Spoilers for the season finale of What If...? follow!
In today's episode of What If...?, The Watcher broke his oath and assembled the Guardians of the Multiverse to put an end to Infinity Ultron's reign of terror. Following the android's defeat, each of the heroes was returned to their respective worlds, including Captain Carter.
Before she was plucked from her reality, Peggy was basically reliving the opening few minutes of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Watcher sends her back to that moment, and we then get a post-credits scene revealing that she does, in fact, get a happy ending.
Black Widow directs Captain Carter to a shipping crate that HYDRA was protecting and inside is the HYDRA Stomper. However, Steve Rogers is alive and well in the suit after seemingly been kept on ice all these years until he can be weaponised. It's possible he's fallen under HYDRA's control like The Winter Soldier, but it looks a lot like Peggy and Steve will be reunited in this reality for their happily ever after.
Rumour has it Captain Carter will be part of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, while there have been rumblings that there might be season 2 plans for the hero as well. Hopefully, they're also going to involve bringing the HYDRA Stomper into the present day.
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