THOR: Jaimie Alexander Has Pitched A Sif/Beta Ray Bill Disney+ Series; Reveals LOVE AND THUNDER Deleted Scenes

THOR: Jaimie Alexander Has Pitched A Sif/Beta Ray Bill Disney+ Series; Reveals LOVE AND THUNDER Deleted Scenes

Thor: Love and Thunder star Jaimie Alexander reveals that she's pitched a Sif/Beta Ray Bill team-up series on Disney+ to Marvel Studios and reflects on the scenes which were cut from the 2022 movie...

By JoshWilding - Jun 24, 2024 05:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor: Love and Thunder

Jaimie Alexander first played Sif in 2011's Thor and later reprised the role in Thor: The Dark World two years later. She also managed to squeeze in an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. supporting role but spent the better part of a decade M.I.A. after delivering the Reality Stone to The Collector. 

Sif finally returned in Thor: Love and Thunder (following a surprise appearance in Loki), with Thor discovering that she'd lost her arm in a battle with Gorr the God Butcher. 

Talking at San Antonio's Superhero Comic Con this weekend, Alexander revealed (via @AgentsFandom) that an "epic fight scene" between Sif and Gorr was cut from the movie. "I met Christian Bale on set and we were both disappointed that we couldn't beat the sh*t out of each other," she added.

Detailing another deleted scene, the actress said, "They’re in this hall area, common area, she wheels in with one arm...and she’s a little drugged up because she’s been taken to get some healing because she’s missing an arm, and there’s blood everywhere."

We've heard that Sif was meant to play a larger role in Thor: Love and Thunder's final act, so that's likely what Alexander is referring to here. Marvel Studios and filmmaker Taika Waititi also cut major sequences featuring The Grandmaster and Eitri, diminishing Gorr's threat as the movie's villain.

Addressing her future as Sif in the MCU, Alexander confirmed she's approached Marvel Studios with ideas about where to take the character next.

"This is something my team and I have explored a little bit, my team and I have pitched a show with Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill," she teased. "This character is probably one of the most favorite characters I’ve ever played, and it means so much to me...and I will keep playing her until I can’t anymore."

As for who else she'd like to team up with in the MCU, Alexander revealed, "I really like Iron Man. The flirtation would be funny because I think Lady Sif would punch him in the face..."

When we last saw Sif, she was training Heimdall's son. Thor 5 is supposedly in the works, so we'd guess the plan is for the hero to return there unless she lends a helping hand - no pun intended - in the next Avengers movies.

Directed by Taika Waititi, Thor: Love and Thunder stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Russell Crowe, Jaimie Alexander, Chris Pratt, Karen Gillan, and Sean Gunn among others.

The movie is now streaming on Disney+.

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IAmAHoot - 6/24/2024, 5:26 AM
Sounds like it was cut from the script, not from the movie. Technical difference, but warrants clarification.
TheVisionary25 - 6/24/2024, 5:43 AM
@IAmAHoot - yep

Also as Josh states , doesn’t seem like it was from the third act of the film but moreso we see the fight in which she loses her arm.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 5:32 AM
They really need to stop creaming shit and start thinking about a big bold reboot.

Big fat reboots not lesser spin-offs that nobody really gives more than two shits about.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 5:35 AM
It cheapens the franchise.

I mean, we're now in a place where Agatha is one of the next big projects.

Secret Wars can't get here fastenough. Then instead of a Sif and Beta Ray Bill show, we could be getting a massive Thor reboot with Asgard back where it should be. Classic shit, not the crumbs of a meal already eaten.
FireandBlood - 6/24/2024, 5:44 AM
@ObserverIO - Reboots cheapen a franchise. Just look at DC. Who really cares anymore? They need to focus on fleshing out the rest of their IP, like they did back in ‘08 with the Avengers initiative. Regurgitating the same shit will just turn audiences off the genre more. They’re already bored as it is.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 5:51 AM
@FireandBlood - I don't think it's reboots that cheapened the DC franchise, lol.

