Sam L. Jackson Pretty Much Confirmed for Thor

Sam L. Jackson Pretty Much Confirmed for Thor

We all knew it. At least now its confirmed...

By DCMarvelFreshman - Nov 25, 2009 09:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Thor

Marvel has added Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury on Thor's Movie Hub Page HERE. At least we can actually say that Samuel L. Jackson will be apart of the fantastic cast we already have. I wonder how his introduction will be in the film. Check out the entire cast below to add some excitement to the article.













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SupahPhreak - 11/25/2009, 9:47 PM
Batmanknight - 11/25/2009, 10:29 PM
This is how Furry will meet Thor:

After the credits we see Furry sitting with Iron Man, Ant-Man, Bruce Banner, and Hawkeye and be like, "Hey guys we got a guy from the past, a rich man, a monster, and a really really short guy. What else do we need? Oh yeah A GOD" Then Banner will be like, "Furry are you sure thats smart. What if one of the gods has an evil brother that will wish vengence on his brother, and that leads to him fighting us and hurting our team?" Then Hawkeye's like, "Dude Banner, no one cares what you think, your a [frick]en nerd with no powers. You know when we'll care? When you become a green [frick]en monster. Till then you're no one."

so furry's all like "Dude I'm going to fly this mother [frick]en plane to this mother [frick]en fantasy world." (you say its impossible. I say nothing is impossible for Samuel L. [frick]en Jackson)

so he gets to asgard, kicks the warriors asses and is like "Take that mother [frick]ers. I'm 60 [frick]en years old but somehow in movies i still look and kick ass like I'm 40."

Next we see Thor standing in his castle after banishing Loki, and Loki be all like "I'll be back for you one day you little [frick]er". Nick walks in with a worriers head in his hand and says. "Alright, I'm a [frick]en Bad Ass and you're a god. I don't need any more tough monologues or shady looks to get you on my team. I used up those in Iron Man and Iron Man 2. So to save some time GET IN MY [frick]EN SHIP." Thor be like "Ok Bro, why didn't you just ask dude, I got to go get some Midgard pussy"

So they're on the way home and we see the back of their heads from inside the plane. And Furry says "Thor, take off that stupid [frick]en hat." "Alright man" "By the way you might want to go by a different name in Midgard, so people don't think your some escape mental." "Alright man, whats my name" "Donald Blake, don't ask me why, that's just what its going to be cause i'm [frick]en Nick Furry" "Alright bro, but i still look like a beast" "S.H.I.E.L.D. will take care of that, they can do anything"

The jet zooms away from sight and the movie ends

That's obviously how it will happen.
ThisFan - 11/25/2009, 10:35 PM
This movie already = awesome
LEEE777 - 11/25/2009, 10:56 PM
I thought he was already confirmed ages ago????


BatmanKnight @ Lol!
Betty - 11/25/2009, 11:26 PM
Ha, furry...
IronClad - 11/26/2009, 8:05 AM
@Betty: seriously! my god BatmanKnight! at least take a mili-second and scroll up to see how to spell the name!!! furry?!!! seriously!
jimthefan - 11/26/2009, 8:07 AM
i hate ultimate thor
jimthefan - 11/26/2009, 8:09 AM
this movie is a def. trilogy non comic book fans are gonna love this movie 2 and i can already tell its gonna be extremely hyped up, theyneed to rush a teaser trailer for ironman 2
StephenStrange - 11/26/2009, 11:35 AM

@ Anil ricky: Don't try to tell this bunch that. The Ultimate Thor fans have been on a two day anti Blake tirade!
Ryden - 11/26/2009, 11:44 AM
@DarthMulder- lol Ultimate Thor is terrible, I'm glad Branagh is a shakespearen actor since eh will see the story of an arrogant God sent to learn humility much morwe interesting than some whack job with superpowers thinks he;s thor...I HATE ULTIMATE THOR, 616 people 616
LEEE777 - 11/26/2009, 11:46 AM
DARTH MULDER @ BLAKE or not, we will get CLASSIC THOR!!

ULTIMATE lame [frick]ing THOR can take a flying jump!!! ; D

KENNETH BRANAGH will never allow that that crappy version anywhere near this EPIC THOR Adaption!!
LEEE777 - 11/26/2009, 11:47 AM
RYDEN @ Exactly man, exactly!!

