WOLFS: George Clooney & Brad Pitt Team Up In New Trailer For SPIDER-MAN Director Jon Watts' Next Film

WOLFS: George Clooney & Brad Pitt Team Up In New Trailer For SPIDER-MAN Director Jon Watts' Next Film

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marvel72 - 10/11/2011, 5:23 AM
he'll be great as the villain,he was great in no country for old men.
hovis5818 - 10/11/2011, 5:24 AM
Interesting choice but I think he will kick ass as the villain, nice find!
blvdnoise - 10/11/2011, 5:41 AM
He should do just fine..
kurekurcubic - 10/11/2011, 5:44 AM
wouldnt it be great if he actually plays Chigurh in bond.or someone very similar to him.i guess i would just like to see some villain that is equall to bond
phoe1 - 10/11/2011, 5:52 AM
finally an IMPOSING bond villain. while i liked mads mikkelsen very much he wasnt a physical match for craig in any way. i know usually the bond villains use gadgets to gain the upper hand but its nice that for a change the baddie can also just have a punch out with bond - which would work nicely with the gritty atmosphere they are aiming for.

WorldsGreatestdetective - 10/11/2011, 6:17 AM
This movie is going to make up for Quantom of Solace with Javier Bardem as the villain and Sam mendes directing
MassExecutions - 10/11/2011, 6:23 AM
Such a good choice. I can't remember that last time I saw a pacifist hippy play such good villains. This will be awesome. Bring it.
jjmeylar - 10/11/2011, 6:36 AM
I'm not a HUGE Bond fan, but this is exciting.
Blagyver - 10/11/2011, 6:48 AM
hoodedjester - 10/11/2011, 7:26 AM
good news - just let them wrap up this whole secret organization thing
Canon108 - 10/11/2011, 7:34 AM
@ hoodedjester

Bond and Quantum in this franchise is like Bond and SPECTRE from the first few films...they wont be done with Quantum for a looonnnnggggg time. A multi-leveled terrorist organization that MI6 JUST found out about, Bond has barely scratched the surface of this thing and given the number of contacts Bond was able to round up at the opera and at the end of the last film, they're just getting started with this thing

Great casting news though, now all they have to do is sign Ralph Fiennes...
2cool4school - 10/11/2011, 7:52 AM
He looks like he could be Jaws!
australiancomicbookmoviefan - 10/11/2011, 7:59 AM
if and when all confirmed, this has to be one of the biggest casted bond films of all, where most films are where actors get their start this one seems to be getting some fine veterans.
LucasMend - 10/11/2011, 8:33 AM
wow he as a villain? Gonna be [frick]ing awesome, I hope Ralph Fiennes is a villain on this too!
thatiscrazy - 10/11/2011, 2:30 PM
This movie is destined to not suck!
AsianVersionOfET - 10/11/2011, 2:59 PM
No Country For Old Men is in my top ten of all time. I am now even more excited for the next Bond...and I need a new pair of pants.
HAQ - 10/11/2011, 3:02 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they pull it off proper he'll be in the same league as Dr. No, Goldfinger, Blofeld etc. EPIC f*ckin' WIN 4 this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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