Season 2 and Beyond Characters I Would Like to Show Up on The Flash

Season 2 and Beyond Characters I Would Like to Show Up on The Flash

Purely based on speculation and hope, below I will give a list of “Flash universe” characters and other minor characters I would like to see appear on The Flash in the future – as well as casting choices for said characters. I will not be listing any big-name heroes, as their appearances are less likely. This list also does not include the characters I believe should appear from Earth-2.

Editorial Opinion
By TheRockmore - Aug 26, 2015 01:08 PM EST
Filed Under: The Flash

Purely based on speculation and hope, below I will give a list of “Flash universe” characters and other minor characters I would like to see appear on The Flash in the future – as well as casting choices for said characters. I will not be listing any big-name heroes, as their appearances are less likely.  This list also does not include the characters I believe should appear from Earth-2.


Bart Allen aka Impulse

Another speedster, another season…no I do not want Bart Allen to make an appearance in Season 2, nor do I want him to even be mentioned. While I do like how Arrow laid the Speedy seeds with Thea Queen early on, and then introduced Roy Harper and had him become Speedy Arsenal before her, I don’t want to see the same formula again. I want Wally West to be around for a little while, til Season 4-ish, and then have a year of Barry “alone” again, and then introduce Bart. If they feel the need to introduce Bart earlier, then do it via time travel sequence where Barry sees flashes of the future and either sees his kids or Bart. As for personification, while I loved Young Justice’s take on Bart – as did others – I find that version a tad overrated and out of character. Originally Bart Allen’s reason for going back was due to his accelerated gaining, “Bart was going to die of old age very quickly, with Earthgov not doing anything to fix his problem. His grandmother Iris West took him away and brought him back to the twentieth century, so that her nephew, Wally West, the third Flash, could show him how to control his speed.” Bart was “sick”, and so a short period of time in which he learned to hone his speed his something I would want, nay, something I would demand The Flash did. And then possibly something like Tim Drake’s “origin”, where Tim deduced Bruce Wayne was Batman (although Bart would know Barry’s identity) and Bruce told him he didn’t want another Robin, Tim then stole a costume and saved Batman.

Played By (if he was introduced now): Colin Ford

Don Allen aka 1/2 of The Tornado Twins

The son [and daughter] of Barry and Iris Allen respectively, the two were conceived in the 30th Century after his father’s retirement, but born after his death in the first Crisis. He and his twin sister Dawn inherited a fraction of his speed. Since they never knew their father, they often felt jealous of their cousin Wally West, to whom Barry was a father figure. I feel as if these two would be served much better as quick flashes seen in another time travel sequence of “what could be”, and possibly alluded too if Bart Allen, son of Don, ever travels back from the future.

Played By: Kyle Gallner

Dawn Allen aka 1/2 of The Tornado Twins

The daughter [and son] of Barry and Iris Allen respectively, the two were conceived in the 30th Century after his father’s retirement, but born after his death in the first Crisis. He and his twin sister Dawn inherited a fraction of his speed. Since they never knew their father, they often felt jealous of their cousin Wally West, to whom Barry was a father figure. I feel as if these two would be served much better as quick flashes seen in another time travel sequence of “what could be”, and possibly alluded too if Bart Allen, son of Don, ever travels back from the future.

Played By: Holland Roden

Max Mercury aka “Quicksilver”/ Jonathan Chambers a.k.a Johnny Quick Amalgam

No, not Marvel’s Quicksilver, Max Mercury is a time jumping speedster who has served as a mentor and friend to many speedsters throughout DC Comics history. Ideally his role on The Flash could be very similar, and assuming Dr. Wells (the good one) doesn’t stick around longer Season 2, a new mentor will certainly be needed. A good avenue to introduce the character would be to make him the founder of Mercury Labs, where Tina McGee currently works, and make him an old-time speedster who has since lost his powers (also make sure he was considerably slower than The Flash for story purposes).  I also believe that, seeing as Jonathan Quick and Max Mercury serve similar roles and amalgam of the character could be interesting to see. Jonathan gets his powers from speaking/thinking a formula that connects him to the speed force, as aforementioned I think Max should be depowered and the head of Mercury Labs, what if that’s what he’s working on? The formula that allows him to reconnect with the Speed Force.

