bros and Trailer Park shat out...also,may I suggest Timothy Olyphant for Flagg? And,one last tip-in,I'd throw Harley off and but Bronze Tiger in,lower the budget and go with an R rating(where this plot would be magic)
noahthegrand - 9/30/2017, 11:30 PM
Bronze tiger is definitely a cool character that we don't see enough of. Last time he showed up was I think in the I Am Suicide arc of Batman. He could be cool in live action. I've been considering him for a sequel.

@JaredRWebb12 -
JaredRWebb12 - 10/1/2017, 10:58 AM
@noahthegrand - I’ve always wondered why they don’t use Bronze Tiger more...and he was a boss in I am Suicide
noahthegrand - 10/1/2017, 8:40 AM
SimplyAz - 10/1/2017, 2:02 PM

I really enjoyed your take and sounds like a much better adaption, and interesting.
I like that it's simple but effective and especially liked the idea of some of the Squad having been on previous missions.
Well done and keep up the good work.
noahthegrand - 10/3/2017, 6:48 AM
@SimplyAz - Thanks
DetectiveCinema - 10/3/2017, 5:35 PM
This pitch of yours makes me realize just how much WB dropped the ball on Suicide Squad. This movie wouldve been boss af and 10x better than what we got.

King Shark would've been a better choice over Killer Croc, I'm glad you went with him because the Suicide Sqaud lineup we got was mostly a Batman Rogues Gallery (Deadshof, Harley, Killer Croc).

Like another said, the idea of the conflict taking place in another country works much much better.

The Joker portrayal here is much more like from the comics. It's clear that in the movie we got they just didn't know how to use him, you on the other hand did a superb job.
ThouBear8 - 10/5/2017, 11:34 PM
There are so many things I loved in this that it has retroactively made me like Suicide Squad less lol. While I enjoyed that movie for the most part, there were a ton of missed opportunities, tonal inconsistencies, bizarre character decisions, & a bunch of other issues. You've managed to fix basically every issue with the movie. In the movie, they say they need to have the team in case someone like Superman goes bad. Except that the only person who might have any sort of a chance is Enchantress. Who literally immediately goes bad. So they send in the team to take her down. Like holy shit, how is that the best story they could come up with?

Your plot is better in every conceivable way. The villain sounds miles better, it seems like a mission the squad could actually be capable of doing (& one that they'd need to given the UN connections you so cleverly included), the lineup of the squad sounds more interesting & more fully fleshed out (even Slipknot!), the story is structured better, the characters act more consistently, & your story makes better use of the idea of this being a team of villains. The movie had all the ads saying "worst heroes ever", acting like this would be a team of psychos who would do all kinds of bad. Then they barely rebelled at all & acted like straight up heroes most of the movie, even randomly calling the others their "family" & "friends" at hugely important moments in the film.

It's the classic example of them telling us this group was bad instead of showing us. You gave all the behavior I wish they would've in the movie. In your story, they constantly backstab & try to get their own way, but still manage to maintain their likability. I love that you utilized each of the members' strengths as well as having really clever interactions between the members (Deadshot & Boomerang's rivalry is particularly good in that area). All of their motivations feel real & earned, & for the love of God, thank you for fixing the Joker & Harley's relationship. Theirs is an abusive, [frick]ed up (but interesting) relationship, & you did a great job at showing that better than the movie (which was clearly appealing to the younger fans who think that Joker & Harley are "goals".

There are so many great things you've done with this, that I don't think I can even remember all of them. I must commend you for doing such a great job at taking some of the elements that worked from the movie, but tweaking them in a way so that it works even better. Your version of the Joker feels like he actually belongs in this story, & it wouldn't be the same without him. Your version of the story is like a combination of the film that came out, Assault on Arkham, & an episode of Young Justice. Your story feels like a classic suicide squad mission but it also feels fresh & original in its own way. This is easily one of my favorites that you've done so far. It's stuff like this that really makes me wish the wb/dc writing staff had their shit together.

I'm sure I've forgotten a bunch of stuff, but overall I loved it. Your stories always seem to get better & better as I read through them, & this was no exception. If I think of anything else I'll just drop another comment, but if not, I'll definitely be checking in for the next story. Great job as usual!
noahthegrand - 10/6/2017, 9:02 AM
@ThouBear8 - Yeah, suicide squad really shouldn't have been fighting enchantress. It was wierd and she was really op for a begining squad. I'll be saving her for a sequel I think. Still, she's a fun character so I kept her around, just to a lesser extent. I think this is better because she gets to interact alongside other squad members. Diablo was pretty good in the original movie, but the your my family thing was unearned, so I gave him a different reason to sacrifice himself, to help Deadshot see his daughter. Joker got a larger role, with more to do as a secondary villain, plus a callback to that time he became the embassador of Iran in the comics(can you believe that's part of the comic story for how Jason Todd died?) I'll probably do the sequel to this eventually but I have other stuff I'm trying to do too now like Green Arrow, Aquaman, the flash, and Justice League Tower of Babel.
ThouBear8 - 10/7/2017, 10:00 AM
@noahthegrand - I thought every one of those decisions was good on your part. There were good aspects in the movie, & I think you did a great job keeping them, & even making them better in some cases, while eliminating a lot of what didn't work. Having joker try to be the UN ambassador definitely reminded me of death in the family, & yeah that was an odd touch in that story. When I first read that, I was like "wtf?" lol. Anyway, great work as always, can't wait for the next one!
DoctorDoak - 10/26/2017, 10:58 PM
@noahthegrand - Excellent write-up, glad you brought it to my attention -- apologies for taking so long to get to it! WB definitely should have used the the Joker as a secondary villain as you suggested at the very least -- I'd go so far to suggest he could have worked as the primary antagonist, with Harley being a "wild card" in the mix: either fighting against him genuinely, because she's sick of being slapped around, or playing a double agent as revealed in the end. Conversely, she could simply be his side-kick the whole time, or leave him and switch teams at some point -- I'd be happy at any rate.

I really like the Queen Bee idea though! I can't wrap my head around much of what ultimately came to be in the actual film -- and as much as I love great articles like this, it frustrates me in a way to realize how easy it is to get it right... It's all so confounding I've had to just move on and stick with reading comics, where my imagination calls the shots... Anyway...

Great job once more, sir. I hope to see more of your work in the future!
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