Last night Deadline reported that Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas have started interviewing directors for WB's Superman reboot, currently subtitled Man Of Steel.
The list was as follows:
Duncan Jones (
Moon, Source Code), Jonathan Liebesman (
Battle: Los Angeles), Matt Reeves (
Cloverfield, Let Me In), Tony Scott (
True Romance, Unstoppable), Zack Snyder (
Watchmen, 300),
Well now two of those directors have offered comments. Firstly Duncon Jones, who Tweeted:
"About Superman... I'm going to say something really cheesy; Can't talk about it, but an honor to be on the list. Interesting times!"
Sounds promising. At least he acknowledges that he is on the list! But then we have this from Matt Reeves from an exclusive interview with JoBlo:
The first Reeves said he heard of his attachment to SUPERMAN was when a fan came up to him at Fantastic Fest and told him about it. "I was surprised," he told us in an interview that will air next week on the AITH Podcast. "I really have no idea if any of that is true. It's certainly an amazing project, but I would be surprised..."
Not as promising. But he may of course just playing dumb..or meant he was surprised by the information being leaked! Its not clear. Zack Snyder already told Latino Review the other day that he passed on the project because he didn't
"know how to do it". Its possible that he has changed his mind.
Either way, I think Jones and Reeves are probably the directors I would most like to see take a stab at Supes. How bout you guys?