Played By: Kenny Johnston

Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning

With Static Shock tied up in a web-series what better hero to introduce than Black Lightning (or Lightning as I would prefer his nickname). While Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock resonates with a younger audience the inclusion of Jefferson Pierce and a mention of/knowledge of his full family brings a different element to The Flash. While the show is focused on family, it has yet to entertain the idea of what if the leader of the family were to become something more. Just to quickly touch on codename, yes, I would prefer his character be called Lightning rather than Black Lightning because to me it has subtle hints of racism, very subtle, but existent. Green Arrow wears green and shoots green arrows, Black Canary wears all black, Red Tornado’s tornado’s are red, Green Lantern’s constructs are green…but Black Lightning’s lightning…it’s is blue/white…and he wears a relatively balanced outfit of blue, yellow, and black…so the name just doesn’t seem to suit the character to me. As for story, I think bringing in elements of John Henry Iron’s storyline could be very interesting seeing as both characters stories are very family-driven. Pierce should be a renown scientist from another city – therefore his story isn’t tied to him and his family moving from Central City –  who is saved by The Flash on a visit to Central City. After telling The Flash he “owes his life to him” The Flash tells him that he should make it count, and so, Pierce a journey to becoming a hero of his own via science. Whilst experimenting with an electronically charged suit – think Spider-Man’s Shocker – the suit overloads and Pierce wakes up to realize his body is similarly charged with electricity. This not only successfully introduces Black Lighting but also introduces someone who can delve into DC comics famous metagene, which has been  hinted at since the pilot episode of The Flash.

Played By: Charles Michael Davis

EDIT: Apparently as of the New 52 his lightning is actually black!

John Fox aka. The Flash

John Fox isn’t that interesting of a character, but boy is his costume very, very, very cool. Fox originally gained his powers when he was sent back in time – he’s from the future – on a failed mission to retrieve one or more of the Flashes from the past. Despite the mission being a failure the tachyon radiation that powered his journey gave him super speed. What makes Fox interesting and usable for stories is that his powers were given to him by tachyon radiation which, if the writers wanted to, could be spun into a storyline akin to Hunter Zolomon’s in the comic, where is power is deviated not from the speed force, but from his existence outside the timeline which allows him to manipulate time around him. The storyline could easily be used as a “who makes a better Flash” story where a future Flash, Fox, comes back to “replace” Barry only to learn that he may not be fit to carry the title of The Flash.

Played By: Ryan Kelley

EDIT: Seeing as a version of the character is set to appear on the CBS Supergirl show, you can basically ignore what's below if you want in the Red Tornado section...

John Smith aka Red Tornado

Whereas Jefferson Pierce can introduce a family dynamic, Red Tornado can introduce a humanity-based dynamic. Unlike the Vision in Age of Ultron, who seemed uneasy, yet acclimated and educated about society, Red Tornado should have this all be part of his journey. Much like the comic he should begin his time as a villain, and seeing as Prof. Ivo is now dead (6 years ago when The Flash is in it’s second season), I think the Edward Scissorhands approach should be taken, something reactivates an old project (Tornado) that Ivo had been working on; unfortunately said project was incomplete, after doing battle with the Flash a few times Tornado is captured and “fixed” by whomever the tech geek of The Flash is at that point, he then ventures out on his own to discover the world.

Played By: Michael Rosenbaum

Patrick “Eel” O’Brian aka Plastic-Man

I realize that Ralph Dibny aka Elongated Man was mentioned in episode 1×07 of The Flash as a casualty of the particle accelerator, and I think he should stay as such seeing as both Arrow and The Flash overuse the “not dead” trope. As for Plastic-Man I believe they could easily put a twist on both O’Brian and Dibny and make them partners in crime prior to the accelerator going off, with Dibny dying the night of the explosion and O’Brian being blessed with his powers and a second chance (much like Plastic-Man’s comic book origin). Rather than seeing the clichéd villain to hero or vice versa transformation, we get insight into someone who was a petty thief who was blessed with a second chance.

