I just read some shocking article about the top 30 superhero films of all time, now everyone has an opinion but to have Superman The Movie ranked at NO:13 is an insult and even more Superman 2 somewhere like No:23 with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at NO:22. And if your wondering what was number one it was Dark Knight.
For me,the number one superhero film of all time has to be ........Superman : the Movie.
It has all the ingredients. Great Story, Great Cast,G reat Scenery, Great Music,its just all great.The story is just brilliant,and it covers everything,Kal-El being sent to Earth,being raised by the Kents who name him Clark Kent, Clark in High School and learning his true identity,Jor-El taking Clark through his training and then Clark returning to show the world Superman. From then its action all the way,starting with Lois Lane hanging out of a helicopter at the top of the Daily Planet. Then you have a ten minute sequence of Superman chasing the bad guys,love the bit where he dumps the ship outside Police Station, Then you have Lex Luthor planning his attempt to rule the world and at the same time destroying Superman, You have the icky love story between Lois & superman, and then the last 45 minutes you have the showdown which has some great action scenes and a great conflict between Lex and Superman.Of course we all know the outcome,but what a ride.
The score for me is the best musical score used in a film,John Williams is a genius,and so was the casting director for putting together such a fantastic cast.
For me ,Superman: The Movie is my favorite superhero film of all time.
What is yours?
Batman : Some might say that the Tim Burton 1989 was the best, but Batman Begins is slightly better as it had the orgin story.

Iron Man : This was a surprise hit back in 2008, the action was great,good origin story and Robert Downey Jnr was great as the hero
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