StephenStrange - 11/26/2009, 12:00 PM
Ryden and LEEE777, I hope your right gents. I really do

As I said, I am not bullish about Blake being in it, but it's definitely not going to be game over if he isn't in it either. That point is hardly a deal breaker.
safecrash - 11/26/2009, 12:26 PM
The next ones to cast are:
An important Asgard Warrior
Marcy Lewis (if she wasn't replaced by Darcy)
Isabel Alvarez
Kate Spelling (a scientist)
and Frigga
TheDemonHunter - 11/26/2009, 12:36 PM
Add me to the list of those seriously hoping it's not an Ultimate Thor story that we wind up with. All the signs point to this being more of a classic take on the character, so I'm optimistic for now.

As for Samuel L Jackson's involvement, Marvel pretty well painted themselves into a corner for that to happen with his appearances in the other movies so far. Kinda surprised anyone here felt the need to actually see it confirmed. Marvel has no leverage to ever recast Ultimate Nick if there's ever any kind of falling out between the two parties. They're pretty well stuck with him.
ASSASSIN666 - 11/26/2009, 1:02 PM
Marvel made the best choice possible going with Ultimate's Fury. The original Fury would have been a waste of film, and money. Ultimate Fury is so much deeper then the original, any asshole wearing an eye patch could have played original Fury. Only a small handful of actors could pull off Ultimate Fury, and Jackson is the man, get used to it. Ultimates would be the right way to go to explain things better in a more grounded Marvel film universe. The movie will still be awesome, so please no more bitching about the Ultimates.
HannibalSmith - 11/26/2009, 1:04 PM
This movie is going to be awesome if it's done right.
hardcorefrokid - 11/26/2009, 1:29 PM
I'm excited.
flames809 - 11/26/2009, 1:38 PM
assassin- your right about unlimited nick fury he is a better choice than original nick fury. and yea ppl stop bitching about the unlimited because if they chose it it will still be an awesome movie
Shaman - 11/26/2009, 2:02 PM
MarvelFresh- You forgot to put "Red Skull" next to Colme Feore :P
thegamedrex - 11/26/2009, 2:06 PM
@ batmanknight that shit was just funny man, thats probably how samuel L. jackson will be cannot wait to see the movie.
stark - 11/26/2009, 2:18 PM
Im starting to get excited for this flick. This may top iron man 2.
TheDemonHunter - 11/26/2009, 2:47 PM
Ah, so anyone who doesn't like the Ultimates is just bitching and doesn't get the "depth" of that universe and its inhabitants. Riiiiiiight.

Personally, I'll take classic Nick over Ultimate Nick anytime.

The so-called "depth" I keep hearing about for Ultimate Nick is more about what your personal preference is. SHIELD and Nick Fury seem to have a different role in the mainstream MU than in the Ultimates MU.

Classic Nick Fury is a product of the Cold War mentality, a scenario that some of us lived through and can relate to more than those who prefer Ultimate Nick. The best stories for that character deal with espionage, intrigue, loyalty, and honor. Nick Fury vs SHIELD was one of the best to show how shadowy that world can get at times, with constant threats from Roxxon, AIM, Hydra, and others. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty, and could care less about whether it looks cool or not.

Ultimate Nick seems to be more about looking like a stereotyped Samuel L Jackson and keeping superhumans under his control and authority. His job isn't about espionage or intel, it's about organizing superhumans and keeping tabs on super soldier projects. Looks like he's a policeman to keep superhumans in line and they have to answer to him. You might like that, but it's not my cup of tea. That and they've retconned him twice already in the last 8 years, either for his appearance or his back story. That's a sign of bad planning and editorial control over a project, but that's an argument for another time.

So I'm not a fan of the Ultimate Nick, but more than that, I think it was a very short-sighted decision to remake him to be a Samuel L Jackson clone after his initial appearances. I've got nothing against the actor, but it's a bad business decision to have the character tied so closely to an actor in that manner. Millar seems to enjoy doing that though and he's one of the hot writers of this era in comics. *shrugs* To each their own.

The only deal-breaker for "Ultimate" influences for most non-Ultimate fans is Ultimate Thor, because the character was so poorly conceived, written, and received at the start that they had to do a rewrite on him to bring him closer to classic Thor. Again, more poor planning, but that's nothing new with comics in general for the last decade or so. Again, another argument for another time there.
prototype87 - 11/26/2009, 3:33 PM
i can't wait to watch this movie too. but man...Ray Stevenson is Punisher... i for one don't like it when they make the same actors act in different marvel sort of throws of the marvel universe for me. what do you guys think?
LuckyKyd - 11/26/2009, 3:35 PM
DemonHunter@ Looking forward to those arguments, I think you're on to something ;)