Played By: Jerry Trainor

Rex Mason aka Metamorpho

Although the timeline has been confirmed not to be changing come Season 2 – which means that Simon Stagg, a key player in Metamorpho’s origin, remains dead – doesn’t mean we still can’t get Metamorpho on The Flash. Ideally he would be a minor hero and if you look at my casting below you’ll know why, a minor character whose actor simply nods to his previous involvement in the superhero universe as The Man of Steel himself. Rex Mason could have quite easily have become Metamorpho long before Simon Stagg met his end, much like Firestorm was in The Flash’s first season he may simply be in hiding or elsewhere due to his displeasure with how he appears.

Played By: Tom Welling

Wally West aka The Flash of Earth X

The easter egg (or more) to satisfy comic fans everywhere. Seeing as The Flash is going to be using the Post New 52 look of Wally West – something that bothered many fans – I think a nod to, or appearance of, an alternate Earth Wally West could do wonders for some fans. This alternate Earth Wally could be a more traditional PreNew 52 “goofball” Wally who stops by Earth-1 as he tries to stop a crisis (left ambiguous) on his own Earth. Another option that could be interesting is that this version of Wally is trying to stop a crisis that our Barry has already stopped, so be happens to stop by Earth-1 and Barry explains to him/mentors him, much like Jay Garrick is set to mentor Barry in Season 2, as to how he can stop the impending crisis.

Played By: Gabriel Basso

Michael Jon Carter aka Booster Gold

Michael Jon Carter’s appearance and casting choice can be seen here.

Played By: Eric Christian Olsen


Citizen Abra aka Abra Kadabra

Citizen Abra was a stage magician in the 64th Century, going by the name Abra Kadabra, due to the advanced technology of his era his performances were somewhat useless and so he went back in time. After gaining some success in the past, Abra realized the best way to garner attention was by stealing things, and so his crime spree began. In the CW’s take of the character I would NOT have Abra be the one to truly introduce characters from the future, who we know are from the future when they are introduced (Eobard being an exception), first Bart Allen should be introduced and we should learn of how his future is different from our current time, possibly even have Barry travel forward in time…and then, introduce Abra in a manor very similar to the comics.  Seeing as Arrow’s fourth season is set to introduce magic, The Flash should wait and see how much access to “magic” the Arrowverse will get before deciding whether or not to make Abra truly “magic” or “tech” based.

Played By: Shane West

Alexander Petrov

Petrov’s role on the show, much like in the comic, should be to establish Captain Cold’s Rogue’s laws. Captain Cold has a strict set of rules as to how the Rogues should act, such as no drugs, not kill unless they have to, and never frame a fellow Rogue. This final rule is exemplified when Petrov frames Cold, and, since he broke Rogue law, Cold kills Petrov. Seeing as last season we were introduced to a slightly villainous, slightly maniacal Captain Cold, and this season we are set to see both Cold and Heat Wave make the jump to anti-heroes on Legends of Tomorrow,  The Flash should take the time to set in place – clearly – what Rogue law is to Captain Cold and Petrov would be an excellent lead in into doing so.

Played By: Maxi Iglesias – I’m not too familiar with this actor, but people claim he’s a “lookalike” with Wentworth Miller – who plays Cold – and considering the storyline I think a lookalike adds a good twist

Black Flash aka Death for Speedsters

See link here where I explain how he may – although a secondary option – show up this season.

Played By: CGI

“Malcolm”/Eddie Thawne aka Cobalt Blue

Since The Flash’s pilot episode it has been abundantly clear to me that “Eddie” Thawne was an amalgam of well known character Hunter Zolomon aka Zoom and lesser known character Malcolm Thawne aka Cobalt Blue. Despite meeting his demise in the Season 1 finale – Cosnett had to leave the show due to personal issues – the character could quite easily return in a way that I outlined in further detail here.

Played By: Rick Cosnett


Albert Desmond aka Doctor Alchemy/ Mister Element

Ever the schizophrenic Albert Desmond would ideally, much like his comic counterpart, try to fight the evil inside of him. However in this adaptation rather than Mister Element being his first criminal name and Dr. Alchemy his second, one would represent his good side and the other his bad, both living without knowledge of the other’s existence. This could add an interesting spin of a character who is otherwise very bland, it also encompasses the storyline where a “second” Dr. Alchemy emerged that turned out to be Albert Desmond’s twin…who turned out to be a manifestation of Albert’s evil side.

