Daredevil. The Man Without Fear. Ever since the character's inception in 1964, he has been a staple character for Marvel Comics, and a fan favorite. In 2003, we were treated (or victimized) to a DAREDEVIL film starring Ben Affleck, who did not do as bad as people say (in my opinion). And Jennifer Garner's Elektra left MUCH to be desired. (The spin-off did not help) The property lounged with FOX, until recently we were treated to an awesome pitch by Joe Carnahan, that sadly did not come to fruition.
In 2015, the Daredevil show will be a reality. Drew Goddard (Writer of episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "World War Z") will be the show runner and writer of the pilot.
NOW, how to make this awesome:
Who to play old Hornhead? Michael C. Hall is a fan-favorite that I have seen. I also believe he would be good in the role. He has the look of the character, and I think he could pull it off. Recommended watching for supporting Hall: "Six Feet Under" and "Dexter". As Dexter Morgan, he could portray average everyday cop for Miami PD, and jump into brutal vigilante/killer by night.

I believe Jamie Bell would be a good choice, and so would Ryan Kwanten. Bell and Kwanten both have the looks for the job, and the physicality but Kwanten would be a better pick. In case of Bell, watch "Retreat"; his scary yet brilliant performance in the film would fit well for the persona of Daredevil.
Kwanten although has an ability to be serious yet be all around goofy. He would be good as Venom, as proven in the short "Truth in Journalism"
Where to go in the show? In my opinion, there should be multiple seasons. Season One should be the Frank Miller run, involving the first activities of Daredevil in a black leather jacket and black bandana. Involve that Matt was a bit of a punk when he was younger, stealing the officer's nightstick and hiding it in a locker at the gym. Villians should include Mr. Fixer, the Hand, and multiple but subtle illusions to the Kingpin.
S1 should introduce Franklin 'Foggy' Nelson and Elektra Natchios (in all of her scantily-clad glory). They should also show Stick in flashbacks, and Matt accidentally killing a stripper in Fixer's HQ. Kingpin's voice should be heard in the finale, like "I'm coming to NY" for example.
Season Two should involve Kingpin's rise to power.
Introduce Bullseye, Mr. Fear, and the "death" of Elektra.
The final season could be "End of Days" storyline, where Foggy realizes he has cancer.
Of course, don't forget to throw in legal cases (ex. maybe Jack Murdock's killer is in the courtroom, and Matt is forcibly recused from the case; leading to an after-hours meeting between the killer and Daredevil), the rise of the "Nelson and Murdock" firm, and (hopefully) introduce Black Widow as a love interest.
As long as it can be dark AND emotional, we could have a GREAT show on our hands.
Provide Easter Eggs to the currently existing MCU that are subtle but apparent
That's all I could come up with, on how Netflix can make the Daredevil series as awesome as it possibly can. Thoughts? Questions? Comments?
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