MAN OF STEEL Director Zack Snyder Defends Clark Kent's Decision To Allow His Father To Die In The Movie

MAN OF STEEL Director Zack Snyder Defends Clark Kent's Decision To Allow His Father To Die In The Movie

Rebel Moon director Zack Snyder has justified the decision to kill Jonathan Kent in 2013's Man of Steel, sharing his interpretation of Superman's perspective during the fateful moment. Read on for details!

By JoshWilding - Apr 20, 2024 09:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

After helming comic book adaptations like 300 and Watchmen (both of which had previously been described as "impossible" to put on screen), Zack Snyder seemed a perfect fit to helm 2013's Superman reboot, Man of Steel

The DC movie has a lot of fans, but also some highly divisive elements. The destruction of Metropolis, Superman's inability to save innocents, and the hero's decision to kill General Zod are chief among them. However, the death of Jonathan Kent is also a major sticking point. 

In the movie, Clark Kent allows his adoptive father to die - at his behest - to stop the world from finding out he's Superman. The scene didn't work particularly well, with many arguing that the Kryptonian could have quite easily rescued Jonathan. 

Snyder, however, believes it made all the sense in the world. 

"The conversation is exactly what he says to Lois...I let my father die to protect the idea that my father was trying to protect," the Rebel Moon helmer tells GQ"The idea that I wasn't ready to be outed to the world because I wasn't Superman. I'm just a teenager that could've made a mess of it. I have the power to do it, but have I ever used my powers in this way?"

"I trusted that his vision for what I could be was bigger than him," Snyder adds, talking from Clark's point of view. "This little incident in Kansas was not the thing that was going to expose me to the world."

It's a compelling justification and one fans of Man of Steel may well agree with. Regardless, we're going to see a completely new dynamic between Superman and his father in James Gunn's SUPERMAN (it was just a few days ago we learned Pruitt Taylor Vince will play the new Pa Kent).

In a separate conversation with Happy, Sad, Confused, Snyder reiterated that there are only a couple of Frank Miller stories which are likely to bring him back to the superhero genre. 

"Elektra is like, well, Elektra Lives Again really is the is the movie for me," Snyder says. "Because it’s Lynn Varley and Frank Miller and the whole - it’s like yeah, that would be, and that book is beautiful. The Dark Knight Returns is the only real comic book movie I would do tomorrow if I could get a chance to do it, yeah. Oh, it has [to be] comic accurate, 100%."

Check out the full interview with Snyder below.

Zack Snyder Shares Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Henry Cavill As Clark Kent In MAN OF STEEL

Zack Snyder Shares Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Henry Cavill As Clark Kent In MAN OF STEEL

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GhostDog - 4/20/2024, 9:37 AM
Still dumb
JackBurton1 - 4/20/2024, 9:42 AM
@GhostDog - Clark could have used his speed and no one would have saw was stupid then and still is stupid now.This is the DCEU we're talking about though...will always been a massive turd.
UniqNo - 4/20/2024, 10:03 AM
@GhostDog - Yup.. Zack clearly never watched Smallville. Lol..but I guess Snyder didn't write the movie.

There would have been a much better way to for Jonathan to sacrifice himself for Clark.
Arthorious - 4/20/2024, 10:33 AM
@UniqNo - personally they could’ve just let him remain alive and still use him as a source of wisdom.

But then again he did think that to protect his sons identity he should let some people die at the time.
GhostDog - 4/20/2024, 12:54 PM
@jst5 @UniqNo

Exactly. The logic of the scene is stupid. He can move so fast he’s a blur.
UniqNo - 4/20/2024, 12:59 PM
@GhostDog - Literally. And the people that Clark is around are looking in another direction to where he is so they won't even notice him moving, and he could have easily taken him to safety elsewhere..

I understand the thinking behind it, but they really should have better executed it to show the possible consequences or possibility of how Clark may be discovered.. none of that was in the scene.
ProudPatriot76 - 4/20/2024, 1:00 PM
@jst5 - except everyone else under the overpass would have seen it; knowing they had just seen that man at the car and now he’s here.

