Thor screenwriter reveals how the character will fit into the Marvel movie universe...

Thor screenwriter reveals how the character will fit into the Marvel movie universe...

Ashley Miller has talked to MTV about how Thor will fit alongside Marvel’s on-screen continuity...

By JoshWilding - Jun 01, 2009 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor
Source: MTV Splash Page

This from MTV's SPLASH PAGE:-

“Our script is very firmly rooted in the Marvel film world. We were constantly looking for ways to connect Thor to the other movies and heroes, even if they were simply in passing. Part of grounding Thor in the world is grounding him in the specific, fictional world he inhabits. How many of those references and connections make it to the final product are beyond our control, but they are everywhere.”

"I’m not sure I accept the distinction between 'fantasy' and 'comic book'. Thor’ is a comic book film in that it’s based on the Marvel conception of the character as super-hero. But there are definitely some big fantasy elements working behind that. He is the God of Thunder, after all. It’s hard to approach the character without both of those things informing the work."

"Thor’s powers are godly, yes. And his zip code is a little different,” Miller continued. “But at the end of the day, he’s a man. In the comics, Odin sends him to Earth because he’s not perfect. He’s brash, arrogant. Even over-confident. We all know that guy — some of us have even been that guy. Stan Lee’s genius was to give Thor-as-hero an emotional throughline we could all relate to, and knock him down a couple of pegs … The challenge is to dramatize that and make the audience see what the fans have known and believed about the character all along.” also had a slightly extended version of the interview where Miller goes on to talk about how he is planning how Thor will be portrayed...

"Not in the sense that you’d want to see a generic “dark” take on Thor, but in the sense that you want to feel Thor’s rage when he rages. You want to see him fight like hell, and take as much he dishes out — maybe more. You want to have a visceral reaction to the guy, and what happens to him. You don’t want his adventures to be clean and antiseptic. You want to see the dirt, and grime and blood. You want to feel every bone crunching moment of every fight. And when he unleashes the storm, you want to feel like you’re seeing the power of a GOD at work."

"The best example I can give you is the end of Ultimates 2. When Thor shows up and kicks ass, he shows up and kicks ass. He isn’t screwing around. There’s a certain brutal, cock-eyed realism to Thor in that moment (and through that book in general) that I really resonate to and want to expand on."

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KeepItReal - 6/1/2009, 11:58 AM
First off, I love this picture... it's Beautiful... I hope they make this movie good... cuz it been long anticipated and hope it delivers...
YohonKalic - 6/1/2009, 12:04 PM

This is the third time this has been put up, not only that its on the front page...

KeepItReal - 6/1/2009, 12:14 PM
really, I had not seen it... that picture is nice...
MarkCassidy - 6/1/2009, 12:27 PM
Hello brothers and sisters, i return from a weekend of debauchery and merriment! Good news about the Norse Nutcase, im glad he referenced that bit in sure Leee will be delighted!
CyborgNinja - 6/1/2009, 12:48 PM
To Hades with Thor. Sorry but this is the least interesting comic to film adaptation yet. Sure, thor is pretty badass in a way but I just dont see asgard and gods(fantasy realm) converting nicely to the scientificly heavy realm of most other comic movies like, Iron man and Hulk, which this character needs to coincide with to get the Avengers together. Sorry, I just dont know what Lee was thinking by sticking the god of thunder and the mythical realm of asgard into the rest of the mix.
TheShakeBake - 6/1/2009, 12:50 PM
I hope Loki will be a guy i liked him in Mravle Ultimate Alliance thats how i picture my Loki the girl just doesnt seem rite

See Ya, The ShakeBake
JoshWilding - 6/1/2009, 12:55 PM
KeepItReal: I think that its one of the covers from Thor #600-by Olivier Coipel-the guy is an amazing artist!

Rorschach01: As long as he doesnt have the Ultimate costume or personality, Im happy, lol! Ultimate Thor can be pretty bad ass though so if they take a few influnces from the character then that might work...
Smolo - 6/1/2009, 1:00 PM
I am glad they are using the Ultimates 2 before he got kicked to suckage in Ultimates 3. I would like to have something like in the Ultimate universe where the other heroes think he just a crazy dude with powers, until like at the end of Ultimates 2 where he unleashes all types of hades on Loki. God I miss Ulimates being enjoyable. :(
Smolo - 6/1/2009, 1:01 PM
I like the regular U. outfit better btw @Josh23
TheJester - 6/1/2009, 1:02 PM
They already tried a 'hulk smash" movie, and it wasn't the greatest. I hope they do not try to do the same for this movie as all balls and ass......
Betty - 6/1/2009, 1:08 PM
Ror's back! Woooo!
JoshWilding - 6/1/2009, 1:43 PM
Smolo: I agree! This is the Thor that should be in the movie...