Played By: Eric McCormack

Thaddeus Thawne II aka Kid Zoom/Inertia

The imperfect clone of Bart Allen from the future Kid Zoom/Inertia would certainly serve as an interesting character if there ever was one. Seeing as his powers could be derived form either the Speed Force or time displacement his character is open to a plethora of opportunities…although I should probably wait until Bart is introduced to even assume/hope anything of Thaddeus II

Played By (if he was introduced now): Colin Ford

Samuel Scudder aka Mirror Master

Mirror Master is a mastermind in his own right, and seeing as Captain Cold has also been a mastermind on The Flash M.M. would be the perfect way to set up a very lose adaptation of Rogue’s War – a famous Flash storyline – in which two teams of Rogue’s with different ideals, one led by Cold, the other by Mirror Master could duke it out to see who should truly lead the Rogues. Ideally, much like Capt. Cold, Mirror Master would not be a metahuman in this version.

Played By: Joshua Jackson

Owen Mercer aka Capt. Boomerang 2

To simplify an unneeded part of his origin this version of Mercer would not be the son to Digger Harkness and Meloni Thawne (Bart Allen’s widowed mother) and he would not have minor speed powers, he would simply serve as a son (or simply replacement) to the first Captain Boomerang who WB seems to have taken off the table due to the new Suicide Squad movie. Casting someone younger also allows for the Rogue’s to last longer as The Flash grows to a show that has potential to run for 10+ Seasons.

Played By: Cody Linley


This is a character solely restricted to The Flash from the 1990’s and she served as the Harley Quinn to the original Trickster. I think her appearance as a side-henchmen to Axel Walker’s Trickster could introduce a “Bonnie and Clyde” dynamic and perpetuate the “Trickster doesn’t work alone” dynamic introduced in 1×17, “Tricksters”.

Played By: Cassidy Alexa

The Renegades

I think using all elements of various Flash futures as either full fledged stories or easter eggs would be nice. Seeing as The Flash has been to various futures (which never are noted as being different) having Barry go to a future where he sees one cohesive combination of various elements of various versions of the future introduced in the comics could be cool, and seeing the future version of the Rogues, the Renegades, would be interesting.


“A Cold War pilot for a third-world nation, the man who would become known as Savitar was to test a supersonic fighter jet. As he reached top speed, his plane was struck by what appeared to be lightning, and he went down in hostile territory.”… if they chose to not introduce Hal Jordan (which would be stupid) they could theoretically modify Savitar’s origin and make him into the missing Ferris Air pilot. Assuming that isn’t the case I believe Savitar could be used as the “Reverse Flash” to the Max Mercury/Johnny Chambers amalgam I mentioned above…much like Tim Allen’s Zoom “lost his speed” when he sent Concussion (the villain) into another dimension, Max Mercury could have done the same. The story could follow Mercury tracking the impending threat known as Savitar and attempting to get his speed back in order to do combat with the villain.

Played By: Eric Winter


Much like Scarecrow this relatively unknown Flash villain has the ability to magnify people’s fears and make them reality, something that has been explored by the newest batch of Vertigo on Arrow. I personally hope that by Season 4’s closing Count Vertigo has ditched the drug and gone the more comic route, which would allow for a new twist and formulation of Vertigo called “Spin”, a drug that could begin making the rounds in Central City.

Played By: Kevin Zeegers – I personally enjoy the fact that his look is reminiscent of Seth Gabel, the first Vertigo on Arrow, as they could/would play similar roles

Roscoe Dillon/Hynes aka The Top/Turbine

While I do enjoy the New 52 origin of “Turbine” who essentially replaces the Top, it does share quite a bit in common with Savitar’s origin as well, that being said I do think the character should go eventually by the name “Turbine” as it sounds a little less gimmicky, but maybe should get his start as “The Top”. I think Roscoe could easily be an excellent example of the metagene at work, much like Black Lightning above, The Top could draw his powers from a machine of sorts that gives him his spinning speed, and due to malfunction he almost dies. The metagene is said to be triggered to counteract or simulate ones near death experience and “The Tops” transformation into a naturally powered “Turbine” could illustrate that.

