ECHO Teaser Reveals First Look At Maya Lopez Suited Up In Her Official "Superhero" Costume

ECHO Teaser Reveals First Look At Maya Lopez Suited Up In Her Official "Superhero" Costume

Marvel Studios has released a new promo for Echo featuring some awesome never-before-seen shots from the Disney+ series, including a tense confrontation with The Kingpin which reveals Maya Lopez's costume!

By JoshWilding - Jan 02, 2024 02:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Echo

Echo is right around the corner and, in a new promo for the TV-MA Disney+/Hulu TV series, we see Maya Lopez decked out in her official "superhero" costume (the quotation marks are there because this suit holds slightly more gravitas than spandex). 

Interestingly, it looks like Wilson Fisk's eye has mostly healed but we can't help but notice he appears shocked by someone behind him as we hear the words "What did you do?" ring out. Could it be that Echo has enlisted a certain Man Without Fear to help her deal with the Kingpin of Crime?

After fans zeroed in on this reveal, scooper @CanWeGetToast took to X to explain, "Maya Lopez’s hero suit from 'Echo' was originally a powwow dress that belonged to Maya's mother."

"It’s been modified by Chula, Maya’s grandmother, to become a war garment," they add. "Each decoration and symbol relates to their culture, language, and family."

However, what you might have noticed is that there's no sign of that trademark handprint on Maya's face. Whether it's a concept Marvel Studios has decided won't work in live-action or something which is being saved for down the line remains to be seen. 

What we do know is that, as a "Marvel Spotlight" TV series, Echo is going to be largely standalone. We're expecting it to set the stage for Daredevil: Born Again, for example, but whether Maya will ever join the ranks of The Avengers is currently a mystery to us. 

Check out this new promo (the costume can be seen around the 0:12 mark) and another TV spot in the player below. 

The five-episode streaming event spotlights Maya Lopez (Alaqua Cox) as she is pursued by Wilson Fisk's (Vincent D'Onofrio) criminal empire. When the journey brings her home, she must confront her own family and legacy.

Echo also stars Chaske Spencer (Wild IndianThe English), Graham Greene (1883Goliath), Tantoo Cardinal (Killers of the Flower MoonStumptown), Devery Jacobs (FX's Reservation DogsAmerican Gods), Zahn McClarnon (Dark Winds, FX's Reservation Dogs), Cody Lightning (Hey, Viktor!Four Sheets to the Wind) and Vincent D’Onofrio (HawkeyeGodfather of Harlem).

The series is directed by Sydney Freeland (Navajo) and Catriona McKenzie (Gunaikurnai).

All five episodes of Echo will premiere on Disney+ and Hulu on January 10.

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HammerLegFoot - 1/2/2024, 2:41 PM
I remember the whole reason I got a Netflix account was to watch Daredevil
marvel72 - 1/2/2024, 8:26 PM
@HammerLegFoot - Same and I got Disney Plus for The Mandalorion and Marvel shows.

What a mistake to make.
AllsGood - 1/2/2024, 2:42 PM
The Far From Dead Marvel Studios says Happy New Year 2024. Make Mine Echo.

McMurdo - 1/2/2024, 4:23 PM
@AllsGood - get help
marvel72 - 1/3/2024, 6:18 AM
@AllsGood -

Taonrey - 1/2/2024, 2:49 PM
I was kinda hoping she didn’t get a costume
GhostDog - 1/2/2024, 3:07 PM
@Taonrey - Yup. Not everyone needs a "costume"
CorndogBurglar - 1/2/2024, 3:54 PM
@Taonrey - I personally liked her "costume" from her appearances in Daredevile. Just simple black tights and a black shirt, with feathers sticking out of her arm band and a white hand print on her face.

That's all she needs, honestly. But it also sounds like they are giving her powers that she doesn't have in the comics, so whatever, I guess.
Apophis71 - 1/2/2024, 4:29 PM
@CorndogBurglar - Depends what powers she gets as has gained some in the comics by another means, which are OP and seriously questioned why she of all characters got them, so...

...I kinda get however that Taskmaster type powers do not translate or come across well for live action and not enough on their own to make much sense for a deaf character to stand a realistic chance against almost any supes...