GUNSMITH - 6/1/2009, 2:03 PM
Set2Fallfirst - 6/1/2009, 2:14 PM
All i know is that this decision they have of how to make THOR is perfect its better than the Spawn theory (shutters)
Betty - 6/1/2009, 2:47 PM
Bman--It's probably going to be a mixture of the two, "Flesh colored beard" Thor. Term for a lite blond, stubbley beard. I stole it from "The Soup".
LEEE777 - 6/1/2009, 2:49 PM
; )


Heh heh. : D
BillyBlack - 6/1/2009, 2:50 PM

"...that's the problem..."

ahhahahahahahhha love that Soup
LEEE777 - 6/1/2009, 2:52 PM
BS! They are not gonna use anything ULTIMATE! ; )
YohonKalic - 6/1/2009, 2:54 PM


I love talk soup.

Its not talk soup anymore its just The Soup DAMMIT lol. Great show.

SoulAllFlush - 6/1/2009, 3:01 PM

Ultimate Thor got mentioned
LEEE777 - 6/1/2009, 3:09 PM
Soul @ I feel 4 ya!!!
shadowboxer - 6/1/2009, 3:36 PM
sounds like ZAC SYNDER should direct it and miller should write it. alot what miller is saying reminds me alot of King Leonidas from 300.
BillyBlack - 6/1/2009, 3:37 PM
I dunno shadowboxer...

How campy do you want this flick to be?
Phinehas - 6/1/2009, 4:05 PM
CBM deleted mine for some inexplicable reason. Oh well. Its the same article, essentially.
BillyBlack - 6/1/2009, 4:13 PM

I just watched that over the weekend. Now that was a hearty beating! I was pleasantly surprised with HULK vs. in spite of it being a Marvel animation. Let's hope they keep stepping it up.
LEEE777 - 6/1/2009, 4:54 PM

No seriously, all i care about is that THOR has his CLASSIC HAMMER an HELMET (even for a few scenes), that's all!!! Oh yeah an THOR to be EPIC! ; )
realfirstavenger - 6/1/2009, 5:13 PM
all news about this movie continues to excite me
Thor is a great character, and I can gaurentee that they will NOT go the Ultimates route.
it would alienate way too many fans

and Hulk vs. Thor was amazing and renewed my faith for a good film adaptation of the God of Thunder
evwn though it was a cartoon it is a stepping stone to bringing the character to life

I think this is going to be the best Marvel film to date
ClintEastwood - 6/1/2009, 6:27 PM
This will either be amazing or horrible.
shibazz - 6/1/2009, 6:27 PM
Donald Blake?!? WTF!!!! why do i have to sypathize with some body in order to respect what their potential is.... Thor is a God not a chump! Even a White Boy with a gimp is still better off than most kids in this world.... and yes most of all of my best friends are white boys and they would agree... i dont want to have to sympathize with a God to have to respect them. In the end though i will persue and hunt down any Reptilian that would try to enslave you
realfirstavenger - 6/1/2009, 7:17 PM
donald blake is a great way to route thor in reality and give him a much needed human element
otherwise readers and movie goers would not relate
it is not about sympathizing it is about making a character that we can all look at and feel a kinship to

shibazz - 6/1/2009, 7:30 PM
you mean to say that you cannot already equate your Human experience to the divine and a Donald Blake arc could help you? ok ... then buy a Comic and shuttup and let the Grown Ups talk.
YohonKalic - 6/1/2009, 8:11 PM

DAMN SHI, whats up? Your full of piss and vinegar today.

realfirstavenger - 6/1/2009, 8:17 PM
so are you 10 years old or just like internet drama?
you obviously have no respect for the character and just want to see a big strong guy beat up on other big strong guys with explosions that go bang
Donald Blake is what connects Thor to Earth, he learns what it means to be human and the strength and promise humanity has through his experiences as 'a white boy with a gimp' as you so elequently put it
thwhtGuardian - 6/1/2009, 8:19 PM
I've been going back and forth alot about whether blake should be in it or not. Usually he's ill used, however after reading the book Hellboy: the bones of the giants I think the concept of the mortal shell could work. I know the thor in hellboy is not related to the marevel cannon but in the book hellboy receives thor's hammer and with it his memories, throughout the story we see flashbacks of thor's quest which in turn aid hellboy in his own. I think a similar device would in turn work well with donald blake, making him a viable inclusion into the movie and distinguishing him from bruce banner.
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