There has been a lot of polarizing reception of the way Superman has been portrayed in the DC Extended Universe and it's insane that people think he's not acting hopeful even though it's kind of hard for him too. Which is why I'm going to defend the way Superman has been portrayed in the DCEU.
Looking Back At Man of Steel
The way Superman was portrayed in Man of Steel has been polarizing because everyone says Superman would never do the things he did in that movie and how he shouldn't be so hesitant to save people and how he doesn't act hopeful. First of all, the world we live in is dark and judgmental that if someone with Superman's type of abilities ever revealed themselves people would be freaked out by that so I understood why Superman was so hesitant about revealing himself and Jonathan Kent knew how the world we live in today is. Also, Superman does save people in Man of Steel even everyone likes to say he doesn't. Another thing going back to the destruction of Metropolis when godlike aliens fight each other throughout an entire city buildings are going to be destroyed and people are going to die that has to happen. Also, Superman killing Zod to save that family was the right thing because it shows he will do what is necessary to save people.
Going Into Batman v Superman

There has been new criticism with Batman v Superman because they think Superman doesn't act hopeful....When Superman finally revealed himself he has become the topic of controversy by everyone to call judgment upon. People say he doesn't act hopeful well it is kind of hard for him to act hopeful because he is being judged constantly by a dark and realistic world who went through 9/11 that would be freaked out by a godlike alien with the power to wipe out the entire human race. Clark said in Man of Steel that Jonathan Kent believe the world would reject him out of fear if they found out who he really was and Superman is being judged constantly by people like Lex Luthor, Senator Finch, Wallace Keefe, and protestors who see him as a freak that is hard for him to act hopeful. When Superman sacrificed himself by killing Doomsday to save a world who fears and rejects him shows that he has not given up hope even when living in a cruel and dark world so when he died everyone moarned and it showed that they have come around to Superman showing that they were wrong about him because he sacrificed himself to save humanity in 2 movies and people call him a cold blooded killer. I will never get why people don't understand that this is not supposed to be your father's Superman because the big blue boy scout would not work in todays context.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed my article and let me know your thoughts down below.