VIDEO GAME: Character Designs For DEADPOOL, Wolverine, Psylocke & More
High Moon Studio's new Deadpool video game was released recently and lead concept artist, Billy King, has posted some of his character designs for Marvel's Wolverine, Psylocke, Sentinels, Earthquaker, Phaser, and Stormthrower. Hit the jump to check them out.
Concept Art by Billy King
Some of you may know me as the Merc with the Mouth. And it’s time to get mouthy. Prepare to get Deadpooled. Couple things I’d like to get off my chest: I’m a mercenary for hire with an accelerated healing factor. I like to run my mouth. Some say I’m unstable but I’m very stable. (What about that time we beat the dude with his own arms?) (That doesn’t count) And if you want to know what gets me going in the mornings, it’s chimichangas! (Mmmmm Chimichangas) WHOA, I feel better now. All right. I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans (and bewbs!) and mutants. (and bewbs!) That’s right, $#*! just got real!