I am very new to this site and have only just created a Fansite right here from Down Under so I will be your future source for everything Scooped here in Australia.
I went to see THOR a few days ago with my Father and we both really enjoyed as an action comic book popcorn flick.
I am a huge comic book fan and have been collecting comics for over 25 years now but never really read any THOR comic books due to the whole THEE GOD wording and stuff, not only that he did really little for me. I do have the Original THOR Mini Statue though.
Onto the flick now...
I was interested to see how they were gonna explain this whole Asgardian world and connect it into everyday earth and I have to say that they did quite a good job of that.
If there is one movie I would never want to make it would be THOR. Give me BATMAN any day of the week to make a movie of.
The movie is OK but NOT great and the reasons I speak of are because the opening 10 minutes and closing 10 minutes of the movie are all excellent with tons of action and heavily popcornned up with the standard CGI we all accept in our movies each and everyday now.
But the middle of the movie is very very slow with THOR only having his powers available for a 1/10th of the movie.
The acting is all good but somehow Natalie Portman seems out of place and her role would of been far more convincing if it was played by an unknown.
All in all a Cool Popcorn movie but nothing to Rave about.
I give it 3 pieces of Popcorn out of 5 Popcorn pieces.