Welcome dear CBMers, to my very first review in CBM. And today I'm going to review the Thor movie. So let's start.
Good things:
The acting was great,every cast member was good, especially Chris Hemsworth, he can act! He was really impressive. The actor who I was really impressed with was Tom Hiddleston, he was great, his role was perfect for him. I mean he can really play the God of Mischief pretty well.
I was also a pretty funny movie, the bits really made me laugh, it also made young and old people laugh.
Bad things:
I agree with WolvieCBM, I only have 1 bad thing to think of and it is a matter of screen time. Especially the Warriors Three,Sif, and Heimdall. They have so little screen time. The movie was mainly focused on Thor and Loki's origin. And S.H.I.E.L.D. has so little role but in the trailer it looked like they have a huge role but, hey it's okay I still had a good time . An Thor only wore his helmet once, that was a bit of a down for me. And last but not least the fight between Thor and The Destroyer was really short ,they should have at least made Thor lose for a little while then let him win in the end. And also with the fight between Thor and Loki, a little bit short but I was satisfied.
The cameos were pretty good. The Hawkeye cameo really made me more happy, I was impressed how good Jeremy Renner was,when I saw the video of the Hawkeye cameo from YouTube, I like "That's it?" but when I watched it was good,it almost look like he has a big part in the movie. The easter eggs were cool, like the name tag of Donald Blake and how they put him in the story.
Rating: 5/5