You might even say that the only good thing they've done this century is the Dark Knight Trilogy. Even Burton's Batman and Donner's Superman were reboots.
FireandBlood - 6/24/2024, 6:04 AM
@ObserverIO - But The Dark Knight was a necessary reboot, and really, the reboot to put reboots on the map. Then they unnecessarily rebooted the franchise a few years later to copy Marvel, [frick]ed up, and they’re doing the exact same thing again. Leave it alone and let people miss what you put them off.

But Marvel? There’s no reason to reboot, not if the purpose is just to re-do what’s already been done. And they won’t, so you’ll get a Homecoming situation where they’ll do everything different than they did before just to separate the two. It’s not worth it. They’ve still got so much of the IP to tap into and build up, there’s no need to remake the same shit they already did just for the sake of it.

The shared universe fad is over with. Once they cash in on the rest of the nostalgia they’ve got left with Secret Wars, you’re not going to impress anyone with a crossover. We’ve seen it all and seen it all done well. It no longer matters if the X-Men shared the screen with the Avengers. Nobody’s asking for it. Audiences just want good movies now, standalone or otherwise.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 6:06 AM
@FireandBlood - You don't want to let go do you? I'd tell you that these characters will all be rebooted many many times in the future and it won't be a bad thing, but that's not gonna help. You are attached to the versions you already have and would prefer to see a 100 year old RDJ play a Tony Stark that has been magically brought back to life rather than ever see a reboot.

I get it.

But the characters are more important and bigger than just the current versions of them that we fell in love with in The Infinity Saga.
FireandBlood - 6/24/2024, 6:22 AM
@ObserverIO - They will be rebooted, for sure, but in due time. The time isn’t now, or even in 5 years. Fans are already rejecting the Harry Potter reboot they’re about to do for the same reason. There’s no good reason to reboot a franchise that was beloved and is still fresh on everyone’s mind.

This isn’t a personal thing to me, either. I’m not attached to these versions of the characters, the world is, because they’re still fresh on every generations memory. There hasn’t been time to miss any of it because it hasn’t even been gone.

You’re also operating under the assumption that any of the rebooted versions will be good, let alone embraced, but how many reboots have exactly gone down well? Not many. Why do you think we’re seeing less and less? Audiences have wised up.
FireandBlood - 6/24/2024, 6:26 AM
@ObserverIO - And the old heads might have been right when they said superhero movies would go the way of the Western. They’ve had their time in the sun, but interest is waning. Audiences want something new, different and exciting. The highest grossing movies over the last 12 months were Barbie, Oppenheimer, Dune and Mario. You think now is the time remake the same shit they already saw over the last 10 years when interest is already at a new low?
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 7:15 AM
@FireandBlood - Interest is low because they're giving us watered down versions of the Avengers instead of giving us the Avengers. We're getting legacy characters and c and d-listers. Nobody wants son of Dracula, they want Dracula.

It is time for the next generation to have their versions of these characters.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 7:20 AM
@FireandBlood - Also, the DCEU was shit but what were they supposed to do in terms of Batman? Nolan ended the story, so what do we go with John Blake Batman?

That's where we are with Marvel right now. They've taken a lot of these stories as far as they will go. They given endings to Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye etc. There's nowhere to go with the current continuity.
Spike101 - 6/24/2024, 7:26 AM
@FireandBlood - 100% agree reboots just make every give up with it and walk away. A far better solution is to gently corect the path.
Forthas - 6/24/2024, 8:46 AM
@Spike101 -

"100% agree reboots just make every[one] give up with it and walk away. A far better solution is to gently corect the path."

This is EXACTLY right! That was basically the poor strategy that led to the demise of DC. Work with what you have especially if it is proven to be popular. If something works, understand why it works and keep doing it!
Apophis71 - 6/24/2024, 8:54 AM
@Forthas - Yeh, for all the issues of phase 4 all the films were able to turn a profit as although a lot were new IP's folk invested from the Infinity Saga were willing to allow the studio to experiment. If it had been a full reboot there would be ZERO reason to keep watching after Endgame and a new actor playing Iron Man is never guaranteed to work as well or sell as well as RDJ especialy whilst all still love and recall clearly the prior version.

