SUPERMAN & LOIS Season 4 Finally Gets A Confirmed Premiere Date On The CW With Feature-Length Episode

SUPERMAN & LOIS Season 4 Finally Gets A Confirmed Premiere Date On The CW With Feature-Length Episode SUPERMAN & LOIS Season 4 Finally Gets A Confirmed Premiere Date On The CW With Feature-Length Episode

We know many of you have been waiting on this news, but Superman & Lois' fourth and final season finally has a premiere date...and we're getting a two-hour premiere! Find more details after the jump.

By JoshWilding - Jun 20, 2024 02:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman & Lois
Source: Deadline

It's been confirmed today that Superman & Lois will return to The CW with its fourth and final season on Thursday, October 17 at 8pm ET/10pm PT.

The show used to air on Tuesday nights, but that slot has been taken by WWE NXT (for more on that, you'll want to head to Most exciting is the news that we're getting a special two-hour "premiere event," meaning this opener will be feature-length. 

We believe it's called "The End & The Beginning" and directed by Gregory Smith from a script by Brent Fletcher & Todd Helbing. 

With The CW looking to move away from pricey scripted dramas, Superman & Lois season 4 was cut to 10 episodes and many regular cast members will now make only guest appearances. The writing team also had to be trimmed down. 

Still, we're optimistic the show will go out on a high as everyone involved deserves the chance to end the story of these characters in a suitably epic and fitting manner. 

Brad Schwartz, President of Entertainment for The CW, recently promised that the long-delayed season 4 "[is] going to blow your minds," and put the long wait down to the show's lengthy post-production process. "I am not kidding, this season is going to be one of the best shows on TV. I watched the first episode last night, and it’s gonna make you cry. It’s amazing."

"Because of all the special effects, it could be ready for summer, [but] we feel like it would be wasted in the summer. So let’s put it in the fall where we can sell it in the Upfront [and] really, really talk about it."

Superman & Lois ends with its fourth season to make way for DC Studios and James Gunn's Superman reboot. Moving forward, the plan is for all DC TV shows to fall under the DCU umbrella, with the odd Elseworlds exception (such as The Penguin, though that too will boast the DC Studios banner).

Superman & Lois was developed by Todd Helbing and Greg Berlanti for The CW. The show stars Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent/Superman and Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane. It follows the iconic superhero couple as they navigate the challenges of parenthood while also dealing with the responsibilities and dangers that come with being Earth's greatest protector.

The premise of Superman & Lois diverges slightly from traditional Superman stories by focusing more on the family dynamic between Clark, Lois, and their teenage sons, Jonathan and Jordan Kent. The series explores how Clark balances his duties as Superman with his obligations as a husband and father, all while living in the small town of Smallville.

Are you excited for Superman & Lois' two-hour premiere?

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Malatrova15 - 6/20/2024, 2:38 PM
Feature Length is my uncle Rusty second name
ModHaterSLADE - 6/20/2024, 2:39 PM
Man Hoechlin has been great in this role.
lazlodaytona - 6/20/2024, 7:59 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - I could not agree more. He's got a confident but sometimes bumbling manor as Clark, he's a great dad and husband, and his Superman is easily top two or 3 to ever play the part.
ModHaterSLADE - 6/20/2024, 8:17 PM
@lazlodaytona - Yeah, I think he's the first actor to strongly showcase Superman being an actual parent.
Batmangina - 6/20/2024, 2:45 PM
Best Superman in recent history - show kinda slid but he's greatness
dracula - 6/20/2024, 2:45 PM
Please let this be an actual feature length episode, not the first 2 episodes aired together as one episode.

Either way its cool, Gotham did the last 2 episodes together for the season 3 finale and it was great

but that was a 22 episode season

this is only 10 episodes

Buffy The Vampire Slayer season 6 did a feature length premier without sacrificing an episode
lazlodaytona - 6/20/2024, 8:10 PM
@dracula - I liked GOTHAM quite a bit. It did get kinda ridiculous near the end because all the dang evil villains around before Bruce became Bats. But the dude who played the 'proto-type Joker. the Penguin, and the Riddler were awesome casting decisions.
However, the best character on the show was Victir Zaasz. He was freaking hilarious. (he's playing metamorpho I believe in the new Superman)

TheVisionary25 - 6/20/2024, 2:51 PM
Cool, looking forward to it!!.

The show has been such a good take on the character & his world so far that I hope this final season wraps it up well (even if I’m still miffed about it prematurely being forced to end).

Also excited to see more of Michael Cudlitz’s darker and more physically intimidating Kingpin-esque Lex since I have liked what we have seen from him thus far.

NinnesMBC - 6/20/2024, 2:59 PM
Most likely the first hour or 2nd will be devoted to a tribute of sorts to the show, legacy yada yada the usual. Like the one they bothered to make for it to welcome it back in 2021 as part of being the new entry and member of the Arrowverse's Earth Prime slate. (Y'know before DC and Helbing chose to go to Retconland, those f@ckers)

Looking forward to it still, it'll be the last live-action Superman content I allow myself to enjoy 'cause I ain't supporting Zaslav's cashcow endeavours until further notice. Tyler's the GOAT, along with the whole cast.

BTW, this cool reel from Gregory Greg was put on his Instagram a week ago, it's a quite cool tribute.
lazlodaytona - 6/20/2024, 8:14 PM
@NinnesMBC - Well, if the title really is called "The End & The Beginning," Superman probably dies withing the first 30 min.s of the show (not including commercials), then the mourning for, funeral, and speculation of other heroes last for around 20 minutes, and the last 30min.s is Superman's return.
Th3Batman - 6/20/2024, 3:04 PM
This is by far the best thing they've done with the Superman IP since the 90s animated series. I really hope it ends on a high note. With the budget cuts I'm not expecting a 10/10 season, but hopefully it can be in the 7-8 range.
Brondern - 6/20/2024, 3:06 PM
I thought Superman was a boring character after watching Snyder's Man of Steel but this show saved my perception of him.