Played By: Josh Peck

Supporting Characters

Fiona Webb/Ashley Zolomon Amalgam

“She met Barry Allen after the death of Iris West and started to have a relationship. After they engaged, Professor Zoom tried to kill Fiona like he killed Barry Allen’s ex-wife but his action ended badly by Barry Allen who accidently broke his neck. Fiona had a serious nervous breakdown because of nearly being killed and got left at the altar.”… I think her story could easily be adapted almost directly from the comics as I see Iris’ time on The Flash as short-lived BUT she would ideally return (much like she did in the comics)…using the Iris dies and Barry moves on storyline not only opens up the chance for Barry to visit the future (to meet/save Iris) but also serves as a great proxy relationship just like Chloe and Clark, Lana and Clark, and Oliver and Felicity before the true finale romance comes to fruition.  Rather than have her move to Central City and change her name from “Beverly Lewis”, this version could have moved away from her abuse husband, Hunter (a nod to Zolomon) and changed her name from “Ashley” to Fiona Webb. The character (like her comic counterpart Ashley) can work in a special unit of the CCPD known as the “Rogue Profilers”, those whose job it is to specifically determine and stop the Rogues rather than the normal criminals, something The Flash could easily build to for Season 3 – although I would venture to say her inclusion as part of the show and more specifically the CCPD depends on how long Patty Spivot remains part of the cast.

I merged Ashley Zolomon into the character due to the fact that I don’t believe we will ever see Hunter Zolomon in his true form for reasons I tackle here (CW Zoom Explained), here (CW Cobalt Blue Explained), and here (CW Professor Zoom Explained).

Played By: Ashley Tisdale

Jerry McGee aka Speed Demon

Seeing as Tina was aged upwards so that the original actress who played her on The Flash in the 90’s could reprise her role, I would do the same to Jerry, thus eliminating his time as Speed Demon. Speed Demon’s original suit injected him with a drug known as Steroid B-19, what if, and I reference points I made above again, both McGee’s, and Max Mercury use Steroid B-19 as a temporary fix for Max’s speed at some point, either causing them to realize how bad the idea and abandon it for years, or simply before they figure out how to get his speed back permanently; this again ties into the “stories” for Max Mercury and Savitar above.

Played By: Geoff Pierson

Vince Everett

An allusion to both the PreNew 52 Wally West and Vince Everett who appeared as a teenage thief named Vince Everett in The Flash TV Special #1 (based on the 90’s show). “Unlike the Flash, his powers did not require eating to replenish. His speed is pushed to the limit as he chases the Flash through an amusement park, eventually burning out his powers.” If they chose, they could, even if it was a very minor role make this character a friend to the current Wally West.

Played By: Grayson Russell

“Darwin Elias”

I have already made clear (here) I would like Elias’ traits to be applied to the new version of Doctor Harrison Wells we will be getting in Season 2, although Elias showing up at a later date wouldn’t be to terrible either.

Played By: Tom Cavanagh

Evan Gibson

We actually know that Gibson, who is typically a young Star City reporter, exists in the Arrowverse as he is the one who wrote the article about Nora Allen’s death ( and Henry’s subsequent arrest) and the original – temporary – 2024 paper. Seeing as he was around at the time of Nora’s death and he was a high profile enough reporter to cover that front page news story I would put him in his late 40’s-early 50’s on the show. I would hope that mentors Iris in Season 2 – rather than be rude to her like Mason Bridge – and puts her on the path to becoming the reporter she is in the comics.

Played By: Matthew Perry

"James Forrest"

As much as I would love for the show to include James Forrest, who is a DNA specialist and friend of Barry Allen’s at the Central City Police Department, it seems many of his actor traits, and his place in Barry’s life have been replaced and improved on by Joe West.

