If you were a fan of the Throne of Atlantis comics then this movie's made for you. Plain and simple. It fits the major pieces of Geoff Johns' arc in while subverting bits of his canon, which came at a time when many felt he lost his 'Green Lantern' magic. In adding another chapter to the extensive and expansive DCU Animated catalog, it's also safe to say that where DC falls short (well, perceivedly) in live-action, they continue to make up for in spades in the animation realm.
The art of Ivan Reis and Paul Pelletier drew the vision of Johns so well and it's amazing to see how fluid and frantic the animation/fight scenes are. Not as gory as I expected which was a shock given how extreme
The Flashpoint Paradox was. As far as plot goes, it's a pretty simple and political take where Arthur Curry's worlds intertwine between Atlantis and the surface - which all dovetail from repercussions involving Darkseid's attack in the last movie. As far as forming a cohesive and continuing universe, this film is another neat step forward because as Atlantis is thrust via deceit into Ocean Master and Black Manta's war, we see more of the Justice League being fleshed out.
The voice-cast is unsurprisingly solid and the pace never lets up. The slow start (albeit a short mid-tempo jibe) is something to take note of though but it does add a subtle intensity in building characters such as Wonder Woman and Superman, which comic fans should love seeing, given the romantic factor being up-played. Same for Arthur and Mera as they embrace his destiny. The story does have its plot holes, too-convenient moments and suffers a time from being rushed, but it's a given as the writers shunt so much story into just over an hour. All in all, it's a decent step forward and with a very interesting after-credits, it leaves another animated novel wrapped with quite nicely, with intrigue. Evolution and progression.
RATING = 4/5