THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks

THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks

Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI One Of His Favorite Things From Disney Era
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Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI "One Of His Favorite Things" From Disney Era

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TheyDont - 5/16/2022, 12:06 PM
I don't need to know any leaks.
Origame - 5/16/2022, 12:49 PM
@TheyDont - obi wan dies and is replaced with a clone.
AnthonyVonGeek - 5/16/2022, 12:11 PM
Me trying to avoid the leaks…..
MosquitoFarmer - 5/16/2022, 12:12 PM
If it's leaked it's something you weren't supposed to know, never mind need to.
Blergh - 5/16/2022, 12:19 PM
Wait a split the article in two halves? That's...greedy
THEREALPAPERKUT - 5/16/2022, 12:59 PM
Came straight to the comments to ask why I need to know about leaks before it’s even come out?
bkmeijer1 - 5/16/2022, 2:41 PM
@THEREALPAPERKUT - because you like to be tempted to click on them so that you can ruin it for yourself obviously.

Just kidding, I don't know either
dragon316 - 5/16/2022, 1:01 PM
This series have to many spoilers before it will be released
CorndogBurglar - 5/16/2022, 1:36 PM
Alright @JoshWilding, I never complain or talk trash about the site or any of the editors. But starting an article here, then forcing everyone to click over to the Sci-Fi sister site for the second half of the article is just dirty....
bkmeijer1 - 5/16/2022, 2:41 PM
@CorndogBurglar - good thing I only came here to brag about how I wasn't gonna read the article anyway
CorndogBurglar - 5/16/2022, 4:29 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Haha. Yeah.....this was a pretty blatant and filthy attempt at doubling up on clicks and getting more traffic on a site no one normally goes to.
bkmeijer1 - 5/16/2022, 5:50 PM
@CorndogBurglar - I would, but I only really care for the Star Wars news.

But right now its mostly Kenobi stuff anyway, and I wanna stay away from that as much as possible. Wanna go in blind
CorndogBurglar - 5/16/2022, 7:23 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Understood, and I don't blame you.
bkmeijer1 - 5/16/2022, 2:43 PM
Just here to say I'm not gonna read any of the leaks. If anything, leaks over the past few years have proven right quite a lot of times.

Not gonna let that ruin it again for me (although TROS wasn't ruined by it, having read that what felt like a fanfic beforehand only made it better to digest).
A2ron - 5/17/2022, 1:14 AM
That's what I'm trying to do too, it's the best way to see anything on the big screen. Not many out there "need" (let alone, want) to know spoilers.
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