Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI One Of His Favorite Things From Disney Era

Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI "One Of His Favorite Things" From Disney Era

OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: He [Was] Drinking Too Much...
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OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: "He [Was] Drinking Too Much..."

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Repian - 10/25/2019, 2:11 AM
It would be interesting to see Owen and Obi-Wan, both working together. Then Owen discovers Luke's fate and hostilities begin between the two characters
Repian - 10/25/2019, 2:17 AM
@Repian - They could be allies and friends until there is a dramatic turn.
ChrisRed - 10/25/2019, 2:23 AM
@Repian - what comic is that from?
TheUnworthyThor - 10/25/2019, 2:36 AM
JaKBaLLTV - 10/25/2019, 5:06 AM
@TheUnworthyThor - he looks like Youtube live streamer, Demon Andy
WakandanQueen - 10/25/2019, 3:20 AM
bkmeijer2 - 10/25/2019, 4:06 AM
I'm still wondering why he had a voice cameo in The Force Awakens
TheGrayGhost - 10/25/2019, 5:33 AM
@MalseMarcel - JJ Abrams and co is probably wondering the same thing.

"We were making it up as we went"
ThorArms - 10/25/2019, 4:07 PM
@MalseMarcel - Right! The visions and the lightsaber leading her to find it...I better get some answers. I wonder if we'll see Maz again...That scene with her in Last Jedi was was obviously just thrown in there.
Vadakin - 10/25/2019, 4:08 AM
The first episode should be a real slow burn. Him alone in the desert, having constant nightmares about Anakin, being torn apart from the inside with survivor's guilt, occasionally going into Anchorhead to get supplies, always wary of being recognised, also watching the Lars homestead from afar, perhaps having conversations with Owen.

At some point, maybe he goes to Anchorhead with Owen on a supply run, he watches an Imperial propaganda broadcast, maybe about the opening of a new shipyard on Corellia or something, being attended by the Emperor, some representatives from the Senate and the Emperor's military "liaison" Darth Vader. As soon as Obi-Wan hears Vader's name, the realisation and confirmation that Anakin is alive, now trapped inside a suit of armour, Obi-Wan breaks down and Owen, not knowing the significance of the name, has to pick him up.

No action in the first episode, just pure character drama, mostly with Obi-Wan on his own but with a few interactions with Owen, ending with discovering Anakin's fate.

Then maybe make episodes 2-6 about Owen delivering water to remote outposts across the desert with Obi-Wan accompanying him. The bounty hunter Cad Bane catches wind of Obi-Wan's presence on Tatooine. Being the most wanted man in the galaxy, Obi-Wan has a huge price on his head and Cad isn't interested in simply reporting Obi-Wan to the Empire because he knows the Empire will just send Inquisitors and he'll lose his prize. So he assembles a small team to go after Obi-Wan and that would be the bulk of the series. I think it works because obviously there needs to be a villain worthy of a Jedi but it can't be an Imperial agent because if the Empire knows Obi-Wan is on Tatooine, A New Hope can't happen. It also can't be Maul because his confrontation with Obi-Wan happens in Rebels. So I think Cad Bane, who is modelled after Angel Eyes from The Good, The Bad And The Ugly and would fit the Western aesthetic, is the perfect choice.

Along the way, Owen, who blames Obi-Wan for Anakin's death, comes to learn the truth about what happened to Anakin. He and Obi-Wan have to work together to fend off Cad Bane and his cronies. That's where the action comes from. Also, Obi-Wan wants to train Luke to become a Jedi but by the end of the series, Owen, while understanding what Obi-Wan went through, tells him to stay away from Luke, to let the child grow up and live a normal life, far from the machinations of Jedi Knights and dark emperors.
SouthernNeo - 10/25/2019, 6:59 AM
@Vadakin - Man I could dig that! Nice!
Twenty23Three - 10/25/2019, 4:14 AM
I planned to duck out of Star Wars for a while after Rise of the Skywalker, after the two spin off films and the Last Jedi killed my excitement about Star Wars for the first time ever. This however.... might come back for this
BigBoyCaprice - 10/25/2019, 4:58 AM
Excited about this. Ewan's Obi-wan was easily the best thing to come out of the prequels.
Panakin - 10/25/2019, 6:22 AM
This is gonna be political & woke & give the audience Liberal Life Lessons just like The Mandalorian will

No thanks
jmorin - 10/25/2019, 6:22 AM
I know what I don't want to see: young Luke. Don't even try. Just skip that.
case - 10/25/2019, 5:15 PM
@jmorin - what about Baby Luke..?
jmorin - 10/28/2019, 10:34 AM
@case - as long as he doesn't have any lines 😄
case - 10/29/2019, 4:47 PM
@jmorin - yeah, but they should make him as whiney as a new hope :)

I could actually see some Lone Wolf and Cub dynamic working with this though...
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