STOMP out Bullying is the leading anti-bullying/cyberbullying organization in the U.S. they have teamed up with MARVEL this October in order to promote their national Anti-Bullying month, as well as Blue Shirt Day.
According to Axel Alonso, Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics:
"The center of Marvel’s storytelling history is the eternal struggle between good and evil, with many of its greatest Super Heroes having to contend with -- and rise above -- bullying, in all its forms.' 'We are proud to join forces with STOMP Out Bullying on its important bullying prevention awareness mission. We hope that all our fans take a moment this month to educate themselves on the need to stop bullying among our youth by checking out the free resources STOMP Out Bullying has to offer.”
The Tittles with the variant covers are:
Hulk #7
Rocket Racoon #4
Guardians Of the Galaxy #20
Captain America #25
Legendary Star Lord #4
Not pictured here ,Inhumans # 7 and Avengers # 36
As aformentioned, Blue Shirt Day, since its inception in 2008, has been celebrated on the first monday of October in order to bring awareness about bullying and cyberbullying and the many of lives each event ruin and how it can be prevented or stopped.
All of these wonderful Variant covers will be available at your local comicbook shop.