As such it is either course correction and soft reboot or close the book entirely and wait at least 10yrs till the world is ready for more new CBM's not whilst they are all facing strong headwinds.
Forthas - 6/24/2024, 8:55 AM
@ObserverIO -

"Nolan ended the story, so what do we go with John Blake Batman?"

How about Bruce Wayne un-retire...Just like he did at the beginning of Dark Knight Rises thus putting into context the very well known plot line that Bruce Wayne will never leave Batman as Rachel Dawse told him in her letter in The Dark Knight.

"But now I'm sure the day won't come when you no longer need Batman."
Forthas - 6/24/2024, 9:06 AM
@Apophis71 - THNK YOU!

Everytime I think about how DC had a gargantuan hit on their hands with the Dark Knight Trilogy and Zack Snyder moronically decided to reboot is a crushing feeling of an unimaginably massive opportunity lost.

You are so right! Even though some people might stay on to watch a new Iron Man had Marvel gone in that direction, it would have absolutely eroded some if not most of their fan base if you just replaced a massively popular actor all the while Robert Downey was still willing to play the role.
The1st - 6/24/2024, 9:07 AM
@ObserverIO - They work and they don't. I don't like what they did w/Bond in Skyfall, but enjoyed the film overall. I could have cared less about the GOTG before Gunn. It just seems like the usual to me. Does the studio trust you enough, or isn't greedy enough, not to meddle. I'm not sure why people don't understand the nature of the reboot. It's become a little more egregious in recent years because some studios have less of a handle on how to modernize certain IP's, or fall into studio politickin, but agreed. It's not going away. At some point people should understand they'll see something and just realize it isn't being made just for them...then again, it never was.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 9:11 AM
@Forthas - There was an article you linked to once (I think it was screen crush) that talked about how Snyder originally intended his universe to be the Nolanverse and it said that Bale would most likely have been a mentor figure. But sure I mean he could have easily un-retired.

Selina could be killed and this forces him out retirement or she could just come out of retirement with him. Maybe they both realise that they can't stop being who they are and John Blake has to step aside and take a new identity maybe Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin or just plain Robin (although it would be weird to name himself after his actual birth name).
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 9:15 AM
@Forthas - But also Batman Begins was a reboot. If they were to "Gently correct the path." then it would still be the Burtonverse.
Forthas - 6/24/2024, 9:24 AM
@ObserverIO - I always invisioned (if you were creating a shared universe) that Batman would come out of retirement following (and because of) the events of Man of Steel. Not just as Batman but also as Bruce Wayne. When the public asks where he had been all that time (since he was presumed dead) he would tell them he was being held captive by Bane...which is actually the truth. Selina reluctantly follows him of course because she loves him. As far as John Blake...yes he would have taken on the persona of Nightwing who left Gotham for Bludhaven which the public would have viewed as a copycat vigilante (another plot line that the earlier dark Knight films alluded to) and we could have avoided the whole Batman putting children in danger question. I thought the story sort of writes itself.
Forthas - 6/24/2024, 9:29 AM
@ObserverIO - "But also Batman Begins was a reboot. If they were to 'Gently correct the path.' then it would still be the Burtonverse."

Yeah but it actually ended with Batman Forever. If Keaton had remained on for the next films then i am not sure it would have needed to be rebooted. By the time we got to Batman and Robin it was a weird Frankenstien monster of the Burtonverse so it needed to be put out of "our" misery.
Apophis71 - 6/24/2024, 9:44 AM
@ObserverIO - The difference is timing, yeh BB was a reboot, but it was after an 8 year gap in time, if it had only been a couple years after it would have flopped hard be it reboot or course correct after the bad taste left from Batman and Robin just like The rebooted Incredible Hulk flopped as too close to the poorly revieved Hulk.

