As the premiere effort for its new series of more mature, made-for-DVD animated films, DC Comics has chosen the highly-anticipated "Superman: Doomsday," an adaptation of the Death of Superman comic book storyline from the 1990s. Scheduled to debut in September, "Superman: Doomsday" is written by Bruce Timm (Justice League Unlimited) and Duane Capizzi (The Batman), and features the voice talents of Adam Baldwin (Firefly) as Superman/Clark Kent and James Marsters (Smallville) as Lex Luthor.
In an audio interview with Voices From Krypton, producer/co-writer Timm discusses the reasons behind this story being chosen to kick off the animated films, the power it holds for him from a creative point of view, and the challenge of condensing a year's worth of weekly comics into a 76-minute movie.
Visit to listen to the 3-part interview.
And while you're at it, you can view stills from the film at