Shawshank Redemption director who played a huge part in bringing the critically acclaimed comic book series to the small screen recently told reporters that the story arc, which sees Rick Grimes and his fellow survivors take refuge in an abandoned Georgia prison, could very well form the basis for future episodes.
"It's the joke of my career. I keep getting sent to prison! It's such a damn good idea though, isn't it? That was a moment in the comic where I read it and went, 'That's too damn cool not to do'. It's such a great idea."
When he was then quizzed on whether this will lead to the introduction of the character who leads a siege on the prison, The Governor, and if the fan speculation that newly created character Merle Dixon would be revealed as that villain, he said:
"Merle will not be The Governor because... what a lame, obvious choice that would be. Whether we'll see Merle or Morgan Jones again remains to be determined."
The Walking Dead will return to AMC in the US and FX in the UK later this year!