Also the bigger the time gap the more freedom in what stories you go with, the reboot 5yrs after Raimi's Spider-man was to close to do a similar version, they felt the need to make it noticeably different in a number of ways thus wasn't what a lot of Spider-man fans, film or comic, wanted so it fizzled out fast. To a lesser extent same with the MCU Spidey reboot, another 5yr gap so had to differ greatly to what TAS did so they opted to focus in on what both prior incarnations fast tracked from with having a full trilogy of him still in high school instead of leaving School in the first film a third time in a row and more time with his high school friends.

Allow enough time you can do a near identical origin story, just with a differing tone and tweaks, like Snyder did with Man of Steel basicaly lifting the core story aspects of the first two Christopher Reeve films made three decades earlier.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 9:54 AM
@Apophis71 - But then The Batman rebooted Batman with no time at all passing and it didn't flop at all. I mean it didn't make as much as you would expect a Batman movie to make, so you could say it underperformed, but it didn't really flop.

Joker rebooted the character just 3 years after Suicide Squad's terrible and universally ridiculed portrayal and made an entire billion.

Also, the Tom Holland Spider-Man films are not my favorite Spider-Man films but this generation has totally embraced them. They made bucket loads of money. Tom Holland is the definitive Spider-Man to a whole generation. Millenials had Tobey, Zoomers have Holland. Holland will not be the last Spider-Man. The next generation will need theirs.
Apophis71 - 6/24/2024, 10:20 AM
@ObserverIO - Yup, underperformed cos 8yrs wasn't realy long enough after Batman and Robin but long enough the bitter taste had worn off and folk were less recalling the BAD ones and fondly remembering the first couple of Burton films instead (just like everyone had forgotten about the three Superman movies after the first two of Reeve when MoS came out) thus at least able to turn a profit and build from there.

Joker is a whole other thing entirely as it wasn't realy a CBM at all with a CBM level budget, it was Taxi Driver trading of DC's IP so had a low bar to pass and had a bunch of unexpected headline news controversy etc that got a LOT more interest in it. Isn't a comparible scenario to almost anything else in all of this regard. Joker was BAD in Suicide Squad, but he also wasn't in it that much such that most recalled the Nolan and Burton versions FAR more anyway even with the passage of time and it was made VERY clear the Joker film was NOT set in the DCEU at all.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 10:31 AM
@Apophis71 - It was still a reboot though. It's success wasn't hindered by the fact that it was a reboot and that people still loved Heath Ledger's version.
Apophis71 - 6/24/2024, 10:40 AM
@ObserverIO - Yes, and nobody is saying reboots CAN'T work, just that they are not a given to do so and timing is key...

...fullreboot you idealy need more than a five years gap after the prior to the new is all even if there have been exceptions but a HUGE risk after only a year or two with over 150M budget, small budget 50M one that isn't part of a connected CBM and just a character study thing trading on an IP is fairly safe money.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 11:10 AM
@Apophis71 - A full reboot after a bad movie, yes I'd totally agree. But uncharted territory might be an in-story reboot, like the various crisis events in the comics. If the Sacred Timeline is rebooted as a result of Secret Wars, I think you get to go right away, because the fans who are already invested will remain invested (despite how hard of a reboot it actually is) and new fans can jump on board with the new stuff.