This death made total sense and was what kick-started his path to eventually become Superman
SethBullock - 4/20/2024, 1:20 PM
@ProudPatriot76 - Jonathan should have never gone to try to save the dog knowing Clark could have easily done it using his powers, not even needed to use his super speed, could just have run slightly faster than Jonathan to the car and easily get the dog out and return running normally, and even if he got caught by the tornado he would have survived and could have said he was just lucky somehow or got to hide under a truck or any other random excuse, nobody would have said he was a liar alien that survived thanks to his alien superpowers.

And like others have said, there were like a billions ways he could have used his powers to save him without the people around necessarily noticing it, and if they had noticed it Clark and Jonathan could have done the same thing they did when he saved the kids in the bus, just pretend they were lucky somehow and that the people who could have seen something just imagined it or had an hallucination or whatever, and they could have moved to live somewhere else later and this incident would be forgotten or would become just an urban legend a few months or years later, nobody would believe this guy just saved his father using his alien powers.

Clark should have saved his father anyway even if that meant that all the people there could see him and know his secret, he just shouldn't let his father die like that when he could have easily saved him.

It made absolutely no sense, like many other things on this film, though it had some other very good concepts and ideas, ruined by some others that were just terrible.
grif - 4/20/2024, 3:38 PM
@GhostDog - pointless
GhostDog - 4/20/2024, 5:04 PM
@UniqNo - a smarter writer and creator would’ve devised a smarter scene to illustrate the danger of Clark revealing himself
ComicBandit - 4/20/2024, 5:04 PM
@GhostDog - Clark let his Dad die so he could finally be free of his nagging. No one, and I mean no one, would let anyone they love die if they had the power to save them. This is Supes. Was a dumb idea and it will always be.
GhostDog - 4/20/2024, 5:15 PM
@ComicBandit - perfect summation. Especially Superman of all people have the power to save a loved one and not doing it
MG0019 - 4/20/2024, 7:45 PM
@ProudPatriot76 - It really doesn’t make sense. As evidenced by the over explanations needed to defend it.

The people were in the middle of a tornado. They were sheltering, watching their loved ones, eyes closed, scared. Stuff is flying everywhere, loud to the point you can’t think. Even IF somebody saw Clark run at supersonic speed toward the cyclone; and could make out that it was a person and not debris being flung around; would they believe what they saw? They’d probably assume it was debris, or that their mind was playing tricks.

And even IF they saw Clark, and could make out the impossible feat; Why Would They Expose Him? How? They go on the news and say they saw some kid run faster than a tornado? Who would take them seriously?

It’s an all around dumb and clumsy way to let Pa Kent die. A multimillionaire screenwriter should be able to get that idea across better.
whoknows - 4/20/2024, 7:53 PM
@GhostDog - but then again, if we bringing smallville into it, it’s a small town and everyone knows everybody, they all know the Kent’s. So yea he could have saved Jonathan but then ppl would wonder how did Jonathan get out of that tornado. And ppl wouldnt know it was Clark but it would rouse suspicion especially if Jonathan had no explanation for how he survived. But with that said, the movie didn’t give you that impression of smallville, small town, everyone knows everybody like everyone saying hi to the Kents as they walk into a flower shop in town, or folks pointing out the weirdness of Clark’s sudden adoption. Not in an obvious way but enough to make the Kent’s voice, we need to be more careful. maybe if they did that, to hammer the point in, the scene would have worked better. I mean they did try with the bus thing but obviously it wasn’t effective enough to convey the message
Goldboink - 4/21/2024, 5:23 AM
@GhostDog -
The worst creative decision in the history of ever
Goldboink - 4/21/2024, 5:24 AM
@Arthorious -
Protect his son who’s nigh invulnerable?
Arthorious - 4/23/2024, 12:36 PM
@Goldboink - It's more to it than that, but Snyder was not the person to handle that.
JackBurton1 - 4/29/2024, 9:03 PM
@ProudPatriot76 -Who says Clark had to bring him back to that spot?I mean...the Flash has saved people with other folks right there and they could no see him....super speed works that way.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/20/2024, 9:39 AM
Zack Snyder continues to defend his shitty takes and blatant misunderstanding of characters
LSHF - 4/20/2024, 10:23 AM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - It's more of a different take on the character as opposed to a misunderstanding.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/20/2024, 10:24 AM
@LSHF - His take on Batman and TDKR is a blatant misunderstanding
BigPhilbowski - 4/20/2024, 9:41 AM
Still a dumbass decision. The fact he has to defend his messes of movies so often and can't make a working movie without a 17hour directors cut, shows exactly how bad he is at his job.
Equivocal - 4/20/2024, 1:31 PM
@BigPhilbowski -

User Comment Image

how come the hard die fans of his turd dc movies can not see the obvious ???

