These days I'm playing so much Kingdom Hearts, that I wanna do myself a fancast of it; but I always wondered: "What with Disney characters?".
So I decided to watch on YouTube videos of Kingdom Hearts fancasts, and I saw that those fancasters (?; IDK how to call people doing fancasts) put Disney characters in it, without any problem.
This made me make a Kingdom Hearts fancast, but I was indecided who to pull into; dream or real roster; because, honestly, I'd love to see in some Disney classics that never were part of a Kingdom Hearts game (like Lady and the Tramp, the Jungle Book, the Aristocats, Robin Hood; more worthy to be in a Kingdom Hearts game than Marvel & Star Wars, IMO).
So I asked a DeviantArt user if he will do Kingdom Hearts fancast, and if yes, if he will add Disney characters, and he answered me the following words: "Kingdom Hearts? Wow, I'm not sure. That's a tough game to adapt. The game already sort of adapts existing Disney movies, so I'm afraid that's out of the question."
This made me wonder "What if he's right? What if people want to see again the same casting picks from Disney movies?", because, tbh, for example, I'd love to have Angelina Jolie there, but not as Maleficient (like IRL), but as Ultimecia (like my Final Fantasy fancast; yeah, I know Ultimecia have never been part of a Kingdom Hearts game, but she should be, just like Oerba Dia Vanille should be in).
And you, what you think about it? Should Disney characters be in a Kingdom Hearts movie? Or you think it'll be a counterproductive move?
Let me know in the comments of this article...