Episode 6: TS-19
Our last episode saw the team find some sort of help when the doors of the CDC opened to them. It was all Rick's plan to get there to seek help or asylum...and to find out there was hope in the world. Sad to say, the refugees found quite the opposite in an episode where the performances by the cast were a bit muddled amidst a terrible sense of constant trauma, tragedy, loss of loved ones...and despair.
The gracious host, and lone survivor running the CDC in Dr. Jenner, takes in the crew and we see them going through the overall familiar emotions and baggage issues that this team is chock full of. From the plight of Andrea to Shane's unrequited love for Lori, it gets a bit messy to say the least. We don't see much bonds or character developments prolonged at the CDC as Jenner gets into the gist of 'The World is Here...ending...and no one can stop the Apocalypse of Zombies'. Of course this comes, in the wake of a wine-fest!
Noah Emmerich's performance wasn't the most solid as the doctor but again, this episode was rushed as we saw a countdown towards a fiery climax that one could have seen coming a mile away. The title's explanation is a bit sketchy as the science and faith issues arise, and don't do well to quell the comparison's with 'LOST' which came more prevalent over the latter half of the season.
The origin of the zombie 'virus' is still vague as is the title's explanation but one feels that it's deliberately kept in mystery to enhance and feed a 2nd season order of 13 episodes from late next year...and the secret that was whispered to Rick as Jenner found a slight bit of hope, amidst the intriguing plot twist, would keep the suspense intact...at least slightly...till late 2011!
(*cough*...She's preggers...not for you!!)
Guy Ferland directs with Darabont and Adam Fierro on script, and this is the most underwhelming and least developed episode this year, as it's rushed into an escape...and a clichéd typically bland season finale. It could have been a half-hour longer as the rush to the end is more than felt by the viewer and it gets scrappy at times. Surprisingly the weakest episode of the season, it's clear that some viewers will still be ticked it is not sticking directly to the comics, and that some characters are where they should not be. I argue that the writers did a majestic job for the season, so it's to be forgiven, but this finale was lacking and somewhat adds fuel to the naysayers' fire...
It isn't a horrible episode but it is not up to the high standard set by the predecessors!

The cast thins out again, but what's disappointing is that there seems to be more love for one than for another in what should be a close-knit family! And a certain explosive radius manages to miraculously do no damage to nearby vehicles and passengers...ummm...that's not scientifically sound at all...but from grenades...to automatic doors...to the amazing random changes of minds with respect to death and suicide...this finale was about some silly 'DEUS EX MACHINA's...all leading to to a very anti-climatic and drab end point to the season. The final 2 minutes were not like how the other episodes ended...this finale's ending was very boring and lacked excitement or anticipation. Coupled with a weird amnesia when it comes to Merle, as no one seems concerned that he may be alive or stole the van...there are shortcomings to this series...among a heavy range of pluses! I'd bet Merle is gonna be showing up alongside the Governor next season...but then again...I ain't a gambling man...I'm a rambling man!!! My expectations fell well short in this finale I regrettably admit!
Let's better the next episode...and if it's anything like the first season premiere...then I'm all in!
Good season...relatively impressive...and I can't wait for next season...this finale could have been better though!
Rating = 7.0/10