MTV are reporting that the rumor of a "Proof" animated series that has been doing the rounds has been confirmed as true. “Futurama” writer Evan Gore has been named as the potential writer for a pilot and comic book film veteran Samuel L. Jackson is rumored to star.
“Proof” writer, letterer and co-creator Alex Grecian said he was flattered when Kickstart Entertainment, known for bringing Mark Millar’s “Wanted” to the big screen, reached out to him after taking a look at he and co-creator Riley Rossmo’s work.
"I’ve read his treatment for the series and talked to [Gore] many times, both by phone and in person, and he’s extremely enthusiastic about ‘Proof,’ Grecian said.
Samuel L. Jackson is rumored to be voicing sasquatch “Proof” protagonist John Prufrock but nothing has been confirmed yet..
“I haven’t spoken personally to Sam Jackson, but I’m told that ‘Proof’ is one of his favorite comic book series ever and he’s excited to be involved,” Grecian said.
As far as the style of animation that might be used..
“I haven’t seen any art for the series yet, but I think it would be really hard to animate [Rossmo's] style. [Rossmo's] character designs are perfect and I’m hoping they stick pretty close to those, but I’d look for the actual style of the show to be streamlined a bit.”
I have never read "Proof" but it sounds like a cool premise. Lets hope the series is a good one.