According to Radar online, they've got some tid bits on how the first couple of scenes in X-Men: Days of Future Past will play out.
UPDATE: Sorry everybody! Fox has sent us a take down request (so this bit of script must be legit). We cannot have actual lines from the script or they can claim piracy. What we can do is describe it in our own words. So, basically Warpath and Blink are in Moscow where everything is in smoking ruins. They become aware of an unseen enemy and teleport to what looks to be a huge bomb shelter full of mutant refugees. It is clear that the unseen enemy is still tracking them and will be there shortly to dispatch the group. Within moments, the bunker starts to shudder and crumble.
Radar goes on to explain that their source was who was looking to sell it to a media publication. Whether it's legit or not, it definately sounds cool. What do you guys think? I'm personally pumped for DOFP, with it being my most anticipated CBM this year. Leave your thoughts down below.