Played By: Jesse L. Martin

Darryl Frye

Darryl Frye was a captain in the Central City Police Department. One of his subordinates was police scientist Barry Allen. Frye would occasionally adopt the costumed identity Captain Incredible and fight crime in the city. Seeing as David Singh is the current leader of the CCPD I believe that Darryl can make his entrance in a later season, an ex. CCPD cop who moved to another city and is now back, maybe he could drop a joke about his days as “Captain Incredible” as well.

Played By: Scott Paulin

Don't Give Me

Captain Nathaniel Adam aka Captain Atom

One name I constantly see popping up is “Captain Adam”…”bring Captain Adam onto The Flash”. The reason I say nay to this character is two fold, the first being his name, as of now officially have an “ATOM/Atom” and an “Atom Smasher”, as if that doesn’t confuse the average audience member enough, especially seeing as their powers aren’t even the same, brining a character named “Captain Atom” in seems not only redundant but unnecessarily confusing. The second part of my “nay” to seeing this character is his power set. While unique in that he is an atomic reactor, he essentially is the same character as Firestorm but “draws his power from elsewhere”. To further my point I will include a quote explaining the two from ComicVine user “Static Shock”:

“Both have the ability to manipulate matter and shoot energy blasts. However, Captain Atom is more accustomed to energy blasts, while Firestorm is more accustomed to atomic transmutation (although both of them can do both things). Firestorm can become intangible. Captain Atom cannot. Captain Atom’s ability to use the Quantum Field is mainly based on his will, and I don’t think the same is said for Firestorm using the Firestorm Matrix. Captain Atom possess superhuman physical attributes on a much greater level than Firestorm (Class 100+ strength, near-indestructible durability, light speed flight in space, etc). Captain Atom is generally more powerful than Firestorm, having defeated Firestorm (Ronnie, while merged with Stein) in battle on two occasions. Against Jason, I don’t think the outcome would be much different.

However, since both Ronnie and Jason are now one as Firestorm, it could be argued that they are more powerful than Captain Atom now, since they are powerful enough to trigger than Big Bang.”

Played By: No One


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Odin - 8/26/2015, 3:00 PM
Actually I think it would be interesting if Inertia showed up as villain like a season before Bart makes his debut. It would create interesting story and character dynamics if Barry learned that one his most deadliest adversaries was techically his own grandchild (sort of). I also think that Wally West will most likely take the title of Impulse (seeing his age) like in the new 52. Bart Allen will probably be the first one to use name Kid-Flash.

Anyway, great article and casting.
TheRockmore - 8/26/2015, 3:10 PM

Thanks! I could see Inertia showing up, but if that were the case I would - hope - that as fans we knew who he was (not his name) but it wasn't until Bart showed up that we actually learn they are "related".

As for Wally's name ... I agree! I have a piece that I'll probably post here about Wally:

Basically it's just the various: costumes, origins, codenames, etc. Wally could use
gamecreatorjj - 8/26/2015, 5:53 PM
Very extensive, thorough and well formatted as usual! The thing that stuck out to me most was the tornado twins cast, wouldn't they be mixed if Iris was their mom?

Also I like the idea of "Wally from Earth-X," but I'm hoping he is portrayed in such a way that (besides his appearance) he is indistinguishable from Pre52 Wally. I do hope we see the Flash of 2020 (from Eobard's timeline) and maybe that Flash's Wally is looks more like pre52 Wally. Also Michael Rosenbaum for original timeline Barry, it would be so cool to another iconic Flash actor on the show. Who knows, maybe one day we'll see Gustin, Ezra, Shipp, and Rosenbaum together as the Flashes from around the multiverse.
TheRockmore - 8/26/2015, 5:56 PM

Trust me I tried SOOOO hard to find mixed twins, then mixed this, actors close to the same age with a similar just wasn't happening haha. I would say the darker skin tone was a recessive gene haha.

As for Eobard's timeline, the producers have said nothing in the past will change - so technically this is still Eobard's timeline (one giant, slightly changing loop) - that's why I chose someone who is basically Gustin's age...on Earth X (whatever it is) Wally is the main Flash (ideally) and always has been.
SimplyAz - 8/27/2015, 3:39 AM
Wow, great work and every choice was well explained.

Looking forward to your future work, thumbs up.
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