If you've read any of the stories lately about The Wolverine you'll see reporter after reporter stating that Kelly Hu is in the movie and will be reprising her role as Lady Deathstrike. I'm a curious soul, so I decided to do some digging and I came across this video of the sultry actress responding to the rumors of her casting in the film. Skip to the 20 second mark to see and hear her responses to the rumor.
I for one would love to see Kelly comeback and play Lady Deathstrike once again. Heck, I'd love to see more of Kelly in anything. Last I saw of her she was on Hawaii Five-O, and then they killed her off. How do you kill off one of the most beautiful women in the world? The balls on these writers. Do they think angels just grow on trees?
The Wolverine starts filming in mid-October, and will be directed by James Mangold.