Wednesday's episode of What If...? was titled "What If...Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?" Set during the events of Iron Man, the timeline was a little murky, and a better name for the episode might have been, "What If...Killmonger Returned To Wakanda 10 Years Earlier?" given how much of Black Panther ended up being retold.
In this reality, Tony being saved by Killmonger resulted in him never becoming Iron Man. The Wakandan, meanwhile, enacted a plan to create a robotic army he could use to manipulate his way back into his home in order to become the new Black Panther (after murdering his cousin, T'Challa).
Things wrapped up on a major cliffhanger, and common sense says we will revisit this reality at some point. There are only three episodes left, so time will tell how and when that happens, but we wouldn't be surprised to see this sinister Black Panther suit-up alongside the rest of The Watcher's Guardians of the Multiverse when they finally assemble.
Now, Marvel Studios has released a fresh batch of spoiler stills from "What If...Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?" highlighting a number of key moments in the action-packed episode.
Yesterday, we broke down which actors did and didn't return to the MCU for this latest retelling of a classic Marvel Studios movie, which you can find by clicking here. Once you've given that a read, just scroll down to check out all these new images from Disney+'s What If...?