...which is likely why they also made them tech based HOD stuff for their version of the Taskmaster too (still dumb how they photoshopped in a female head on the male stunt doubles body but that is a whole other issue)...

...if the main effect of her upgrade is making her tougher so more plausible to take a beating, and a tad stronger so more plausible to go to to toe with street level supes without them being OP abilities (ie toned down Captan America type stuff) it isn't a huge deal if she still needs those Taskmaster skills.

Suspect they will have some animal based temp use powers, access scent of a wolf for tracking kind of thing which is fine, if they go all in with the likes of that Tattoo character from that Elektra movie that would be OTT I think.
dragon316 - 1/2/2024, 5:34 PM
@GhostDog - it’s true but fans kept saying Logan need be put in costume his mask makes costume good or bad in movie weapon x helmet was laughable bad who knows about wolverine mask
Razorface1 - 1/2/2024, 11:37 PM
@Taonrey - God forbid we get superhero costumes in superhero media.
Taonrey - 1/3/2024, 2:19 AM
@Razorface1 - not every hero needs one but ayye agree to disagree
ThorArms - 1/2/2024, 2:51 PM
5 episodes is great. I'm tired of drawn out 9-10 episode series unless it needs it
Apophis71 - 1/2/2024, 4:31 PM
@ThorArms - Episodes and shows should be as long as they need to be to tell the story they are going for, no more, no less so doesn't bother me if 5 or 10 as long as the result doesn't feel rushed or overly padded out.
HammerLegFoot - 1/2/2024, 2:51 PM
Do anyone else remember when I am Legend came out it was being reported that Johnny Depp was also in the movie and he was suppose to play Will Smith's neighbor and was basically patient zero
HammerLegFoot - 1/2/2024, 2:53 PM
@HammerLegFoot - Just read an article he had to back out because he signed on to do Sweeny Todd. Neverminded yawl
Origame - 1/2/2024, 2:54 PM
Yes, so dedicated to this character they...abandon basically everything about the character, dump all episodes at once, hype up kingpin and daredevil appearing in it to no end, and won't end the review embargo until literally the day it comes out.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 4:25 PM
@Origame - The only change is her power set which is the same as Taskmaster's. Big deal, her entire dynamic with Fisk is still there which matches the source material.
Apophis71 - 1/2/2024, 4:39 PM
@NinnesMBC - Well, they did change it to Ronin killing her Dad instead of DD, other than that the story is nearly exactly the same including going on a spirit quest after that initial more villain role storyline. Gaining a few abilities is sort of new, she did gain some from the Pheoni force more recently however, but isn't exactly a massive thing to gain something to do with her ancestors and/or animal totems from a spirit quest if not OP. Remains to be seen if they keep the bit of her falling for Matt Murdock, but then that was fairly brief in the comics and seem to recall not reciprocated (or he moved on and/or cheated on her fairly fast afterwards at least).
Origame - 1/2/2024, 4:41 PM
@NinnesMBC - echo in the comics wasn't powered by her ancestors. And all the stuff with Fisk was inherited from hawkeye, not something directly from this show.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 4:52 PM
@Apophis71 - Within the context of the MCU it makes sense Clint killed her father, Matt struggled already with not taking lives so that change has a logic behind it. Plus DD and her are interlinked through their own connections with Fisk which is why they clash. Phoenix Force is years ahead so thinking about it now is irrelevant.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 4:54 PM
@Origame - So should they ignore the aftermath of what happened in Hawkeye and come up with a new conflict instead of picking up where things left off? Makes no sense. The world won't end nor will the comics crumble for her new power set change, this isn't like what they've done with Kamala which is more deserving of critique than this.
Origame - 1/2/2024, 5:06 PM
@NinnesMBC - ok, how is it more worthy of criticizing kamala's power change? It's the same thing. Giving a character powers they didn't have before. If anything, I'd argue this is worse because on a technical level echo in the comics didn't even have powers. So giving her powers in a show you call grounded is pretty ridiculous and arguably much worse than ms marvel.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 5:27 PM
@Origame - Kamala's powers worked as well as an allegory to the changes that teeangers experiment in their bodies as they grow up, esp. when it comes to girls. They turned her into some cosmic-type of powered hero that creates light constructs when that never was the point about them and supposedly because they didn't want 2 characters with stretch powers. (Mr. Fantastic) Echo's powers do not define her in any way, her character arcs do not change. A show can be grounded beyond just fighting, it's about the tone and the atmosphere in which they're developed. We call Echo as grounded by the portrayal of Maya and Fisk's dynamic and layers and how the action/violence is depicted. And also how these characters will react to what happens to them.
Origame - 1/2/2024, 5:34 PM
@NinnesMBC - first of all, that metaphor can literally work with any power. And still works with the new power.