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Goldboink - 4/21/2024, 5:27 AM
@BigPhilbowski -
Someone backed the money truck up to his house and he convinced himself he’s worth every penny
Baf - 4/20/2024, 9:42 AM
B.S. the real Superman would have been compelled to help regardleas of the peraonal consequences. This was the biggest mistake in the film. Way bigger than the snnapped neck, even bigger thwn "Martha".
Itwasme - 4/20/2024, 9:44 AM
Somehow I felt like the new Rebel Moon is even worst than the first.

IDK... I wish Zack would take a step back and look at these films with a new perspective. Stop rehashing the past, listen more, and try something out of his wheelhouse.
Gambito - 4/20/2024, 10:31 AM
@Itwasme - the worst thing to ever happen to him are his fans, no matter how terrible his movies get his fans defend him and cuddle him. All of this endless directors cut or the obscure details he pulls out of his ass prove he’s delusional and completely full of himself
Itwasme - 4/20/2024, 10:36 AM
@Gambito - I imagine he's in a social media echo-chamber too.
DeadClunge - 4/20/2024, 9:45 AM
This scene went over a lot of peoples heads, but people are too caught up in their hate to digest its complexity

If you actually pay attention and slow down the scene you can see on Pa Kent's face that he wanted out of that marriage as Martha hadn't put out in years out of fear clark might overhear her getting her back blown out in the barn.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/20/2024, 9:48 AM
@DeadClunge - I clearly missed on the subtext there.

See I thought it was exhaustion of having to clean up the mess from the tornado and decided nahhh I'm out
McMurdo - 4/20/2024, 11:22 AM
@DeadClunge - 😂😂😂
DeadClunge - 4/20/2024, 12:02 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - lmao 🤣 defo a possibility!
DrReedRichards - 4/20/2024, 9:47 AM
You know what? He's not wrong.

Anyone in the right mind would hesitate to save an asshole that told them "nah, you should have let those kids drown".
bobevanz - 4/20/2024, 9:49 AM
@DrReedRichards - haha true shit
HulkisHoly - 4/20/2024, 10:01 AM
@DrReedRichards -

I actually like imperfect pa Kent like in Birthright. I mean, he clearly is regretful and conflicted when he tells Clark “maybe” and puts his head down in shame.
TheVisionary25 - 4/20/2024, 10:09 AM
@DrReedRichards - to be fair , he reluctantly says “maybe” and even seems uncomfortable by it.

I get yah though since the nurture of the Kents is what makes him a hero and these Kents being more cautious & protective of him influences himself to be more brooding or reluctant.
DrReedRichards - 4/20/2024, 10:35 AM
@HulkisHoly, @TheVisionary25 -

Imperfect, I can understand. Actively scolding his son for outing himself through good intentions is not what I'd consider imperfect, though. Especially when you consider Ma's word in the sequel about Clark not owing the world a damn thing.
TheVisionary25 - 4/20/2024, 10:46 AM
@DrReedRichards - that’s fair

The owing the world a damn thing line always bothered me atleast how I understood

This world gave him a home so yes , I do think he owes it.
HulkisHoly - 4/20/2024, 11:12 AM
@DrReedRichards -

To each their own. I understood that Pa Kent was scared for his son and afraid he would be taken away and cut up into pieces in a lab. To me, it felt like he was in between a rock and hard place. He wants his son to use his powers one day for good but he also doesn’t want him to be taken away and tortured.
I think that’s a true moral dilemma that’s relatable. Everyone finds themselves in moral dilemmas where if you do the morally right thing, something bad might happen to you. Do you suffer for the sake of others?
HulkisHoly - 4/20/2024, 11:12 AM
@DrReedRichards -

I don’t mean “you” directly, i meant as a general rhetorical question.
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