Viggo Mortenson Back In The Running To Play The Villain In Superman?

Viggo Mortenson Back In The Running To Play The Villain In Superman?

A report over at Variety reveals that the actor now has a clear schedule to take a role in the upcoming reboot from Zack Snyder and also mentions that the director is still interested in hiring him...

By JoshWilding - Mar 25, 2011 06:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman
Source: Variety

It looks like there's been a new development in the search for an actor to portray the villain in Superman: The Man of Steel.

Variety reports that Viggo Mortensen will now NOT be starring in Snow White and the Huntsman, formally ending months of negotiations. Here is an excerpt from their report which makes things a little clearer:

Dropping out of negotiations leaves the door open for Mortensen to take the role of the villain in Warner Bros.' ''Superman: Man of Steel,'' which is scheduled to shoot at the same time as ''Huntsman.''

Warner Bros. would not comment, but ''Superman'' director Zack Snyder is reportedly interested in Mortensen.

What do you guys think? Despite both Michael Shannon and Edgar Ramirez recently being linked to an undisclosed villainous role in the upcoming movie, will Snyder now cast the actor who was rumored to be his first choice? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place!

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marvel72 - 3/25/2011, 6:40 PM
viggo mortenson is a fantastic actor,his pretty good in everything his starred in.

he'd be a great addition to any already decent cast.

but who will the villain be ?
Jp499 - 3/25/2011, 6:45 PM
My money is on Brainiac or Zor-El.
PaulRom - 3/25/2011, 6:46 PM
Didnt Synder already say he wasn't gonna be in the movie?
golden123 - 3/25/2011, 6:48 PM
I would like to see him as Brainiac.
Jp499 - 3/25/2011, 6:48 PM
@PaulRom Yeah, there's definitely no Zod, at least not "villain" Zod.

My bet is on the villainous version of Zor-El
Ethic - 3/25/2011, 6:49 PM
Snyder said he definitely wouldn't be in it, but if this has opened up the opportunity then I hope he joins!
The guy is excellent and can be so sinister.
ngu13 - 3/25/2011, 6:49 PM
butler 4 zod viggo a new villain
sexfoodcomics - 3/25/2011, 7:03 PM
Zod all the way.
sexfoodcomics - 3/25/2011, 7:04 PM
Sucker punch wasn't made for the public. It was made for geeks and synder. Screw the public.
Dumegg - 3/25/2011, 7:11 PM
he'd make an awesome general zod.
LP4 - 3/25/2011, 7:15 PM
Sick of rumors
Dumegg - 3/25/2011, 7:19 PM
rumors suck, but is all we have until the movie comes out. at least it gives us something to speculate about.
AlexDeLarge87 - 3/25/2011, 7:21 PM
Paul Bettany should be Brainiac.

Edgar Ramirez would make a great Bruno Mannheim.

Viggo Mortensen, Michael Shannon or Michael Fassbender as Luthor

ngu13 - 3/25/2011, 7:21 PM
viggo lex
Angelus - 3/25/2011, 7:29 PM

- That's my somewhat suprised face.
uvsk420 - 3/25/2011, 7:30 PM
i gives a **** bout wht critics think sucker punch kicked a**
dahamma - 3/25/2011, 7:31 PM
@Darkmatter, really? I didn't know critics didn't recieve Sucker Punch well, I thought it was awesome!!
ngu13 - 3/25/2011, 7:31 PM
viggo ....then cgi change doomsday . i no but diffrent
ngu13 - 3/25/2011, 7:36 PM
uvsk420,,DAHAMMA...dammmi have to wait till april1st to see suncher punch ..f
ngu13 - 3/25/2011, 7:48 PM
Paul Bettany..lex,,, viggo Brainiac ,,,butler zod@any1
DaenerysTargaryen - 3/25/2011, 7:59 PM
I remember back in the day when I used to absolutely adore him cause he played Aragorn. He still is my fave LOTR character actor ;)
113 - 3/25/2011, 7:59 PM
I'm still hoping it's not Zod....Have him play a different villain, i'll even take Brainiac, and i HATE Brainiac.
ngu13 - 3/25/2011, 8:11 PM
Pitydafool' ill just download it and save my money...dammm it looked good
vaderthefett - 3/25/2011, 8:24 PM
on a personal level, ide like to see him as Roland for The Dark Tower. That's just me. Left field, I know.
matt28 - 3/25/2011, 8:39 PM
this guy totally beats out every superman jk jk

otakux3r0 - 3/25/2011, 9:22 PM
He'd be bad-ass as a Superman villain. Brainiac or Metallo would be awesome rolls for him. Anyone but Lex Luthor.
TheWolverine - 3/25/2011, 9:34 PM
Kneel before ZOD Viggo..guranteed
FoxForce5 - 3/25/2011, 9:39 PM
Viggo as Brainiac, all the way!

& @ vaderthefett: yeah, was hoping he'd get the roll of Ronald in The Dark Tower as well... oh well...
superwolverine - 3/25/2011, 9:45 PM
MOSisaGoodMovie - 3/25/2011, 10:01 PM
Daniellantern - 3/25/2011, 10:12 PM
Zod all the way!!!
vaderthefett - 3/25/2011, 11:39 PM
@FoxForce5...we'll just have to wait and see. the joe guy from trueblood was hyped up to play superman, and he didnt get the role. this article could be up to blow up a minor thought, maybe he'll turn it down to play Roland :)
jacksback - 3/25/2011, 11:54 PM
i don't care who the bad guy is, just no more Lex, we need some new faces if these movies are going to make it
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