Also there are future fans to consider. How far back do they have to go to get caught up? Having to go all the way back to Iron Man might be too much, but going back to the first film after Secret Wars would be a lot easier because it would chop off hours of catching up with The Infinity Saga and The Multiverse Saga.
Apophis71 - 6/24/2024, 11:32 AM
@ObserverIO - Yeh but those tend to be soft reboots like Arrowverse did, and yeh, not as well tested but would tend to mean most the narrative and characters remain as is even if a fair amount changed due to merged timelines or whatever. New sage is likely be be way more Xmen centric anyway, as such unsure you would need Iron Man back and if they have an RDJ camoe in Secret wars would along with the orginal Cap unlikely they would go straight from that to recasting them in phase 7. If the reboot from a crisis event it TOO hard your making an easy jump off point for too many, I know I did with the Arrowverse after COIE ended. whilst too much connected history to replace those who do with new viewers if they think they have to play catchup... COULD work however but never been done before and if a 200M budget that is a LOT to risk when the road has been so bumpy the last couple years when your looking at them having a plan already for at least another 5yrs (even if still flexibility in that plan).
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 11:48 AM
@Apophis71 - Most in-story reboots tend to be soft reboots, like Arrowverse and like most comic book reboots, including Marvel in 2015. But it could be used as a massive event to restart things entirely.

Soft reboots tend to be mostly pointless imo. And they can make things even more convoluted and inaccessible. As such they tend not be successful. Hard reboots are always more successful. It all depends on how much baggage you have. So for example, after Secret Wars (2015) you still had the baggage of all of Marvel going back to 1939. With the Arrowverse, you can't really jump on board after Crisis, that's not the beginning. If a viewer wants to get properly caught up they still have to go all the way back to Arrow S01E01.

I think Marvel might be pushing forward and innovating again. If we see Hugh, RDJ, Tobey etc in Secret Wars it might be as a last hurrah before moving forward with the new cast. Like NWH but for the entire Marvel Multiverse.
Apophis71 - 6/24/2024, 12:26 PM
@ObserverIO - Which is why I feel the focus will be mostly about rebooting mutants, not Avengers, so we will have the F4 franchise, the Xmen franchise and a bunch of other mutant solo/team films as the fresh start more than recasting any of the Avengers. Don't need to play much catchup to watch a first MCU Xmen film, Alpha Flight one or a second F4. There are always ways to bring back someone like Iron Man even without a multiverse saga or crisis event at any point if they want but won't likely occur for a long time yet I feel, too much risk and not enough potential reward in phase 7.
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 12:31 PM
@Apophis71 - That'd be a solid strategy.
Patient2670 - 6/24/2024, 1:05 PM
@ObserverIO - It was actually Nolan. WB wanted him to reboot Superman, like he did for Batman and build a universe. He had no interest in directing, but agreed to oversee it as what they were calling a Godfather. He was the one who actually hired Snyder, kept David Goyer. He and his wife get Exec. Producer credits on Snyder's movies.
SuperiorHeckler - 6/24/2024, 5:37 AM
"Detailing another deleted scene, the actress said, "They’re in this hall area, common area, she wheels in with one arm...and she’s a little drugged up because she’s been taken to get some healing because she’s missing an arm, and there’s blood everywhere." -Jaimie Alexander

Sorry Jaimie but, Taika Waititi really needed that space in the script for more Thor slipping on banana-peels followed by extreme closeup of his eyes going crossed. 🤪

"I really like Iron Man. The flirtation would be funny because I think Lady Sif would punch him in the face..." -Jaimie Alexander

Or a knee to the nads perhaps? Gotta' keep the few remaining straight white males in their place! 👍🏻
KaptainKhaos - 6/24/2024, 7:47 AM
@SuperiorHeckler - imagine being so sensitive that you get offended over a white woman who likes a white character and comes up with a fictional encounter between the two.

Did you get upset when Natasha beat Happy in the ring in Iron Man 2?
GeneralZod - 6/24/2024, 5:39 AM
What a waste of a perfectly good and highly-liked MCU character/actress.
WhateverItTakes - 6/24/2024, 5:41 AM
User Comment Image
Beer85 - 6/24/2024, 5:52 AM
@WhateverItTakes - Correctomundo
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 7:27 AM
@WhateverItTakes - Internet porn has ruined this generation. They don't feel real unless they do all the little tropes that porn has like spitting, hair pulling and money shots. There's more to sex than a jaded porn blueprint.
WhateverItTakes - 6/24/2024, 7:39 AM
@ObserverIO - the more they watch the more they need something more extreme
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