Canon's Thoughts On Thor Footage

Canon's Thoughts On Thor Footage

Editorial Opinion
By Canon - Aug 21, 2010 08:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Thor

The following are just my opinions and thoughts about the Thor Comic-Con footage. I urge anyone to point out any mistakes or just voice their opinion.
Now I know that most of you have seen the five minute Thor footage that came from SDCC. Since then, I’ve read just a handful reviews about it here on CBM. Just because I’m really bored, I’m going to write my second article.
Thanks to Donald Draper, I was able to see the first ever Thor footage about two months back. And I must admit, it sent me through the roof. Nerdgasm to the next level. The cinematography was beautiful and I thought it could rival Fav’s “Iron Man” if not better. At first I was worried they will have trouble mixing the world of Thor’s Asgard and Stark’s futuristic, hi-tech world. However, when I saw it, I was immediately sold. Asgard was just beautiful, and the costumes weren’t over done. I think the outfits were great and on point. The actors looked so much like the characters from the comic book. The part when Agent Coulson and another agent mention Stark’s name was especially my favorite. Now a run through of the characters:
First time I found out that Papa Kirk from “Star Trek” is Thor, I said “meh” I guess he’s okay. He’s got the height and the voice. But did he have the talent and experience? Well I really thought that he did great a job for his part. After all, Kenneth Brannagh wouldn’t have hired him if he couldn’t act. He looks pretty ripped since “Star Trek.” An issue that most people had problems with back then was they said he wasn’t as buff enough. This is just my talking, but I don’t think Alexander Skarsgaard can pull that off. And I like Chris Hemsworth way more than Mr. True Blood.
He’s fine, not as Vikingy as I expected. I think they wanted to show an Odin who’s wise and all-knowing. I mean he didn’t give an eye for nothing, you know. Anthony Hopkins is without a doubt a fantastic actor and as long as a script is good, he will always pull his weight in the film.
What makes a good hero? A great villain, of course. It is why Christian Bale shined in the Batman movies-- Liam Nielson and Heath Ledger made him shine. They made him look good. And with all the actors in this film, this is the guy I have the highest hopes for. Ken Brannagh himself hired this guy after working with him back in the U.K. Plus his attitude is great and he’s a real method actor. I just hope he lives up to my expectation.
Jamie Alexander was beautiful as the ass kicking Asgardian. I never thought that she’d be where she is now when I saw her in that stupid series “Kyle XY.” I saw her having more than one outfit in the footage, so I guess we won’t get bored with what she wears in the film. When I saw her in the footage, she was an Amazon tearing any enemy that comes close a new one. But I sure hope the Warrior’s Three get some more action as well.
The Warriors Three
Fandral looked the most carbon copy from the comics of anyone else. And the actor is good base on the body language when I saw him raise his head towards Odin or Loki (the person was out of view) I’m glad Townsend quit. Now we have a better actor who doesn’t bitch and whine like him.
Hogun looked like a guy from feudal Japan. I guess it’s okay. In the comics, he looked a lot more Mongolian to me. But it’s no big deal to me. What’s important is if the actor can pull it off.
Volstagg, I kind of laughed a little when I saw this guy. He really did look like a large Gimli. But I must say, I did appreciate having Ray Stevenson be undistinguishable as the Frank Castle from “Punisher: Warzone.” It would have taken me out of the movie if I see him in there. I thought they’d put him in a fat suit that that didn’t seem the case. He did not look fat at all in this movie. Do you think that’s good? I’m kind of uncertain.
Kat Dennings, Hot! What can I say?
Peter Sarsgaard, I don’t know much about his character, but I think that it’s great for his staying on board even though his son didn’t get the part of God of Thunder.
I’ll be the first to tell you that I don’t know much about Thor. I don’t even know who Frigga is. But I must admit that I am pumped up for this movie. As I watched the footage, I put two and two together and came up with my own predictions and assumptions for the movie. The story is simple enough.
From what I’ve seen, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three (and I think even Loki) goes to Jutenheim (not sure how to spell it) I think it is where the Frost Giants reside in seclusion. They go Asgard on their asses causing an ancient war to be reignited between the Giants and Asgard. Papa Odin wasn’t all smiles at this. He gets pissed and exiles his son to Earth without his powers until he gets his act straight.
On Earth, Thor is found by Jane Foster and her assistant. He’s going to say he’s a god, they’re going to think he had too much Red Bull or he’s just insane. They’re gonna dance around about it a bit. Foster will later on be convinced on some level and take Thor to Mjolnir inside a base of a research team controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor will slap a couple of guys around until he reaches his hammer. Because he’s still an arrogant prick, he can’t life the Mjolnir (sort of a King Arthur/Excalibur thing). Powerless, he gives up, and is captured by SHIELD agents.
While Mr. God of Thunder is busy down on Earth, trouble comes to Asgard. When Loki finds out that mommy dearest fooled around back then, he discovers his true lineage and gets broken by the feeling of betrayal. Then Odin will somehow be incapacitated (I don’t think it’s the Odinsleep) leaving Asgard without a king. Since Thor is still on Earth, Loki will take over the throne much to Sif’s and the Warrior Three’s dismay. Now the god of mischief will make sure that his half brother will not return and reclaim the throne…enter the Destroyer.
On Earth, Thor will somehow escape his captors and return to Jane Foster. There he finds Sif who tells him about the situation in Asgard, and warns him that the Destroyer is out to get his ass. The Destroyer comes to town and threatens everyone’s life in its mission to find its target. Thor will learn his lesson and rush over to Mjolnir. He’ll get his Hammer back and BAM! His powers return along with his outfit with the awesome red cape. Thor and the Destroyer go at it. Since he is the hero in this story, he’s gonna win. He goes back to Asgard and hands Loki a beat down.
Now this is the part I’m not sure. Odin wakes up and welcomes back his son. But he doesn’t punish Loki (according to the various info I read here in CBM) Thor will ask to stay on Earth for a bit so he can be with Jane. It is there that he gets recruited by Agent Coulson to be in the Avengers. And I think that the after credits will be Loki taking over Bruce Banner’s body as seen on the end of “The Incredible Hulk.”
Oh! And I think that Jane will give Thor the name Donald Blake based on what Ken Brannagh said in one of the articles I’ve read here.

