Now, to be completely honest I may be completely off in terms of what I am about to say as I have not followed the Convergance storyline (yet) nor have I kept track of the announcements concerning it. I also would like to say this will be a short right up, something I don't typically do.
Amongst all of the new character designs that we have seen in the past two days (yes...I still prefer New 52), I found one to be quite strange, not in the costume redesign itself, but what elements of the costume suggeted.

Now I must admit right off the bat...I hate each of these designs. With exception to Wonder Woman (minus the arm-blades) I think each of them actually look considerably worse than the New 52 designs. In terms of specifics however, something that struck me as odd is the claim that the Flash suit took heavy influence's from the suit on the show simply because of the darker inner circle. Clearly the inner circle being darker is a nod to the show, but otherwise I think the elements could nod to something else...(Hey in terms of the logo...maybe its just for this shot of the suit? Maybe, much like the CW's Flash, the logo will be changed later)
Could it be...Wally West?...yes...the, debatably, most controversially modified speedster of the New 52 itself, although "Barr-Tor" did take some heat as well. Wally West was changed quite heavily during the New 52, gone was the fun loving happy go lucky immature(at times), ginger kid...Kid Flash/Flash...what we got was quite different. Although controverisal at first, the characater differently grew on me...not as Wally West, but as a new character. The New 52, "street-hardened" Wally West soon reached his definining moment when he gained speed from an enounter with Barry and his future self...and then he returned as a future version of himself to stop the imending crisis (for about one panel...) and then...gone...kind of...
But could this Post-Convergance Flash be an amalgam, combination, of the two?
Yes...I realize at first glance all you may see is a bunch of circles (or ovals?), but here is what I am attempting to note with each of them:
Red: The darker tone of the costume seems less like the CW's Flash and more like Wally's final costume prior to the New 52 reboot in terms of the red being used, the colors, as you can see by the side - by - side, are actually almost identical.
Green: One fairly large difference between Barry and Wally's costumes (Pre-New 52) when they were both running around as the Flash (see last photo) was not only the color, as mentioned above, but also the belt. Where Barry's was one consistant lightning bolt across his waist,as it is in the New 52, Wally's was two staggering lightning bolts that (most of the time) didn't connect in the center, much like this new Flash's design.
Blue: Lastly, the face and mask, the complextion of the face itself seems to be darker, much like New 52 Wally, who now is 1/2 black is. Also note that the eyes, much like both PreNew 52 Wally and New 52 Wally are shaded in and the pupils do NOT show through as Barry's costume typically has been shown to allow.