Anyway Thor is gonna be sweet unfortunately I don't know too much about the character, but seing that I'm from Denmark the awsome Asgardian tales and characters will be a thrill to see on the silver screen!!
Bandrews1 - 11/26/2009, 4:11 PM
This movie is gonna be so good.
TheDemonHunter - 11/26/2009, 4:17 PM
@prototype -- Personally, I preferred Thomas Jane, but ideally, Ray Stevenson would be tied to Punisher if that's ever going to continue. I think his signing here might signify that they recognize the train-wreck waste of celluloid that was Punisher War Zone but saw that it wasn't really his fault. I'm willing to bet Punisher is pretty much going to be seen as radioactive for a while as a movie property with the two vastly different approaches that didn't do well at the box office.

@lyky -- Those arguments were something I got used to when I spent every Friday at my local comics/gaming shop, working on miniatures and talking about whatever books were new that week. :)
CorndogBurglar - 11/26/2009, 5:13 PM
is it just me, or out of that list of actors, does Heimdal not stick out like a sore thumb??? lmao. i mean he's basically the token black asgardian.
CorndogBurglar - 11/26/2009, 5:15 PM
damn it guys, ultimate thor is NOT just some crazy guy with powers that "thinks" he's thor. he actually IS thor. its just that no one believes him because no one in the ultimate universe has ever seen a real live god before.
CorndogBurglar - 11/26/2009, 5:23 PM

punisher war zone isn't in continuity with these movies, so i think its fine. its not like i'm going to be watching Thor and say, "oh i didn't know the punisher was in this movie."
Matowar - 11/26/2009, 7:12 PM
HEIMDAL is african-american? really? So an ancient religion that was created by the whitest white people in the universe has an african-american god? When this religion was started they didn't even know black people existed. I think Dave Chappel would agree this is a case of "when keepin' it real goes wrong"
BLADE4040 - 11/26/2009, 8:13 PM
BIANCONERI - 11/26/2009, 9:23 PM
batmanknights comment was the best i have ever read on any article on this entire site! thats professional script writing right there.
TheDemonHunter - 11/26/2009, 9:32 PM
Ultimate Thor was first shown as a whack job who spent 18 months in a mental institution at the age of 30 before "realizing" he was really Thor. He then set out to live as a political and social activist, writing self-help books and protesting.

Not very heroic in the classical sense by any stretch of the imagination. Certainly not remotely in keeping with any depiction of the proud (some would say arrogant), hot-headed warrior of Asgard from myths or previous comics incarnations either. I've never met a god before either, but if I met a guy who behaved the way Ultimate Thor did, I wouldn't believe him to be the thunder god either.

As I've said previously though, if they're going through the trouble of setting up all the rest of Asgard from the start, it seems to me they're going with a classical depiction of the thunderer, and not some hippie who behaves in a manner completely inconsistent with every story (comic or myth) before the Ultimate universe existed.
TiPsYrUs - 11/27/2009, 1:03 AM
question does anyone know how many films samuel L jackson has been in ? cuz im thinking its a $hit load !
MisterFixit - 11/27/2009, 1:27 AM
Tip@ i knew he is signed to 9 movie
moneybanks - 11/27/2009, 3:22 AM
Okay okay...i have been on this site for the past 6-7 months and havent said anything about any of the comments i have read on here because i thought i would leave it all for you guys to banter/battle about. I was happy to have my opinion and only intruigued about others opinions.
But now i feel i have to say something....this movie gonna be fricking awesome i dont know how some of you guys can complain about minor, irrelevant issues i.e A black Hemidal, Sam Jacksons involvement, Original Thor vs Ultimate Thor...i mean WTF??!!!? Really?? I mean, Kenneth B has done a sick job in getting this group of major actors together for what looks like its gonna be a fricking amazing movie. We know all of these guys can act and there is no-one in that group that has not been in a major film or TV series. I mean IDRIS ELBA, this guy is a very good actor and regardless of his skin colour you know he will make the part his own and do a sick job, the guy was a ledgend in The Wire and everything else he has done has been above par in terms of performance. Yeh Hemidal isnt black in the the hell what. I assume when the whole concept of Asgard/ the norse gods etc was being devised, black people probably didnt even get a look in, let alone be a God. I mean yeh it would be weird if they had picked a black guy for the part of THOR, of course!! I mean he is the main character and everyone knows of him as being white so yes i would disagree if they flipped the switch like that. But for a smaller character like heimdall whats the problem with him being black...can someone explain to me?? Does Heimdall have his own comic series...NO! I mean you ask someone going into the cinema if they cared that Heimdall is going to be black in the think that will turn them away from the cinema..i heavily doubt it! Its 2009...nearly 2010 jeez, are people still so set in their ways that something minor like this will spoil their experience of the film?? Bottom line....its not political correctness gone crazy...far from it!! Its picking the right guy/best guy for the job and i trust KB to do that!! I mean people were worried that KB was directing this film in the first place...but look at the actors he has amassed for piping up now are they??? Im not even gonna start on the Sam Jackson/Fury debate. Sam Jack is awesome....i mean, the guys wakes up and pisses excellence...okay, granted he cant turn down a script sometimes but whatever, he's been class in the majority of films he's been in, you know he can kick ass, you know he can act and finally in regards to the Fury debate READ THIS..."Jackson gave his consent for Marvel Comics to design their "Ultimate" version of the character Nick Fury after his likeness"... it only made sense that he be employed as nick fury for the films by MARVEL!!! Come on people open your eyes and your minds!!
I apologise if i have offended anyone but i just felt i had to add my thoughts. I love comics...i love what Marvel have done and are doing right now in the comics and the films. If they manage to keep a worthy association between the comics and the comic book lovers are in for a sick ride!!I mean look whats going on in the comics right now with Dark reign etc..if they manage to bring just an iota of whats in the comics to the big screen, we will be more than content.
Bit of a rant...but it had to be said, i thank you all for reading!
DCMarvelComics - 11/27/2009, 4:19 AM
I what to see this movie more than Iron Man 2
TheDemonHunter - 11/27/2009, 4:39 AM
Welcome to the discussion. For the record, getting Kenneth Branaugh on board with this project is what made me think they were taking it seriously, given his dramatic theater background and got me lurking around this place again to begin with. The man deals with Shakespearean roles, seriously heady and dramatic stuff. That's the kind of guy we need for a character like Thor if we're involving all the myths, legends, and grandeur of the gods.

