STAR WARS REBELS Sequel Series Update; Possible Timeframe For THE BAD BATCH Premiere Revealed

STAR WARS REBELS Sequel Series Update; Possible Timeframe For THE BAD BATCH Premiere Revealed STAR WARS REBELS Sequel Series Update; Possible Timeframe For THE BAD BATCH Premiere Revealed

We have some big updates for you regarding Disney+'s animated Star Wars plans, as it sounds like the Rebels sequel series may be further along than previously though. There's also news on The Bad Batch...

By JoshWilding - Oct 15, 2020 06:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker didn't really resonate with moviegoers, so Lucasfilm now appears to be concentrating on TV shows that can (hopefully) make an impact on Disney+. 

Among them are two animated shows, The Bad Batch, and the long rumoured Star Wars Rebels sequel series. Now, the folks over at Kessel Run Transmissions have shared a number of updates, confirming that the latter will revolve around Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren, and that work on the first season is likely done at this stage.

What we don't know is whether it's set before or after The Mandalorian, but if it's the latter, fans may be disappointed that they're not getting more of Ahsoka in a live-action setting. 

We also have an update on The Bad Batch, and it sounds like we could see that one sooner than expected. It's also noted that the animation style is definitely in line with The Clone Wars!

Check out these updates below:

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THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks

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GhostDog - 10/15/2020, 6:22 AM
All for the Rebels sequel series. The Bad Batch I am not sold on.
LameLuka - 10/15/2020, 6:28 AM
The animation in the last season of Clone Wars was amazing. Glad to hear that animation will be used for The Bad Batch
DarthNihilus - 10/15/2020, 7:59 AM
Bad Batch.....

They could do something not about CloneWars/Rebels or anything attached to Skywalker's Era for once...... but nahhh they are just stuck in their unimaginative ways..
They limit themselves so much.. sigh..

Nightwing1015 - 10/15/2020, 9:52 AM
It feel crazy to me to do a Bad Batch show. How is that really any different from Clone Wars?

I'd much rather a show with the same animation style set during the Galactic Civil War about Luke, Han and Leia or a show about them set after ROTJ
Armageddon26 - 10/15/2020, 10:13 AM
Similar sentiments to others, I am not completely sold on The Bad Batch (I will obviously watch, gotta get use of my Disney+ subscription as much as possible lol). The Rebels sequel series I have more hope in, but I wonder what the tone of it will be
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