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ROMACK - 8/21/2010, 9:39 PM
Seems pretty on target to me.
Wadey09 - 8/21/2010, 10:02 PM
that's a pretty sound prediction although it may not all come out in that order.
but i think that Odin will be a LITTLE pissed at Loki and punish him. probably sentence him to a thousands years in Hel, guarded by Loki's own daughter, Hella.
and then in Avengers, he would break out.
whaddaya think?
antonio - 8/21/2010, 10:22 PM
the footage looked,it will eclipse every marvel movie ever made(so far) incredible.

i swear,after i saw it,i wanted 2 go outside and scream"for asgard,for asgard"lol!

nice article @canon
HotHead - 8/22/2010, 2:28 AM
odin enters odinsleep in the film!!!!!! odin according to ken brannagh runs the marvel cinematic universe by bieng the wielder of the odin force and collecting powerfull mystical objects so thers no way loki could hurt him!!!! heres my take on a few details,after loki discovers his liniage odin knows loki will try to start the war again so odin enters odinsleep to strenthen his powers so he can test how thor does on his own so when he wkes up he'll be stronger to fight loki next time. then in the the avengers (based on what canon said odin will not punish him) loki will become jealess that thor is an odinson and he is not loki will try to kill him so he will be the only hier left by taking contol over the hulk and will help assemble the masters of evil along with baron zemo(from the first avenger)enchantress and executioner and either a other villians we have seen before such as the abomination,the leader,and not wanting to cause another two face debat but i'm preaty sure in the comics the crimson dynamo could transfer his mind into that of his his helmet so it could be thereticly possible that ivan vanka transfered his mind into another suit hidden in some where at hammer industries hq and thus survived the explosion especially since his last words were "you lose" wicth to me sounded like vanko would be back and that they were distine to be fighting eachover for everver like the joker said in tdk and the bookends for his retern could be in the first avenger where we may vary well met his father the red gaurdian fighting alongsde steve rogers and reveal his plans to become an inventer much to dominic purrel's howard stark dismay wicth will kickstart the rivalry between them as was mentioned both by vanko and in the the video,however the teaser for ivan vanko's retrn will be after the his team raid arnim zola's laberetory in wicth zola becomes a cybernetic creature and it will show vanko sr. secretly steling some of zola's thech wicth he brings back to the ussr to crete the winter soldier, then in the avengers movie where ivan returns as a cybernetic bieng inside the the android the crimson dynamo in wicth he'll reval at vanko sr's deathbead he in one way or another give ivan clues as to wear the tech is and how to use in case he needs to preserve his legacy so uses the tech to build the crimson dynamo and implaint the tech in his head so that when his physicle body is destroid is destroid his astrol form is kept in the dynamo wicth is kept somewhere secret in hammer industries hQ,ivan will brobably also have tooken dna samples of himself so that using cloning tech his father also stole from zola's lab dering ww2 to clone himself so thate he can rotate his mind from a human form to an android form thus elowing ivan vanko to return as the crimson dynomo,and pehaps via tfa aim is intoduced and modok cand be in the avengers as a mmber of the master as well.t or b the possibility,of introducing, the melter,the vilinous black night,and the radioactive man somehow, in fact to piss of the lee the liberaters from the ultimates could pententially be used as the team loki,zemo,amora,& skurge sett up instead of the masters becouse in the congress scene in im2 tony showed a video that he said himself were failed attemps by north korea & iran at making super-soldiers so it opens up the posibility bility that loki and zemo fund rogue states to create super-soldiers not just like iron man but also cap,hulk.perhaps even thor!!!! ant way the hulk eventualy gains contol of its self and turns the tide against loki who gets his ass handed to him by the gamma giant. thats just my thoughts
marvel72 - 8/22/2010, 4:39 AM
god article,i mean good.

thor is gonna be the best marvel film without doubt.

best marvel studios films

5.ironman 2
4.the incredible hulk
2.captain america

thor will get beaten by the avengers.
superbatspiderman - 8/22/2010, 12:27 PM
Thor does look pretty good but it will be hard to beat Iron Man because that movie was amazing but I am not nearly as excited for this movie as I am Green Lantern.
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