Turns out Snyder is just a shit director
Maltrova15 - 6/20/2024, 3:07 PM
Feature Length is my moms nickname in elementary school
valmic - 6/20/2024, 3:09 PM
Best Superman since Reeve. To me, this is what the new Superman movie needs to live up to. I remember having so much doubt when this show was to premiere and from the first episode they proved me completely wrong and I was so happy for it.
lazlodaytona - 6/20/2024, 8:15 PM
@valmic - 100% agreed bro
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 6/20/2024, 3:12 PM
More excited for this than Superman Legacy.
AnthonyVonGeek - 6/20/2024, 3:19 PM
Awwww yeah!!!
Great show!
Can’t wait!!!
User Comment Image
lazlodaytona - 6/20/2024, 8:16 PM
@AnthonyVonGeek - yeah, they did a 'bang-up' job for sure :D
clintthahamster - 6/20/2024, 3:20 PM
Remember to close those HTML tags, y'all.
bkmeijer1 - 6/20/2024, 5:29 PM
@clintthahamster - so I'm not the only one seeing everything in italics?

HermanM - 6/20/2024, 3:22 PM
Terrible show with one of the worst versions of Superman in live action to date. Can't wait for it to be off the air.

In Gunn we trust!
Maltrova15 - 6/20/2024, 4:28 PM
@HermanM - Terrible take from a tasteless racist who obviously knows nothing about Superman.
Thebronxknight - 6/20/2024, 4:32 PM
@HermanM - Why cant you wait for it to be off air? You hate watch it just so you can bich about it? You know you actually have a choice not to watch it right?
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:00 PM
@Maltrova15 - I know more than most people on this site, which is why you guys love this show and I don't.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:07 PM
@Thebronxknight - Because the show is terrible cloying CW garbage and gets the characters wrong.

Firstly, the show portrays Superman as a doofy dad, naive man-child, who is cloying and saccharine, rather than the mature man of the Siegel/Shuster comics who does what is right because it is what a mature person would do. It does away with the secret identity by allowing Lois Lane to know that Clark is Superman. It turns Superman into a simp whose world and even morality revolve around appeasing Lois Lane. The costume is utter garbage, even worse than the Snyder suit. The show turns Superman into an angsty version of The Incredibles by giving him a wife and kids with powers.

The show also over emphasizes the alien aspect of the character by making his worldview, costume, and S symbol all come from Krypton, when those things are all supposed to come from Clark Kent.

Tyler Hoechlin is a terrible actor and looks nothing like Superman aside from having dark hair. He's the only actor worse than Henry Cavill in the role.

Only soyjacks, cucks, and people who know nothing about Superman like this show.

That's just some of why I dislike the show and am looking forward to its demise.

Gunn will get it right, or at least better than this crap show.
Maltrova15 - 6/20/2024, 5:14 PM
@HermanM - That whole essay of hate about the show you just wrote proves you know nothing about the character(s). You write so much and say so little.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:17 PM
@Maltrova15 - Apparently you have never read a Superman comic prior to 2015.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:17 PM
@Maltrova15 - I'm just going to block you. You are a waste of time.
Thebronxknight - 6/20/2024, 5:17 PM
@HermanM - Soooo, dont watch it. Sounds like you do just to have a reason to whine like a little bich about it.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:19 PM
@Thebronxknight - If I don't watch it, then you guys will say "How do you know you don't like it if you haven't even seen it?", so instead I have watched enough to form aj opinion and that is that. I'll be glad when it is over.
Maltrova15 - 6/20/2024, 5:21 PM
@HermanM - OMG NOOOOOO!!!! DONT BLOCK ME!!!! ...Dude youre a joke. You come on here with your racist shyt, call people names like soyjacks, cucks because you think your opinion is the only opinion.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:23 PM
@Maltrova15 - No, but my opinion is correct and has over 80 years of evidence to support it.

You can't handle debating me so you just name call and try to troll me.

Thebronxknight - 6/20/2024, 5:24 PM
@HermanM - WhoTF is you guys? I dont even know who you are. According to this thread alone you seem to be some racist who talks alot of nonsense. Anyway Sounds like an excuse to hate watch the show.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:29 PM
@Thebronxknight - "You guys" are the ball-fanners of this terrible show.
Maltrova15 - 6/20/2024, 5:30 PM
@HermanM - I own Superman comics from every decade since its debut... You can only lean on assumptions because you have nothing else to use to "debate" with.
Thebronxknight - 6/20/2024, 5:35 PM
@HermanM - Strange I never said I liked the show... I just asked you why you watch it if you hate it. So you just spend time on this website assuming things of people and calling them names? Good to know your opinions mean jack based on that response.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:39 PM
@Thebronxknight - No, I just gave an opinion on the show that you apparently disliked. It doesn't mean I'm a regular viewer, just that I've viewed it enough to know I dislike it.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 5:39 PM
@Maltrova15 - My assumption is safe then since you surely haven't read them.
Maltrova15 - 6/20/2024, 5:45 PM
@HermanM - Sure little man, whatever gets you to sleep tonight and not worry about blocking me and creating racist rants around the internet.
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 6:03 PM
@Maltrova15 - Ad hominem in place of argument. Bye.
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