And second, echo developed her power as being basically the deaf equivalent of daredevil. She has a photogenic memory. Get it?

And you should call it grounded because it's more realistic. You know, because they don't have actual superpowers. The advertising is clearly trying to invoke the Netflix daredevil series, in which daredevil only had the power to compensate for his loss of sight.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 5:41 PM
@Origame - No it doesn't, especially when there aren't many teen heroes who developed powers that can enlarge their bodies while they are still at school. She creates her own light show in the MCU and that is pretty, a far cry from how it could've impacted her had they stick to her original powers.

And she can't have it here as well? How do you know she doesn't have it just because she'll later awaken her mystical tattoo powers?

Things can co-exist and be fantastical while remaining grounded in the areas that matter the most. The advertisising is hyping up Echo's thirst for the throne, her drive and the lenghts she's willing to go to take it from Kingpin. It's not all about Daredevil.
Origame - 1/2/2024, 6:01 PM
@NinnesMBC - 1) yeah, at best this is saying her old powers were more impacting to that point. Not that her new powers don't fit that.

2) never said she isn't going to have those powers. It's the same thing with kamala just using her power the way it was in the comics (despite how little sense it makes).

3) not when you have to add the powers. And it's even titled "time for a queen" in reference to kingpin and released a full fight scene with daredevil. It's shameless.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 7:25 PM
@Origame - Those stretch/embiggen powers impacted her character and fitted her since she's an adolescent that all that wants is to fit in. Her new powers served more to set up The Marvels.

At least Echo's new powers will impact her character once she reconnects with her community, right there that is what makes them relevant to tell her story.

How is it "shameless" that she wants to rule Fisk's criminal empire? She would still clash with DD and anybody else that crosses her. Daredevil will always be there to protect Hell Kitchen and if Maya, hypothetically, becomes the new "Queenpin" of crime then they'll clash. It's that simple.
Origame - 1/2/2024, 7:42 PM
@NinnesMBC - 1) so her shooting random light constructs is supposed to make her fit in?

2) well that's a different story from the comics.

3) the shameless part is the advertising this as basically the kingpin and daredevil show.
NinnesMBC - 1/2/2024, 11:13 PM
@Origame - No you got it wrong, the original powers would have put that desire teens have to fit in at challenge. Not the light constructs, it's an L from Marvel Studios for changing her power set.

That advertising is all in your head.
AvalonX - 1/2/2024, 11:34 PM
@Origame - Ignore this idiot. Another true believer.
marvel72 - 1/3/2024, 6:19 AM
@Origame - I wonder if they'll give her The Phoenix Force like in the pages of The Avengers.

HashTagSwagg - 1/2/2024, 3:00 PM
That trend where trailers just repeat the same line throughout the trailer needs to die, it's gets irritating fast, it was 30 seconds but I had to mute it half way and for those last 15 seconds I couldn't hear shit so in a way it made me feel like I was Echo and that I could probably beat Hawkeye, Daredevil and Kingpin so I guess it worked. pROPS TO dc'S MARKETING TEAM.
TheFinestSmack - 1/2/2024, 3:51 PM
@HashTagSwagg - The goal is to make us ALL deaf lol
The1st - 1/2/2024, 3:55 PM
@HashTagSwagg - Is the times I guess, you'll get shock and awe but no substance....and maybe a superhero landing. I wish deadpool would troll the villain monolog too, assuming hes hasn't already
Batmandalorian - 1/2/2024, 3:01 PM
Wait did i miss something. so her superhero costume is a leather jacket? I keep watching the teaser thinking i missed it
HashTagSwagg - 1/2/2024, 3:09 PM
@Batmandalorian - Sorry, my photoshop skills aren't what they used to be but I did my best.
TheFinestSmack - 1/2/2024, 3:52 PM
@HashTagSwagg - Looks like a goblin disguise to get into Mordor
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