For me, it's about the details. Getting the details right should be what we all want now. We should all be past just being happy to see they made a movie for *insert hero name here* and realize that unless the details are looked at and handled in a sensible manner, we're stuck with Ghost Rider, Superman Returns, and X3 instead of Batman Begins, Iron Man, and Dark Knight.

I'm not saying you need to follow a comic script word for word. Make the characters and characterizations recognizable by more than just the people who read Marvel or DC's books this month. Which one do you think will be more recognizable and relatable for the masses? Classic Thor, who is based more in myth as a warrior and hero, or Ultimate Thor, who sometimes refuses to help fight whatever evils are out there unless the federal government alters its budget to fit his agenda?

You want long-term viability for these projects? Do the damned things right, from the start. CBMs are a mainstream movie genre now. Take advantage of that while it lasts. Movie tastes tend to run in cycles. If these movies aren't done properly, and we're stuck with more CBMs that are disjointed, poorly conceived plots that are just there to give pretty eye candy on the big screen, the genre will fade away faster than usual. Why do you think the Superman and Batman franchises went away for so long? Because they were so badly borked in their final films (Supes IV and Batman & Robin) that they were all but toxic for the studios to make more after they were commercial failures.

I'm among those who questioned Idris Elba's casting for Heimdall, and my reasoning is purely about the character, not his acting. Heimdall is the guardian of Bifrost and has been around in Norse mythology for over a thousand years. As much as he might be a great actor, he doesn't fit the look of a Norse god whose sister is Sif. Last time I looked, they cast a white girl as Sif. That's not being racist or whatever -- it's simple common sense.

As for getting Jackson's consent to make Ultimate Nick in his image, I'm familiar with that comment.

What exactly happens if the two sides fail to see eye-to-eye on an issue about Nick now that he's a Sam Jackson clone and he wants to rescind that permission as a result? Is it a written contract somewhere, in the form of a personal likeness license? Is there a time limit on it if there is, where it needs to be renewed eventually? These are the business issues I bring up, because anyone with half a brain for licensing should know that this needs to be taken into consideration when setting up something like that.

Also, in establishing that Sam Jackson was Nick Fury before there ever was a movie, how many rabid fan boys are going to come in here frothing at the mouth about how much a movie is going suck the first time something happens where he can't be involved in a project they want him for? You're now in a situation where recasting a role, which does happen from time to time in these deals, is a bigger issue than it ever needed to be for a supporting character. If someone ever has to replace him in these movies, for any reason, they're condemned to failure in the eyes of the people who think Ultimate Nick walks on water because he's Samuel L. Jackson. See the problems that can lead to now?
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