THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks

THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks

ROGUE ONE Star Ben Mendelsohn Will Return As Orson Krennic For ANDOR Season 2
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ROGUE ONE Star Ben Mendelsohn Will Return As Orson Krennic For ANDOR Season 2

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cham2119 - 8/24/2023, 7:03 AM
Only ever got to meet him once but he was the nicest funniest guy in any room
McMurdo - 8/24/2023, 1:23 PM
@cham2119 - so you went to a fan convention?
cham2119 - 8/25/2023, 6:49 AM
@McMurdo - what does it matter?
CoHost - 8/24/2023, 7:09 AM
Dolph Lundgren
Thomas Jane
Jon Berthanal

Great company to be with.

JimMoriarty - 8/24/2023, 10:57 AM
@CoHost - Hell yes. Jon is great, but regardless of what you may think of war zone, Ray WAS the f#@king Punisher. His villain in DEXTER was great as well. R.R.R. was great. I used to replace Chuck Norris jokes with Ray Stevenson jokes after he played Punisher lol.Rest in peace Mr. Stevenson.
FireandBlood - 8/24/2023, 7:10 AM
Definitely made an impression with that entrance. Him and his apprentice were giving off dark Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan vibes.

RIP Ray 🙏
MotherGooseUPus - 8/24/2023, 7:59 AM
@PlusUltra - Oh man, YESSSS. You nailed it. I thought it looked/felt like something i've seen before but couldnt figure it out. Thanks, lol
Yuhio - 8/24/2023, 7:14 AM
That's a very minimalist way from a corporation to say: "too bad he died".
blackiron777 - 8/24/2023, 7:14 AM
His entrance in the show was damn good. He looked like a beast in that costume. He really nails the calm demeanor of a former Jedi but clearly is something a lot darker now.

AC1 - 8/24/2023, 7:22 AM
Baylan and Shin were so cool in these first two episodes, loved them design-wise in terms of costumes and things like that and the dynamic between seems really interesting too.

It's also a new side to Star Wars villains we haven't really seen before, specifically from Baylan, because Ray played him with kind of almost a warm stoicism - like he doesn't take any pleasure from what he's doing, isn't the kind of villain who relishes in violence or is looking for an excuse to hurt people; he's doing what he's gotta do and actually seems to care for his apprentice to a degree. Like he seems like the kind of bad guy you could reason or negotiate with and as long as he gets what he needs he'd be willing to do it without any additional death and destruction, although if the situation calls for it he won't shy away from it either. The closest similarity I can think of would be Dooku, except he's not being manipulated or used, at least as far as we can tell. Like I could equally see him having a redemption arc or being a full blown villain, and that is a really interesting place to find a character like this.
MarkCassidy - 8/24/2023, 7:28 AM
@AC1 - I get that impression too, and I think I read that he's not going to be a clear cut villain. My guess is he'll ultimately side with Ahsoka against Thrawn
MotherGooseUPus - 8/24/2023, 8:18 AM
@AC1 - very well said. i love those 2 characters so far. they are menacing yet have a calm demeanor that makes them even more thrilling. some of my favorite villians in SW so far and i've only seen them for 2 episodes. hope they get good arcs in the show
Reginator - 8/24/2023, 7:48 AM
saw him the fist time in the HBO series "Rome". Have been a fan ever since.
Fogs - 8/24/2023, 10:02 AM
@Reginator - Same
soberchimera - 8/24/2023, 8:15 AM
He and Dawson were both the standouts in the first episode, but I was hella bored, hopefully episode 2 picks up.
JonAwesome - 8/24/2023, 8:46 AM
@Markcassidy he was 58 when he died not 56. Really shitty job man!
DocSpock - 8/24/2023, 9:40 AM

He was an excellent veteran actor.

He was always a professional. he is missed.

MrDandy - 8/24/2023, 9:50 AM
Really sad he died at a relatively young age. He was great in those first two episodes and hopefully goes out on a high note.

TyrantBossMedia - 8/24/2023, 8:24 PM
Well, The first episode was awful.

Completely boring dialogue.
The pacing was terrible and awkward.
Filoni filled screen time with awkwardly long and inappropriate pauses.
The use of The Void was far too obvious.
and the actresses brought no gravitas to any role.
Sabine is a horrible actor.

Ahsoka was far more interesting a character when written by Favreau for Mandalorian.
sully - 8/24/2023, 8:47 PM
Ray always had fun roles. Blackbeard, Punisher, Volstagg, etc. Loved seeing him in whatever role he was in. RIP
TyrantBossMedia - 8/24/2023, 10:00 PM
Maybe he died of boredom because this show.....damn

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