I'm not going to just give a play by play synopsis of the plot because its been posted already by Fox no less! As well as by a lot of people that have watched the leaked version. Im just going to tell you whats good and whats bad about it and let you make up your own mind. Although there may be some spoilers..if they can be called that at this stage!
The first hour or so of this movie is actually quite brilliant, and as i was watching it i found myself wondering what the hell people were moaning about! Unfortunately by the end i understood. The ending wasnt awful, but just such a dissapointment because of the good work leading up to it. This isnt even really due to the much criticised liberties that were taken with the source material..although they didnt help! But my real problem was with the cliched and at times downright awful script. Its not all bad, but theres just too many.."Im so cold" as a character is dying..and "I would kill you, but then id be just as bad as you" moments. You would think Gavin Hood and his script writers had never watched a movie. Its also quite repetative. I lost count of how many times someone talks about taking someone elses head of. And if they're not saying it then they're typing it into a control panel! And Silver Fox tells Logan hes not an animal about 5 times too. These lazy choices dont ruin the movie, but i just feel if they had of taken the time to think out more original material that it would have greatly improved the movie overall.
The performances range from solid to great. Hugh Jackman is once again amazing as Wolverine..but matching him beat by beat is Liev Schrieber as Victor Creed. They succeed in bringing these iconic characters to life brilliantly. Schreiber bringing real menace and ferocity to the psychotic Creed. Ryan Reynolds makes a great Wade Wilson, if only he had more screen time. Taylor Kitch is meh as Gambit. When we first see him at the poker table he appears as cool as he should be..but this quickly fades, with his accent! Danny Huston makes a smarmy but never really threatening Stryker. Lynn Collins is very good as Silver Fox, although she is served up the biggest clunkers of dialogue. Kevin Durand was a decent Blob..i guess! Who cares? His only purpose in the movie was to have a silly 3 stooges style boxing match with Logan. William(add dots as appropriate) is surprisingly effective as Wraith..but again, serious lack of development. Dom Monaghan plays a new character called Bolt(not beak as was thought) and is great in a very small role.Its really Schrieber and Jackmans movies, and they carry it superbly. There fight scenes (although too short) are the best thing about this.
The fan bashed decision to make "The merc with a mouth" a remote controlled, Barraka bladed zombie..WITHOUT A MOUTH! is the worst thing about this. Not even taking into account how much they pissed all over the Deadpool character, its still a rubbish villain and comes across more like an end of level boss in a computer game. This is another reason the ending is so disappointing. Also, Wolvie and Creed teaming up just doesnt feel right after everything thats happened between them.
I really enjoyed the movie, despite its failings. Sure as a faithful adaptation it leaves a lot to be desired, and even as a movie it could have been better..but i really think that many people will get a lot out of it. Im as harsh a critic as anyone on here, and i had a great time at the cinema tonight.