Though there's nothing official from the actual movie, two websites promoting Bryan Singer's next X-flick have launched. One is a Tumblr page seeking to unite the world's genetically gifted, and the other is a more militant site, aiming to expose the anti-mutant population.
In some very early viral promotion for X-Men: Apocalypse, two Tumblr pages have launched. The first is Tandem Initiative: A page seeking to unite mutants (or "genetically gifted" as they're referred to here) the world over. You can join up, load a picture, tell your story and also check out some images of others displaying their powers. The other is M-Underground: This page exists to "expose those who wish to create a rift between humans and the genetically gifted." There are images, reports and videos highlighting the various ways in which mutants have been made out to appear as a threat to humanity. Oh, and it seems JFK wasn't the only mutant in the Kennedy family! Below are some highlights but be sure to visit and take a look for yourselves.
UPDATE: So word is that these sites are actually to promote the X-Men: Days Of Future Past Blu-ray release, and not the next movie, Apocalypse. Either way, doesn't alter the message or the content
Starring Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence (among others), X-Men: Apocalypse will be directed by Bryan Singer and is set for release May 27, 2016.